blob: 053c36e0df41d9fc5c63bfb2a87bdd378208249c [file] [log] [blame]
# This section contains configuration options that a variety of Tempest
# test clients use when authenticating with different user/tenant
# combinations
# The type of endpoint for a Identity service. Unless you have a
# custom Keystone service catalog implementation, you probably want to leave
# this value as "identity"
catalog_type = identity
# Set to True if your test environment's Keystone authentication service should
# be accessed over HTTPS
use_ssl = False
# This is the main host address of the authentication service API
host =
# Port that the authentication service API is running on
port = 5000
# Version of the authentication service API (a string)
api_version = v2.0
# Path to the authentication service tokens resource (do not modify unless you
# have a custom authentication API and are not using Keystone)
path = tokens
# Should typically be left as keystone unless you have a non-Keystone
# authentication API service
strategy = keystone
# This section contains configuration options used when executing tests
# against the OpenStack Compute API.
# Allows test cases to create/destroy tenants and users. This option
# enables isolated test cases and better parallel execution,
# but also requires that OpenStack Identity API admin credentials
# are known.
allow_tenant_isolation = true
# Allows test cases to create/destroy tenants and users. This option
# enables isolated test cases and better parallel execution,
# but also requires that OpenStack Identity API admin credentials
# are known.
allow_tenant_reuse = true
# This should be the username of a user WITHOUT administrative privileges
username = demo
# The above non-administrative user's password
password = pass
# The above non-administrative user's tenant name
tenant_name = demo
# This should be the username of an alternate user WITHOUT
# administrative privileges
alt_username = alt_demo
# The above non-administrative user's password
alt_password = pass
# The above non-administrative user's tenant name
alt_tenant_name = alt_demo
# Reference data for tests. The ref and ref_alt should be
# distinct images/flavors.
image_ref = {$IMAGE_ID}
image_ref_alt = {$IMAGE_ID_ALT}
flavor_ref = 1
flavor_ref_alt = 2
# Number of seconds to wait while looping to check the status of an
# instance that is building.
build_interval = 10
# Number of seconds to time out on waiting for an instance
# to build or reach an expected status
build_timeout = 600
# Run additional tests that use SSH for instance validation?
# This requires the instances be routable from the host
# executing the tests
run_ssh = false
# Name of a user used to authenticated to an instance
ssh_user = {$SSH_USER}
# Network id used for SSH (public, private, etc)
network_for_ssh = {$SSH_NETWORK}
# IP version of the address used for SSH
ip_version_for_ssh = {$SSH_IP_VERSION}
# Number of seconds to wait to authenticate to an instance
ssh_timeout = 300
# The type of endpoint for a Compute API service. Unless you have a
# custom Keystone service catalog implementation, you probably want to leave
# this value as "compute"
catalog_type = compute
# Does the Compute API support creation of images?
create_image_enabled = true
# For resize to work with libvirt/kvm, one of the following must be true:
# Single node: allow_resize_to_same_host=True must be set in nova.conf
# Cluster: the 'nova' user must have scp access between cluster nodes
resize_available = true
# Does the compute API support changing the admin password?
# Level to log Compute API request/response details.
log_level = ERROR
# Whitebox options for compute. Whitebox options enable the
# whitebox test cases, which look at internal Nova database state,
# SSH into VMs to check instance state, etc.
# Should we run whitebox tests for Compute?
whitebox_enabled = true
# Path of nova source directory
source_dir = /opt/stack/nova
# Path of nova configuration file
config_path = /etc/nova/nova.conf
# Directory containing nova binaries such as nova-manage
bin_dir = /usr/local/bin
# Path to a private key file for SSH access to remote hosts
path_to_private_key = /home/user/.ssh/id_rsa
# Connection string to the database of Compute service
db_uri = mysql://user:pass@localhost/nova
# Run live migration tests (requires 2 hosts)
live_migration_available = false
# Use block live migration (Otherwise, non-block migration will be
# performed, which requires XenServer pools in case of using XS)
use_block_migration_for_live_migration = false
# This section contains configuration options used when executing tests
# against the OpenStack Images API
# The type of endpoint for an Image API service. Unless you have a
# custom Keystone service catalog implementation, you probably want to leave
# this value as "image"
catalog_type = image
# The version of the OpenStack Images API to use
api_version = 1
# This is the main host address of the Image API
host =
# Port that the Image API is running on
port = 9292
# This should be the username of a user WITHOUT administrative privileges
username = demo
# The above non-administrative user's password
password = pass
# The above non-administrative user's tenant name
tenant_name = demo
# This section contains configuration options for an administrative
# user of the Compute API. These options are used in tests that stress
# the admin-only parts of the Compute API
# This should be the username of a user WITH administrative privileges
username = admin
# The above administrative user's password
password = pass
# The above administrative user's tenant name
tenant_name = admin
# This section contains configuration options used when executing tests
# against the OpenStack Network API.
# Version of the Quantum API
api_version = v1.1
# Catalog type of the Quantum Service
catalog_type = network
# This section contains configuration options for an administrative
# user of the Compute API. These options are used in tests that stress
# the admin-only parts of the Compute API
# This should be the username of a user WITH administrative privileges
username = admin
# The above administrative user's password
password = pass
# The above administrative user's tenant name
tenant_name = admin
# This section contains the configuration options used when executng tests
# against the OpenStack Block Storage API service
# The type of endpoint for a Cinder or Block Storage API service.
# Unless you have a custom Keystone service catalog implementation, you
# probably want to leave this value as "volume"
catalog_type = volume
# Number of seconds to wait while looping to check the status of a
# volume that is being made available
build_interval = 10
# Number of seconds to time out on waiting for a volume
# to be available or reach an expected status
build_timeout = 300
# This section contains configuration options used when executing tests
# against the OpenStack Object Storage API.
# This should be the username of a user WITHOUT administrative privileges
username = admin
# The above non-administrative user's password
password = password
# The above non-administrative user's tenant name
tenant_name = admin
# The type of endpoint for an Object Storage API service. Unless you have a
# custom Keystone service catalog implementation, you probably want to leave
# this value as "object-store"
catalog_type = object-store
# This section contains configuration options used when executing tests
# with boto.
ec2_url = http://localhost:8773/services/Cloud
# S3 URL
s3_url = http://localhost:3333
# Use keystone ec2-* command to get those values for your test user and tenant
aws_access =
aws_secret =
aws_region = RegionOne
#Image materials for S3 upload
# ALL content of the specified directory will be uploaded to S3
s3_materials_path = /opt/stack/devstack/files/images/s3-materials/cirros-0.3.0
# The manifest.xml files, must be in the s3_materials_path directory
# Subdirectories not allowed!
# The filenames will be used as a Keys in the S3 Buckets
#ARI Ramdisk manifest. Must be in the above s3_materials_path
ari_manifest = cirros-0.3.0-x86_64-initrd.manifest.xml
#AMI Machine Image manifest. Must be in the above s3_materials_path
ami_manifest = cirros-0.3.0-x86_64-blank.img.manifest.xml
#AKI Kernel Image manifest, Must be in the above s3_materials_path
aki_manifest = cirros-0.3.0-x86_64-vmlinuz.manifest.xml
#Instance type
instance_type = m1.tiny
#TCP/IP connection timeout
http_socket_timeout = 5
# Status change wait timout
build_timeout = 120
# Status change wait interval
build_interval = 1