blob: 0a0afe416d489f8d6530e5f2aed1481fa6db7f88 [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright 2014 Red Hat, Inc. & Deutsche Telekom AG
# All Rights Reserved.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
# a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
import copy
import jsonschema
from tempest.openstack.common import log as logging
LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__)
def generate_valid(schema):
Create a valid dictionary based on the types in a json schema.
LOG.debug("generate_valid: %s" % schema)
schema_type = schema["type"]
if isinstance(schema_type, list):
# Just choose the first one since all are valid.
schema_type = schema_type[0]
return type_map_valid[schema_type](schema)
def generate_valid_string(schema):
size = schema.get("minLength", 0)
# TODO(dkr mko): handle format and pattern
return "x" * size
def generate_valid_integer(schema):
# TODO(dkr mko): handle multipleOf
if "minimum" in schema:
minimum = schema["minimum"]
if "exclusiveMinimum" not in schema:
return minimum
return minimum + 1
if "maximum" in schema:
maximum = schema["maximum"]
if "exclusiveMaximum" not in schema:
return maximum
return maximum - 1
return 0
def generate_valid_object(schema):
obj = {}
for k, v in schema["properties"].iteritems():
obj[k] = generate_valid(v)
return obj
def generate_invalid(schema):
Generate an invalid json dictionary based on a schema.
Only one value is mis-generated for each dictionary created.
Any generator must return a list of tuples or a single tuple.
The values of this tuple are:
result[0]: Name of the test
result[1]: json schema for the test
result[2]: expected result of the test (can be None)
LOG.debug("generate_invalid: %s" % schema)
schema_type = schema["type"]
if isinstance(schema_type, list):
if "integer" in schema_type:
schema_type = "integer"
raise Exception("non-integer list types not supported")
result = []
for generator in type_map_invalid[schema_type]:
ret = generator(schema)
if ret is not None:
if isinstance(ret, list):
elif isinstance(ret, tuple):
raise Exception("generator (%s) returns invalid result"
% generator)
LOG.debug("result: %s" % result)
return result
def _check_for_expected_result(name, schema):
expected_result = None
if "results" in schema:
if name in schema["results"]:
expected_result = schema["results"][name]
return expected_result
def generator(fn):
Decorator for simple generators that simply return one value
def wrapped(schema):
result = fn(schema)
if result is not None:
expected_result = _check_for_expected_result(fn.__name__, schema)
return (fn.__name__, result, expected_result)
return wrapped
def gen_int(_):
return 4
def gen_string(_):
return "XXXXXX"
def gen_none(schema):
# Note(mkoderer): it's not using the decorator otherwise it'd be filtered
expected_result = _check_for_expected_result('gen_none', schema)
return ('gen_none', None, expected_result)
def gen_str_min_length(schema):
min_length = schema.get("minLength", 0)
if min_length > 0:
return "x" * (min_length - 1)
def gen_str_max_length(schema):
max_length = schema.get("maxLength", -1)
if max_length > -1:
return "x" * (max_length + 1)
def gen_int_min(schema):
if "minimum" in schema:
minimum = schema["minimum"]
if "exclusiveMinimum" not in schema:
minimum -= 1
return minimum
def gen_int_max(schema):
if "maximum" in schema:
maximum = schema["maximum"]
if "exclusiveMaximum" not in schema:
maximum += 1
return maximum
def gen_obj_remove_attr(schema):
invalids = []
valid = generate_valid(schema)
required = schema.get("required", [])
for r in required:
new_valid = copy.deepcopy(valid)
del new_valid[r]
invalids.append(("gen_obj_remove_attr", new_valid, None))
return invalids
def gen_obj_add_attr(schema):
valid = generate_valid(schema)
if not schema.get("additionalProperties", True):
new_valid = copy.deepcopy(valid)
new_valid["$$$$$$$$$$"] = "xxx"
return new_valid
def gen_inv_prop_obj(schema):
LOG.debug("generate_invalid_object: %s" % schema)
valid = generate_valid(schema)
invalids = []
properties = schema["properties"]
for k, v in properties.iteritems():
for invalid in generate_invalid(v):
new_valid = copy.deepcopy(valid)
new_valid[k] = invalid[1]
name = "prop_%s_%s" % (k, invalid[0])
invalids.append((name, new_valid, invalid[2]))
LOG.debug("generate_invalid_object return: %s" % invalids)
return invalids
type_map_valid = {"string": generate_valid_string,
"integer": generate_valid_integer,
"object": generate_valid_object}
type_map_invalid = {"string": [gen_int,
"integer": [gen_string,
"object": [gen_obj_remove_attr,
schema = {"type": "object",
{"name": {"type": "string"},
"http-method": {"enum": ["GET", "PUT", "HEAD",
"url": {"type": "string"},
"json-schema": jsonschema._utils.load_schema("draft4"),
"resources": {"type": "array", "items": {"type": "string"}},
"results": {"type": "object",
"properties": {}}
"required": ["name", "http-method", "url"],
"additionalProperties": False,
def validate_negative_test_schema(nts):
jsonschema.validate(nts, schema)