blob: 688baf5731b1698f69e3e77d29e062885cb1bdfc [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright 2013 Huawei Technologies Co.,LTD
# All Rights Reserved.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
# a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
from testtools import matchers
from tempest.api.volume import base
from tempest import config
from tempest import test
CONF = config.CONF
class SnapshotV2MetadataTestJSON(base.BaseVolumeTest):
def skip_checks(cls):
super(SnapshotV2MetadataTestJSON, cls).skip_checks()
if not CONF.volume_feature_enabled.snapshot:
raise cls.skipException("Cinder snapshot feature disabled")
def setup_clients(cls):
super(SnapshotV2MetadataTestJSON, cls).setup_clients()
cls.client = cls.snapshots_client
def resource_setup(cls):
super(SnapshotV2MetadataTestJSON, cls).resource_setup()
# Create a volume
cls.volume = cls.create_volume()
# Create a snapshot
cls.snapshot = cls.create_snapshot(volume_id=cls.volume['id'])
cls.snapshot_id = cls.snapshot['id']
def tearDown(self):
# Update the metadata to {}
self.client.update_snapshot_metadata(self.snapshot_id, metadata={})
super(SnapshotV2MetadataTestJSON, self).tearDown()
def test_create_get_delete_snapshot_metadata(self):
# Create metadata for the snapshot
metadata = {"key1": "value1",
"key2": "value2",
"key3": "value3"}
expected = {"key2": "value2",
"key3": "value3"}
body = self.client.create_snapshot_metadata(
self.snapshot_id, metadata)['metadata']
# Get the metadata of the snapshot
body = self.client.show_snapshot_metadata(
self.assertThat(body.items(), matchers.ContainsAll(metadata.items()))
# Delete one item metadata of the snapshot
self.snapshot_id, "key1")
body = self.client.show_snapshot_metadata(
self.assertThat(body.items(), matchers.ContainsAll(expected.items()))
self.assertNotIn("key1", body)
def test_update_snapshot_metadata(self):
# Update metadata for the snapshot
metadata = {"key1": "value1",
"key2": "value2",
"key3": "value3"}
update = {"key3": "value3_update",
"key4": "value4"}
# Create metadata for the snapshot
body = self.client.create_snapshot_metadata(
self.snapshot_id, metadata)['metadata']
# Get the metadata of the snapshot
body = self.client.show_snapshot_metadata(
self.assertThat(body.items(), matchers.ContainsAll(metadata.items()))
# Update metadata item
body = self.client.update_snapshot_metadata(
self.snapshot_id, metadata=update)['metadata']
# Get the metadata of the snapshot
body = self.client.show_snapshot_metadata(
self.assertEqual(update, body)
def test_update_snapshot_metadata_item(self):
# Update metadata item for the snapshot
metadata = {"key1": "value1",
"key2": "value2",
"key3": "value3"}
update_item = {"key3": "value3_update"}
expect = {"key1": "value1",
"key2": "value2",
"key3": "value3_update"}
# Create metadata for the snapshot
body = self.client.create_snapshot_metadata(
self.snapshot_id, metadata)['metadata']
# Get the metadata of the snapshot
body = self.client.show_snapshot_metadata(
self.assertThat(body.items(), matchers.ContainsAll(metadata.items()))
# Update metadata item
body = self.client.update_snapshot_metadata_item(
self.snapshot_id, "key3", meta=update_item)['meta']
# Get the metadata of the snapshot
body = self.client.show_snapshot_metadata(
self.assertThat(body.items(), matchers.ContainsAll(expect.items()))
class SnapshotV1MetadataTestJSON(SnapshotV2MetadataTestJSON):
_api_version = 1