blob: ca62c4ae25a22ad7b20e47c482be12df3c3e0cf8 [file] [log] [blame]
ghanshyame73744b2015-11-25 14:16:53 +09001#!/bin/bash
3# Use this script to use interfaces/files from tempest-lib.
4# Many files have been migrated to tempest-lib and tempest has
5# its own copy too.
6# This script helps to remove those from tempest and make use of tempest-lib.
7# It adds the change-id of each file on which they were migrated in lib.
8# This should only be done for files which were migrated to lib with
9# "Migrated" in commit message as done by tempest-lib/tools/ script.
10# "Migrated" keyword is used to fetch the migration commit history from lib.
11# To use:
12# 1. Create a new branch in the tempest repo so not to destroy your current
13# working branch
14# 2. Run the script from the repo dir and specify the file paths relative to
15# the root tempest dir(only code and unit tests):
17# tools/ tempest/ tempest/
20function usage {
21 echo "Usage: $0 [OPTION] file1 file2 .."
22 echo "Use files from tempest-lib"
23 echo -e "Input files should be tempest files with path. \n Example- tempest/ tempest/ .."
24 echo ""
25 echo "-s, --service_client Specify if files are service clients."
26 echo "-u, --tempest_lib_git_url Specify the repo to clone tempest-lib from."
29function check_all_files_valid {
30 failed=0
31 for file in $files; do
32 # Get the latest change-id for each file
33 latest_commit_id=`git log -n1 -- $file | grep "^commit" | awk '{print $2}'`
34 cd $tmpdir
35 filename=`basename $file`
36 lib_path=`find ./ -name $filename`
37 if [ -z $lib_path ]; then
38 echo "ERROR: $filename does not exist in tempest-lib."
39 failed=$(( failed + 1))
40 cd - > /dev/null
41 continue
42 fi
43 # Get the CHANGE_ID of tempest-lib patch where file was migrated
44 migration_change_id=`git log -n1 --grep "Migrated" -- $lib_path | grep "Change-Id: " | awk '{print $2}'`
45 MIGRATION_IDS=`echo -e "$MIGRATION_IDS\n * $filename: $migration_change_id"`
46 # Get tempest CHANGE_ID of file which was migrated to lib
47 migrated_change_id=`git log -n1 --grep "Migrated" -- $lib_path | grep "* $filename"`
48 migrated_change_id=${migrated_change_id#*:}
49 cd - > /dev/null
50 # Get the commit-id of tempest which was migrated to tempest-lib
51 migrated_commit_id=`git log --grep "$migrated_change_id" -- $file | grep "^commit" | awk '{print $2}'`
52 DIFF=$(git diff $latest_commit_id $migrated_commit_id $file)
53 if [ "$DIFF" != "" ]; then
54 echo "ERROR: $filename in tempest has been updated after migration to tempest-lib. First sync the file to tempest-lib."
55 failed=$(( failed + 1))
56 fi
57 done
58 if [[ $failed -gt 0 ]]; then
59 echo "$failed files had issues"
60 exit $failed
61 fi
64set -e
69while [ $# -gt 0 ]; do
70 case "$1" in
71 -h|--help) usage; exit;;
72 -u|--tempest_lib_git_url) tempest_lib_git_url="$2"; shift;;
73 -s|--service_client) service_client=1;;
74 *) files="$files $1";;
75 esac
76 shift
79if [ -z "$files" ]; then
80 usage; exit
85tmpdir=$(mktemp -d -t use-tempest-lib.XXXX)
87# Clone tempest-lib
88git clone $TEMPEST_LIB_GIT_URL $tmpdir
90# Checks all provided files are present in lib and
91# not updated in tempest after migration to lib.
94for file in $files; do
95 rm -f $file
96 tempest_dir=`pwd`
97 tempest_dir="$tempest_dir/tempest/"
98 tempest_dirname=`dirname $file`
99 lib_dirname=`echo $tempest_dirname | sed s@tempest\/@tempest_lib/\@`
100 # Convert tempest dirname to import string
101 tempest_import="${tempest_dirname//\//.}"
102 tempest_import=${tempest_import:2:${#tempest_import}}
103 if [ $service_client -eq 1 ]; then
104 # Remove /json path because tempest-lib supports JSON only without XML
105 lib_dirname=`echo $lib_dirname | sed s@\/json@@`
106 fi
107 # Convert tempest-lib dirname to import string
108 tempest_lib_import="${lib_dirname//\//.}"
109 tempest_lib_import=${tempest_lib_import:2:${#tempest_lib_import}}
110 module_name=`basename $file .py`
111 tempest_import1="from $tempest_import.$module_name"
112 tempest_lib_import1="from $tempest_lib_import.$module_name"
113 tempest_import2="from $tempest_import import $module_name"
114 tempest_lib_import2="from $tempest_lib_import import $module_name"
115 set +e
116 grep -rl "$tempest_import1" $tempest_dir | xargs sed -i'' s/"$tempest_import1"/"$tempest_lib_import1"/g 2> /dev/null
117 grep -rl "$tempest_import2" $tempest_dir | xargs sed -i'' s/"$tempest_import2"/"$tempest_lib_import2"/g 2> /dev/null
118 set -e
119 if [[ -z "$file_list" ]]; then
120 file_list="$module_name"
121 else
122 tmp_file_list="$file_list, $module_name"
123 char_size=`echo $tmp_file_list | wc -c`
124 if [ $char_size -lt 27 ]; then
125 file_list="$file_list, $module_name"
126 fi
127 fi
130rm -rf $tmpdir
131echo "Completed. Run pep8 and fix error if any"
133git add -A tempest/
134# Generate a migration commit
135commit_message="Use $file_list from tempest-lib"
136pre_list=$"The files below have been migrated to tempest-lib\n"
137pre_list=`echo -e $pre_list`
138post_list=$"Now Tempest-lib provides those as stable interfaces. So Tempest should\nstart using those from lib and remove its own copy."
139post_list=`echo -e $post_list`
141git commit -m "$commit_message" -m "$pre_list" -m "$MIGRATION_IDS" -m "$post_list"