blob: bf44d11e3471b6865c536d7e3cfa2800c7a6a7b3 [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright 2014 Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P.
# All Rights Reserved.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
# a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
import copy
from tempest import auth
from tempest import exceptions
from import token_client as v2_client
from import token_client as v3_client
from tempest.tests import base
from tempest.tests import fake_identity
class CredentialsTests(base.TestCase):
attributes = {}
credentials_class = auth.Credentials
def _get_credentials(self, attributes=None):
if attributes is None:
attributes = self.attributes
return self.credentials_class(**attributes)
def _check(self, credentials, credentials_class, filled):
# Check the right version of credentials has been returned
self.assertIsInstance(credentials, credentials_class)
# Check the id attributes are filled in
attributes = [x for x in credentials.ATTRIBUTES if (
'_id' in x and x != 'domain_id')]
for attr in attributes:
if filled:
self.assertIsNotNone(getattr(credentials, attr))
self.assertIsNone(getattr(credentials, attr))
def test_create(self):
creds = self._get_credentials()
self.assertEqual(self.attributes, creds._initial)
def test_create_invalid_attr(self):
def test_is_valid(self):
creds = self._get_credentials()
self.assertRaises(NotImplementedError, creds.is_valid)
class KeystoneV2CredentialsTests(CredentialsTests):
attributes = {
'username': 'fake_username',
'password': 'fake_password',
'tenant_name': 'fake_tenant_name'
identity_response = fake_identity._fake_v2_response
credentials_class = auth.KeystoneV2Credentials
tokenclient_class = v2_client.TokenClientJSON
identity_version = 'v2'
def setUp(self):
super(KeystoneV2CredentialsTests, self).setUp()
self.stubs.Set(self.tokenclient_class, 'raw_request',
def _verify_credentials(self, credentials_class, creds_dict, filled=True):
creds = auth.get_credentials(fake_identity.FAKE_AUTH_URL,
self._check(creds, credentials_class, filled)
def test_get_credentials(self):
def test_get_credentials_not_filled(self):
def test_is_valid(self):
creds = self._get_credentials()
def _test_is_not_valid(self, ignore_key):
creds = self._get_credentials()
for attr in self.attributes.keys():
if attr == ignore_key:
temp_attr = getattr(creds, attr)
delattr(creds, attr)
"Credentials should be invalid without %s" % attr)
setattr(creds, attr, temp_attr)
def test_is_not_valid(self):
# NOTE(mtreinish): A KeystoneV2 credential object is valid without
# a tenant_name. So skip that check. See tempest.auth for the valid
# credential requirements
def test_reset_all_attributes(self):
creds = self._get_credentials()
initial_creds = copy.deepcopy(creds)
set_attr = creds.__dict__.keys()
missing_attr = set(creds.ATTRIBUTES).difference(set_attr)
# Set all unset attributes, then reset
for attr in missing_attr:
setattr(creds, attr, 'fake' + attr)
# Check reset credentials are same as initial ones
self.assertEqual(creds, initial_creds)
def test_reset_single_attribute(self):
creds = self._get_credentials()
initial_creds = copy.deepcopy(creds)
set_attr = creds.__dict__.keys()
missing_attr = set(creds.ATTRIBUTES).difference(set_attr)
# Set one unset attributes, then reset
for attr in missing_attr:
setattr(creds, attr, 'fake' + attr)
# Check reset credentials are same as initial ones
self.assertEqual(creds, initial_creds)
class KeystoneV3CredentialsTests(KeystoneV2CredentialsTests):
attributes = {
'username': 'fake_username',
'password': 'fake_password',
'project_name': 'fake_project_name',
'user_domain_name': 'fake_domain_name'
credentials_class = auth.KeystoneV3Credentials
identity_response = fake_identity._fake_v3_response
tokenclient_class = v3_client.V3TokenClientJSON
identity_version = 'v3'
def test_is_not_valid(self):
# NOTE(mtreinish) For a Keystone V3 credential object a project name
# is not required to be valid, so we skip that check. See tempest.auth
# for the valid credential requirements
def test_synced_attributes(self):
attributes = self.attributes
# Create V3 credentials with tenant instead of project, and user_domain
for attr in ['project_id', 'user_domain_id']:
attributes[attr] = 'fake_' + attr
creds = self._get_credentials(attributes)
self.assertEqual(creds.project_name, creds.tenant_name)
self.assertEqual(creds.project_id, creds.tenant_id)
self.assertEqual(creds.user_domain_name, creds.project_domain_name)
self.assertEqual(creds.user_domain_id, creds.project_domain_id)
# Replace user_domain with project_domain
del attributes['user_domain_name']
del attributes['user_domain_id']
del attributes['project_name']
del attributes['project_id']
for attr in ['project_domain_name', 'project_domain_id',
'tenant_name', 'tenant_id']:
attributes[attr] = 'fake_' + attr
self.assertEqual(creds.tenant_name, creds.project_name)
self.assertEqual(creds.tenant_id, creds.project_id)
self.assertEqual(creds.project_domain_name, creds.user_domain_name)
self.assertEqual(creds.project_domain_id, creds.user_domain_id)