blob: a324c37702baa0f38e06f2bb365dc514b3185473 [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright (c) 2014 Rackspace, Inc.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# implied.
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
from tempest.common.utils import data_utils
from tempest import config
from tempest import test
CONF = config.CONF
class BaseMessagingTest(test.BaseTestCase):
"""Base class for the Messaging (Zaqar) tests
It is assumed that the following option is defined in the
[service_available] section of etc/tempest.conf
messaging as True
credentials = ['primary']
def skip_checks(cls):
super(BaseMessagingTest, cls).skip_checks()
if not CONF.service_available.zaqar:
raise cls.skipException("Zaqar support is required")
def setup_clients(cls):
super(BaseMessagingTest, cls).setup_clients()
cls.client = cls.os.messaging_client
def resource_setup(cls):
super(BaseMessagingTest, cls).resource_setup()
cls.messaging_cfg = CONF.messaging
def create_queue(cls, queue_name):
"""Wrapper utility that returns a test queue."""
resp, body = cls.client.create_queue(queue_name)
return resp, body
def delete_queue(cls, queue_name):
"""Wrapper utility that deletes a test queue."""
resp, body = cls.client.delete_queue(queue_name)
return resp, body
def check_queue_exists(cls, queue_name):
"""Wrapper utility that checks the existence of a test queue."""
resp, body = cls.client.show_queue(queue_name)
return resp, body
def check_queue_exists_head(cls, queue_name):
"""Wrapper utility checks the head of a queue via http HEAD."""
resp, body = cls.client.head_queue(queue_name)
return resp, body
def list_queues(cls):
"""Wrapper utility that lists queues."""
resp, body = cls.client.list_queues()
return resp, body
def get_queue_stats(cls, queue_name):
"""Wrapper utility that returns the queue stats."""
resp, body = cls.client.show_queue_stats(queue_name)
return resp, body
def get_queue_metadata(cls, queue_name):
"""Wrapper utility that gets a queue metadata."""
resp, body = cls.client.show_queue_metadata(queue_name)
return resp, body
def set_queue_metadata(cls, queue_name, rbody):
"""Wrapper utility that sets the metadata of a queue."""
resp, body = cls.client.set_queue_metadata(queue_name, rbody)
return resp, body
def post_messages(cls, queue_name, rbody):
"""Wrapper utility that posts messages to a queue."""
resp, body = cls.client.post_messages(queue_name, rbody)
return resp, body
def list_messages(cls, queue_name):
"""Wrapper utility that lists the messages in a queue."""
resp, body = cls.client.list_messages(queue_name)
return resp, body
def delete_messages(cls, message_uri):
"""Wrapper utility that deletes messages."""
resp, body = cls.client.delete_messages(message_uri)
return resp, body
def post_claims(cls, queue_name, rbody, url_params=False):
"""Wrapper utility that claims messages."""
resp, body = cls.client.post_claims(
queue_name, rbody, url_params=False)
return resp, body
def query_claim(cls, claim_uri):
"""Wrapper utility that gets a claim."""
resp, body = cls.client.query_claim(claim_uri)
return resp, body
def update_claim(cls, claim_uri, rbody):
"""Wrapper utility that updates a claim."""
resp, body = cls.client.update_claim(claim_uri, rbody)
return resp, body
def release_claim(cls, claim_uri):
"""Wrapper utility that deletes a claim."""
resp, body = cls.client.delete_claim(claim_uri)
return resp, body
def generate_message_body(cls, repeat=1):
"""Wrapper utility that sets the metadata of a queue."""
message_ttl = data_utils.\
rand_int_id(start=60, end=CONF.messaging.max_message_ttl)
key = data_utils.arbitrary_string(size=20, base_text='MessagingKey')
value = data_utils.arbitrary_string(size=20,
message_body = {key: value}
rbody = ([{'body': message_body, 'ttl': message_ttl}] * repeat)
return rbody