blob: 3ae718caa8000880e782b803309b89b204a37fa3 [file] [log] [blame]
# vim: tabstop=4 shiftwidth=4 softtabstop=4
# Copyright 2012 OpenStack, LLC
# All Rights Reserved.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
# a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
import netaddr
from tempest import clients
from tempest.common.utils.data_utils import rand_name
from tempest import exceptions
import tempest.test
class BaseNetworkTest(tempest.test.BaseTestCase):
Base class for the Neutron tests that use the Tempest Neutron REST client
Per the Neutron API Guide, API v1.x was removed from the source code tree
Therefore, v2.x of the Neutron API is assumed. It is also assumed that the
following options are defined in the [network] section of etc/tempest.conf:
tenant_network_cidr with a block of cidr's from which smaller blocks
can be allocated for tenant networks
tenant_network_mask_bits with the mask bits to be used to partition the
block defined by tenant-network_cidr
Finally, it is assumed that the following option is defined in the
[service_available] section of etc/tempest.conf
neutron as True
def setUpClass(cls):
super(BaseNetworkTest, cls).setUpClass()
os = clients.Manager(interface=cls._interface)
cls.network_cfg =
if not cls.config.service_available.neutron:
raise cls.skipException("Neutron support is required")
cls.client = os.network_client
cls.networks = []
cls.subnets = []
cls.ports = []
cls.pools = []
cls.vips = []
def tearDownClass(cls):
for vip in cls.vips:
for pool in cls.pools:
for port in cls.ports:
for subnet in cls.subnets:
for network in cls.networks:
super(BaseNetworkTest, cls).tearDownClass()
def create_network(cls, network_name=None):
"""Wrapper utility that returns a test network."""
network_name = network_name or rand_name('test-network-')
resp, body = cls.client.create_network(network_name)
network = body['network']
return network
def create_subnet(cls, network):
"""Wrapper utility that returns a test subnet."""
cidr = netaddr.IPNetwork(cls.network_cfg.tenant_network_cidr)
mask_bits = cls.network_cfg.tenant_network_mask_bits
# Find a cidr that is not in use yet and create a subnet with it
body = None
failure = None
for subnet_cidr in cidr.subnet(mask_bits):
resp, body = cls.client.create_subnet(network['id'],
except exceptions.BadRequest as e:
is_overlapping_cidr = 'overlaps with another subnet' in str(e)
if not is_overlapping_cidr:
# save the failure in case all of the CIDRs are overlapping
failure = e
if not body and failure:
raise failure
subnet = body['subnet']
return subnet
def create_port(cls, network):
"""Wrapper utility that returns a test port."""
resp, body = cls.client.create_port(network['id'])
port = body['port']
return port
def create_pool(cls, name, lb_method, protocol, subnet):
"""Wrapper utility that returns a test pool."""
resp, body = cls.client.create_pool(name, lb_method, protocol,
pool = body['pool']
return pool
def create_vip(cls, name, protocol, protocol_port, subnet, pool):
"""Wrapper utility that returns a test vip."""
resp, body = cls.client.create_vip(name, protocol, protocol_port,
subnet['id'], pool['id'])
vip = body['vip']
return vip