blob: e8eb45c46a80131549490a8a896682979f329fa1 [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright 2014 Red Hat
# Author: Chris Dent <>
# All Rights Reserved.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
# a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
from tempest import config
from tempest.openstack.common import log as logging
from tempest.scenario import manager
from tempest import test
CONF = config.CONF
LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__)
# Loop for up to 120 seconds waiting on notifications
# NOTE(chdent): The choice of 120 seconds is fairly
# arbitrary: Long enough to give the notifications the
# chance to travel across a highly latent bus but not
# so long as to allow excessive latency to never be visible.
# TODO(chdent): Ideally this value would come from configuration.
class TestSwiftTelemetry(manager.SwiftScenarioTest):
Test that swift uses the ceilometer middleware.
* create container.
* upload a file to the created container.
* retrieve the file from the created container.
* wait for notifications from ceilometer.
def resource_setup(cls):
if not CONF.service_available.ceilometer:
skip_msg = ("%s skipped as ceilometer is not available" %
raise cls.skipException(skip_msg)
elif CONF.telemetry.too_slow_to_test:
skip_msg = "Ceilometer feature for fast work mysql is disabled"
raise cls.skipException(skip_msg)
super(TestSwiftTelemetry, cls).resource_setup()
cls.telemetry_client = cls.manager.telemetry_client
def _confirm_notifications(self, container_name, obj_name):
Loop seeking for appropriate notifications about the containers
and objects sent to swift.
def _check_samples():
Return True only if we have notifications about some
containers and some objects and the notifications are about
the expected containers and objects.
Otherwise returning False will case _check_samples to be
called again.
_, results = self.telemetry_client.list_samples(
LOG.debug('got samples %s', results)
# Extract container info from samples.
containers = [sample['resource_metadata']['container']
for sample in results
if sample['resource_metadata']['container']
!= 'None']
# Extract object info from samples.
objects = [sample['resource_metadata']['object']
for sample in results
if sample['resource_metadata']['object'] != 'None']
return (containers
and objects
and container_name in containers
and obj_name in objects)
'Correct notifications were not received after '
'%s seconds.' % NOTIFICATIONS_WAIT)'object_storage', 'telemetry')
def test_swift_middleware_notifies(self):
container_name = self.create_container()
obj_name, _ = self.upload_object_to_container(container_name)
self._confirm_notifications(container_name, obj_name)