blob: ddb92b6036f79c339aa6ead0861408d8f61a710b [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright 2013 IBM Corp.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
# a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
import urllib
from lxml import etree
from tempest.common import rest_client
from tempest.common import xml_utils
from tempest import config
CONF = config.CONF
class HostsClientXML(rest_client.RestClient):
TYPE = "xml"
def __init__(self, auth_provider):
super(HostsClientXML, self).__init__(auth_provider)
self.service = CONF.compute.catalog_type
def list_hosts(self, params=None):
"""Lists all hosts."""
url = 'os-hosts'
if params:
url += '?%s' % urllib.urlencode(params)
resp, body = self.get(url)
node = etree.fromstring(body)
body = [xml_utils.xml_to_json(x) for x in node.getchildren()]
return resp, body
def show_host_detail(self, hostname):
"""Show detail information for the host."""
resp, body = self.get("os-hosts/%s" % str(hostname))
node = etree.fromstring(body)
body = [xml_utils.xml_to_json(node)]
return resp, body
def update_host(self, hostname, **kwargs):
"""Update a host."""
request_body = xml_utils.Element("updates")
if kwargs:
for k, v in kwargs.iteritems():
request_body.append(xml_utils.Element(k, v))
resp, body = self.put("os-hosts/%s" % str(hostname),
node = etree.fromstring(body)
body = [xml_utils.xml_to_json(x) for x in node.getchildren()]
return resp, body
def startup_host(self, hostname):
"""Startup a host."""
resp, body = self.get("os-hosts/%s/startup" % str(hostname))
node = etree.fromstring(body)
body = [xml_utils.xml_to_json(x) for x in node.getchildren()]
return resp, body
def shutdown_host(self, hostname):
"""Shutdown a host."""
resp, body = self.get("os-hosts/%s/shutdown" % str(hostname))
node = etree.fromstring(body)
body = [xml_utils.xml_to_json(x) for x in node.getchildren()]
return resp, body
def reboot_host(self, hostname):
"""Reboot a host."""
resp, body = self.get("os-hosts/%s/reboot" % str(hostname))
node = etree.fromstring(body)
body = [xml_utils.xml_to_json(x) for x in node.getchildren()]
return resp, body