blob: d7f4a48f352bf2dc19ab797878862ceae74d5d63 [file] [log] [blame]
from kong import exceptions
import httplib2
import os
import time
class Client(object):
USER_AGENT = 'python-nova_test_client'
def __init__(self, host='localhost', port=80, base_url=''):
#TODO: join these more robustly
self.base_url = "http://%s:%s/%s" % (host, port, base_url)
def poll_request(self, method, url, check_response, **kwargs):
timeout = kwargs.pop('timeout', 180)
interval = kwargs.pop('interval', 2)
# Start timestamp
start_ts = int(time.time())
while True:
resp, body = self.request(method, url, **kwargs)
if (check_response(resp, body)):
if (int(time.time()) - start_ts >= timeout):
raise exceptions.TimeoutException
def poll_request_status(self, method, url, status=200, **kwargs):
def check_response(resp, body):
return resp['status'] == str(status)
self.poll_request(method, url, check_response, **kwargs)
def request(self, method, url, **kwargs):
# Default to management_url, but can be overridden here
# (for auth requests)
base_url = kwargs.get('base_url', self.management_url)
self.http_obj = httplib2.Http()
params = {}
params['headers'] = {'User-Agent': self.USER_AGENT}
params['headers'].update(kwargs.get('headers', {}))
if 'Content-Type' not in params.get('headers',{}):
params['headers']['Content-Type'] = 'application/json'
if 'body' in kwargs:
params['body'] = kwargs.get('body')
req_url = os.path.join(base_url, url.strip('/'))
resp, body = self.http_obj.request(req_url, method, **params)
return resp, body