blob: 7167a8bc2a3ec81b491e4c81b054c1b331e75790 [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright 2012 OpenStack Foundation
# All Rights Reserved.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
# a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
from tempest.api.compute import base
from tempest.common.utils import data_utils
from tempest.test import attr
class ServersTestJSON(base.BaseV2ComputeTest):
_interface = 'json'
def setUpClass(cls):
super(ServersTestJSON, cls).setUpClass()
cls.client = cls.servers_client
def tearDown(self):
super(ServersTestJSON, self).tearDown()
def test_create_server_with_admin_password(self):
# If an admin password is provided on server creation, the server's
# root password should be set to that password.
resp, server = self.create_test_server(adminPass='testpassword')
# Verify the password is set correctly in the response
self.assertEqual('testpassword', server['adminPass'])
def test_create_with_existing_server_name(self):
# Creating a server with a name that already exists is allowed
# TODO(sdague): clear out try, we do cleanup one layer up
server_name = data_utils.rand_name('server')
resp, server = self.create_test_server(name=server_name,
id1 = server['id']
resp, server = self.create_test_server(name=server_name,
id2 = server['id']
self.assertNotEqual(id1, id2, "Did not create a new server")
resp, server = self.client.get_server(id1)
name1 = server['name']
resp, server = self.client.get_server(id2)
name2 = server['name']
self.assertEqual(name1, name2)
def test_create_specify_keypair(self):
# Specify a keypair while creating a server
key_name = data_utils.rand_name('key')
resp, keypair = self.keypairs_client.create_keypair(key_name)
resp, body = self.keypairs_client.list_keypairs()
resp, server = self.create_test_server(key_name=key_name)
self.assertEqual('202', resp['status'])
self.client.wait_for_server_status(server['id'], 'ACTIVE')
resp, server = self.client.get_server(server['id'])
self.assertEqual(key_name, server['key_name'])
def test_update_server_name(self):
# The server name should be changed to the the provided value
resp, server = self.create_test_server(wait_until='ACTIVE')
# Update the server with a new name
resp, server = self.client.update_server(server['id'],
self.assertEqual(200, resp.status)
self.client.wait_for_server_status(server['id'], 'ACTIVE')
# Verify the name of the server has changed
resp, server = self.client.get_server(server['id'])
self.assertEqual('newname', server['name'])
def test_update_access_server_address(self):
# The server's access addresses should reflect the provided values
resp, server = self.create_test_server(wait_until='ACTIVE')
# Update the IPv4 and IPv6 access addresses
resp, body = self.client.update_server(server['id'],
self.assertEqual(200, resp.status)
self.client.wait_for_server_status(server['id'], 'ACTIVE')
# Verify the access addresses have been updated
resp, server = self.client.get_server(server['id'])
self.assertEqual('', server['accessIPv4'])
self.assertEqual('::babe:202:202', server['accessIPv6'])
def test_create_server_with_ipv6_addr_only(self):
# Create a server without an IPv4 address(only IPv6 address).
resp, server = self.create_test_server(accessIPv6='2001:2001::3')
self.assertEqual('202', resp['status'])
self.client.wait_for_server_status(server['id'], 'ACTIVE')
resp, server = self.client.get_server(server['id'])
self.assertEqual('2001:2001::3', server['accessIPv6'])
class ServersTestXML(ServersTestJSON):
_interface = 'xml'