blob: c5b53a8f24c6c8274143605154e84117ed573c0d [file] [log] [blame]
#include "TQIODeviceTransport.h"
#include <transport/TBufferTransports.h>
#include <QAbstractSocket>
#include <iostream>
namespace apache { namespace thrift { namespace transport {
using boost::shared_ptr;
TQIODeviceTransport::TQIODeviceTransport(shared_ptr<QIODevice> dev)
: dev_(dev)
void TQIODeviceTransport::open()
if (!isOpen()) {
throw TTransportException(TTransportException::NOT_OPEN,
"open(): underlying QIODevice isn't open");
bool TQIODeviceTransport::isOpen()
return dev_->isOpen();
bool TQIODeviceTransport::peek()
return dev_->bytesAvailable() > 0;
void TQIODeviceTransport::close()
uint32_t TQIODeviceTransport::readAll(uint8_t* buf, uint32_t len) {
uint32_t requestLen = len;
while (len) {
uint32_t readSize;
try {
readSize = read(buf, len);
} catch (...) {
if (len != requestLen) {
// something read already
return requestLen - len;
// error but nothing read yet
if (readSize == 0) {
// dev_->waitForReadyRead(50);
} else {
buf += readSize;
len -= readSize;
return requestLen;
uint32_t TQIODeviceTransport::read(uint8_t* buf, uint32_t len)
uint32_t actualSize;
qint64 readSize;
if (!dev_->isOpen()) {
throw TTransportException(TTransportException::NOT_OPEN,
"read(): underlying QIODevice is not open");
actualSize = (uint32_t)std::min((qint64)len, dev_->bytesAvailable());
readSize = dev_->read(reinterpret_cast<char *>(buf), len);
if (readSize < 0) {
QAbstractSocket* socket;
if ((socket = qobject_cast<QAbstractSocket* >(dev_.get()))) {
throw TTransportException(TTransportException::UNKNOWN,
"Failed to read() from QAbstractSocket",
throw TTransportException(TTransportException::UNKNOWN,
"Failed to read from from QIODevice");
return (uint32_t)readSize;
void TQIODeviceTransport::write(const uint8_t* buf, uint32_t len)
while (len) {
uint32_t written = write_partial(buf, len);
len -= written;
// dev_->waitForBytesWritten(50);
uint32_t TQIODeviceTransport::write_partial(const uint8_t* buf, uint32_t len)
qint64 written;
if (!dev_->isOpen()) {
throw TTransportException(TTransportException::NOT_OPEN,
"write_partial(): underlying QIODevice is not open");
written = dev_->write(reinterpret_cast<const char*>(buf), len);
if (written < 0) {
QAbstractSocket* socket;
if ((socket = qobject_cast<QAbstractSocket*>(dev_.get()))) {
throw TTransportException(TTransportException::UNKNOWN,
"write_partial(): failed to write to QAbstractSocket", socket->error());
throw TTransportException(TTransportException::UNKNOWN,
"write_partial(): failed to write to underlying QIODevice");
return (uint32_t)written;
void TQIODeviceTransport::flush()
if (!dev_->isOpen()) {
throw TTransportException(TTransportException::NOT_OPEN,
"flush(): underlying QIODevice is not open");
QAbstractSocket* socket;
if ((socket = qobject_cast<QAbstractSocket*>(dev_.get()))) {
} else {
uint8_t* TQIODeviceTransport::borrow(uint8_t* buf, uint32_t* len)
return NULL;
void TQIODeviceTransport::consume(uint32_t len)
throw TTransportException(TTransportException::UNKNOWN);
}}} // apache::thrift::transport