blob: ab1b49a77d92c1a0032ce8a8a7f320b996971bb4 [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright 2013 IBM Corp.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
# a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
from tempest.api.compute import base
from tempest.common import waiters
from tempest import config
from tempest.lib.common.utils import data_utils
from tempest.lib import decorators
from tempest.lib import exceptions as lib_exc
CONF = config.CONF
class ServersAdminTestJSON(base.BaseV2ComputeAdminTest):
"""Tests Servers API using admin privileges"""
def setup_clients(cls):
super(ServersAdminTestJSON, cls).setup_clients()
cls.client = cls.os_admin.servers_client
cls.non_admin_client = cls.servers_client
def resource_setup(cls):
super(ServersAdminTestJSON, cls).resource_setup()
cls.s1_name = data_utils.rand_name(cls.__name__ + '-server')
server = cls.create_test_server(name=cls.s1_name)
cls.s1_id = server['id']
cls.s2_name = data_utils.rand_name(cls.__name__ + '-server')
server = cls.create_test_server(name=cls.s2_name,
cls.s2_id = server['id']
cls.s1_id, 'ACTIVE')
def test_list_servers_filter_by_error_status(self):
"""Test filtering the list of servers by server error status"""
params = {'status': 'error'}
self.client.reset_state(self.s1_id, state='error')
body = self.non_admin_client.list_servers(**params)
# Reset server's state to 'active'
self.client.reset_state(self.s1_id, state='active')
# Verify server's state
server = self.client.show_server(self.s1_id)['server']
self.assertEqual(server['status'], 'ACTIVE')
servers = body['servers']
# Verify error server in list result
self.assertIn(self.s1_id, map(lambda x: x['id'], servers))
self.assertNotIn(self.s2_id, map(lambda x: x['id'], servers))
def test_list_servers_detailed_filter_by_invalid_status(self):
"""Test filtering the list of servers by invalid server status"""
params = {'status': 'invalid_status'}
if self.is_requested_microversion_compatible('2.37'):
body = self.client.list_servers(detail=True, **params)
servers = body['servers']
self.assertRaises(lib_exc.BadRequest, self.client.list_servers,
detail=True, **params)
def test_list_servers_by_admin(self):
"""Test listing servers by admin without other projects
Listing servers by admin user returns a list which doesn't
contain the other projects' server by default.
body = self.client.list_servers(detail=True)
servers = body['servers']
# This case is for the test environments which contain
# the existing servers before testing
servers_name = [server['name'] for server in servers]
self.assertNotIn(self.s1_name, servers_name)
self.assertNotIn(self.s2_name, servers_name)
def test_list_servers_by_admin_with_all_tenants(self):
"""Test listing servers by admin with all tenants
Listing servers by admin user with all tenants parameter,
all servers should be listed.
params = {'all_tenants': ''}
body = self.client.list_servers(detail=True, **params)
servers = body['servers']
servers_name = [server['name'] for server in servers]
self.assertIn(self.s1_name, servers_name)
self.assertIn(self.s2_name, servers_name)
def test_list_servers_by_admin_with_specified_tenant(self):
"""Test listing servers by admin with specified project
In nova v2, tenant_id is ignored unless all_tenants is specified.
# List the primary tenant but get nothing due to odd specified behavior
tenant_id = self.non_admin_client.tenant_id
params = {'tenant_id': tenant_id}
body = self.client.list_servers(detail=True, **params)
servers = body['servers']
servers_name = [x['name'] for x in servers]
self.assertNotIn(self.s1_name, servers_name)
self.assertNotIn(self.s2_name, servers_name)
# List the primary tenant with all_tenants is specified
params = {'all_tenants': '', 'tenant_id': tenant_id}
body = self.client.list_servers(detail=True, **params)
servers = body['servers']
servers_name = [x['name'] for x in servers]
self.assertIn(self.s1_name, servers_name)
self.assertIn(self.s2_name, servers_name)
# List the admin tenant shouldn't get servers created by other tenants
admin_tenant_id = self.client.tenant_id
params = {'all_tenants': '', 'tenant_id': admin_tenant_id}
body = self.client.list_servers(detail=True, **params)
servers = body['servers']
servers_name = [x['name'] for x in servers]
self.assertNotIn(self.s1_name, servers_name)
self.assertNotIn(self.s2_name, servers_name)
def test_list_servers_filter_by_exist_host(self):
"""Test filtering the list of servers by existent host"""
server = self.client.show_server(self.s1_id)['server']
hostname = server['OS-EXT-SRV-ATTR:host']
params = {'host': hostname, 'all_tenants': '1'}
servers = self.client.list_servers(**params)['servers']
self.assertIn(server['id'], map(lambda x: x['id'], servers))
nonexistent_params = {'host': 'nonexistent_host',
'all_tenants': '1'}
nonexistent_body = self.client.list_servers(**nonexistent_params)
nonexistent_servers = nonexistent_body['servers']
map(lambda x: x['id'], nonexistent_servers))
def test_reset_state_server(self):
"""Test resetting server state to error/active"""
# Reset server's state to 'error'
self.client.reset_state(self.s1_id, state='error')
# Verify server's state
server = self.client.show_server(self.s1_id)['server']
self.assertEqual(server['status'], 'ERROR')
# Reset server's state to 'active'
self.client.reset_state(self.s1_id, state='active')
# Verify server's state
server = self.client.show_server(self.s1_id)['server']
self.assertEqual(server['status'], 'ACTIVE')
def test_rebuild_server_in_error_state(self):
"""Test rebuilding server in error state
The server in error state should be rebuilt using the provided
image and changed to ACTIVE state.
# resetting vm state require admin privilege
self.client.reset_state(self.s1_id, state='error')
rebuilt_server = self.non_admin_client.rebuild_server(
self.s1_id, self.image_ref_alt)['server']
self.addCleanup(waiters.wait_for_server_status, self.non_admin_client,
self.s1_id, 'ACTIVE')
self.addCleanup(self.non_admin_client.rebuild_server, self.s1_id,
# Verify the properties in the initial response are correct
self.assertEqual(self.s1_id, rebuilt_server['id'])
rebuilt_image_id = rebuilt_server['image']['id']
self.assertEqual(self.image_ref_alt, rebuilt_image_id)
self.assert_flavor_equal(self.flavor_ref, rebuilt_server['flavor'])
rebuilt_server['id'], 'ACTIVE',
# Verify the server properties after rebuilding
server = (self.non_admin_client.show_server(rebuilt_server['id'])
rebuilt_image_id = server['image']['id']
self.assertEqual(self.image_ref_alt, rebuilt_image_id)
def test_reset_network_inject_network_info(self):
"""Test resetting and injecting network info of a server"""
if not CONF.compute_feature_enabled.xenapi_apis:
raise self.skipException(
'The resetNetwork server action is not supported.')
# Reset Network of a Server
server = self.create_test_server(wait_until='ACTIVE')
# Inject the Network Info into Server
def test_create_server_with_scheduling_hint(self):
"""Test creating server with scheduling hint"""
# Create a server with scheduler hints.
hints = {
'same_host': self.s1_id