blob: 84d81e1b87e6c9981ec74138061183b1f9de0fb7 [file] [log] [blame]
%%% Copyright (c) 2007- Facebook
%%% Distributed under the Thrift Software License
%%% See accompanying file LICENSE or visit the Thrift site at:
-define(CLASS(Obj), element(1, Obj)).
-define(DEFINE_ATTR(Attr), attr(This, get, Attr, _Value) -> This#?MODULE.Attr;
attr(This, set, Attr, Value) -> This#?MODULE{Attr=Value}
%%% static: use only if you're sure This is class ?MODULE and not a super/subclass
-define(ATTR(Attr), This#?MODULE.Attr).
%%% convenience for implementing inspect/1
%%% e.g. -> "foo=5"
io_lib:write_atom(Attr) ++ "=" ++ io_lib:print(?ATTR(Attr))
attr(dummy, dummy, dummy, dummy) ->