| HeatTemplateFormatVersion: '2012-12-12' |
| Description: | |
| Template which tests autoscaling and load balancing |
| Parameters: |
| KeyName: |
| Type: String |
| InstanceType: |
| Type: String |
| ImageId: |
| Type: String |
| Subnet: |
| Type: String |
| StackStart: |
| Description: Epoch seconds when the stack was launched |
| Type: Number |
| ConsumeStartSeconds: |
| Description: Seconds after invocation when memory should be consumed |
| Type: Number |
| Default: '60' |
| ConsumeStopSeconds: |
| Description: Seconds after StackStart when memory should be released |
| Type: Number |
| Default: '420' |
| ScaleUpThreshold: |
| Description: Memory percentage threshold to scale up on |
| Type: String |
| Default: '70' |
| ScaleDownThreshold: |
| Description: Memory percentage threshold to scale down on |
| Type: String |
| Default: '60' |
| ConsumeMemoryLimit: |
| Description: Memory percentage threshold to consume |
| Type: Number |
| Default: '71' |
| Resources: |
| SmokeServerGroup: |
| Type: AWS::AutoScaling::AutoScalingGroup |
| Properties: |
| AvailabilityZones: {'Fn::GetAZs': ''} |
| LaunchConfigurationName: {Ref: LaunchConfig} |
| MinSize: '1' |
| MaxSize: '3' |
| VPCZoneIdentifier: [{Ref: Subnet}] |
| SmokeServerScaleUpPolicy: |
| Type: AWS::AutoScaling::ScalingPolicy |
| Properties: |
| AdjustmentType: ChangeInCapacity |
| AutoScalingGroupName: {Ref: SmokeServerGroup} |
| Cooldown: '60' |
| ScalingAdjustment: '1' |
| SmokeServerScaleDownPolicy: |
| Type: AWS::AutoScaling::ScalingPolicy |
| Properties: |
| AdjustmentType: ChangeInCapacity |
| AutoScalingGroupName: {Ref: SmokeServerGroup} |
| Cooldown: '60' |
| ScalingAdjustment: '-1' |
| MEMAlarmHigh: |
| Type: AWS::CloudWatch::Alarm |
| Properties: |
| AlarmDescription: Scale-up if MEM > ScaleUpThreshold% for 10 seconds |
| MetricName: MemoryUtilization |
| Namespace: system/linux |
| Statistic: Average |
| Period: '10' |
| EvaluationPeriods: '1' |
| Threshold: {Ref: ScaleUpThreshold} |
| AlarmActions: [{Ref: SmokeServerScaleUpPolicy}] |
| Dimensions: |
| - Name: AutoScalingGroupName |
| Value: {Ref: SmokeServerGroup} |
| ComparisonOperator: GreaterThanThreshold |
| MEMAlarmLow: |
| Type: AWS::CloudWatch::Alarm |
| Properties: |
| AlarmDescription: Scale-down if MEM < ScaleDownThreshold% for 10 seconds |
| MetricName: MemoryUtilization |
| Namespace: system/linux |
| Statistic: Average |
| Period: '10' |
| EvaluationPeriods: '1' |
| Threshold: {Ref: ScaleDownThreshold} |
| AlarmActions: [{Ref: SmokeServerScaleDownPolicy}] |
| Dimensions: |
| - Name: AutoScalingGroupName |
| Value: {Ref: SmokeServerGroup} |
| ComparisonOperator: LessThanThreshold |
| CfnUser: |
| Type: AWS::IAM::User |
| SmokeKeys: |
| Type: AWS::IAM::AccessKey |
| Properties: |
| UserName: {Ref: CfnUser} |
| SmokeSecurityGroup: |
| Type: AWS::EC2::SecurityGroup |
| Properties: |
| GroupDescription: Standard firewall rules |
| SecurityGroupIngress: |
| - {IpProtocol: tcp, FromPort: '22', ToPort: '22', CidrIp:} |
| - {IpProtocol: tcp, FromPort: '80', ToPort: '80', CidrIp:} |
| LaunchConfig: |
| Type: AWS::AutoScaling::LaunchConfiguration |
| Metadata: |
| AWS::CloudFormation::Init: |
| config: |
| files: |
| /etc/cfn/cfn-credentials: |
| content: |
| Fn::Replace: |
| - $AWSAccessKeyId: {Ref: SmokeKeys} |
| $AWSSecretKey: {'Fn::GetAtt': [SmokeKeys, SecretAccessKey]} |
| - | |
| AWSAccessKeyId=$AWSAccessKeyId |
| AWSSecretKey=$AWSSecretKey |
| mode: '000400' |
| owner: root |
| group: root |
| /root/watch_loop: |
| content: |
| Fn::Replace: |
| - _hi_: {Ref: MEMAlarmHigh} |
| _lo_: {Ref: MEMAlarmLow} |
| - | |
| #!/bin/bash |
| while : |
| do |
| /opt/aws/bin/cfn-push-stats --watch _hi_ --mem-util |
| /opt/aws/bin/cfn-push-stats --watch _lo_ --mem-util |
| sleep 4 |
| done |
| mode: '000700' |
| owner: root |
| group: root |
| /root/consume_memory: |
| content: |
| Fn::Replace: |
| - StackStart: {Ref: StackStart} |
| ConsumeStopSeconds: {Ref: ConsumeStopSeconds} |
| ConsumeStartSeconds: {Ref: ConsumeStartSeconds} |
| ConsumeMemoryLimit: {Ref: ConsumeMemoryLimit} |
| - | |
| #!/usr/bin/env python |
| import psutil |
| import time |
| import datetime |
| import sys |
| a = [] |
| sleep_until_consume = ConsumeStartSeconds |
| stack_start = StackStart |
| consume_stop_time = stack_start + ConsumeStopSeconds |
| memory_limit = ConsumeMemoryLimit |
| if sleep_until_consume > 0: |
| sys.stdout.flush() |
| time.sleep(sleep_until_consume) |
| while psutil.virtual_memory().percent < memory_limit: |
| sys.stdout.flush() |
| a.append(' ' * 10**5) |
| time.sleep(0.1) |
| sleep_until_exit = consume_stop_time - time.time() |
| if sleep_until_exit > 0: |
| time.sleep(sleep_until_exit) |
| mode: '000700' |
| owner: root |
| group: root |
| Properties: |
| ImageId: {Ref: ImageId} |
| InstanceType: {Ref: InstanceType} |
| KeyName: {Ref: KeyName} |
| SecurityGroups: [{Ref: SmokeSecurityGroup}] |
| UserData: |
| Fn::Base64: |
| Fn::Replace: |
| - ConsumeStopSeconds: {Ref: ConsumeStopSeconds} |
| ConsumeStartSeconds: {Ref: ConsumeStartSeconds} |
| ConsumeMemoryLimit: {Ref: ConsumeMemoryLimit} |
| - | |
| #!/bin/bash -v |
| /opt/aws/bin/cfn-init |
| # report on memory consumption every 4 seconds |
| /root/watch_loop & |
| # wait ConsumeStartSeconds then ramp up memory consumption |
| # until it is over ConsumeMemoryLimit% |
| # then exits ConsumeStopSeconds seconds after stack launch |
| /root/consume_memory > /root/consume_memory.log & |