blob: 3a0eb2565e44d537e14724fdd6d1347dafb04ebf [file] [log] [blame]
# vim: tabstop=4 shiftwidth=4 softtabstop=4
# Copyright 2012 OpenStack, LLC
# All Rights Reserved.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
# a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
from contextlib import closing
import logging
import re
import time
import boto
from boto.exception import BotoServerError
from boto.s3.bucket import Bucket
from boto.s3.key import Key
import nose
import unittest2 as unittest
from tempest.exceptions import TearDownException
import tempest.tests.boto
from tempest.tests.boto.utils.wait import re_search_wait
from tempest.tests.boto.utils.wait import state_wait
from tempest.tests.boto.utils.wait import wait_exception
from tempest.tests.boto.utils.wait import wait_no_exception
LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__)
class BotoExceptionMatcher(object):
STATUS_RE = r'[45]\d\d'
CODE_RE = '.*' # regexp makes sense in group match
def match(self, exc):
if not isinstance(exc, BotoServerError):
return "%r not an BotoServerError instance" % exc"Status: %s , error_code: %s", exc.status, exc.error_code)
if re.match(self.STATUS_RE, str(exc.status)) is None:
return ("Status code (%s) does not match"
"the expected re pattern \"%s\""
% (exc.status, self.STATUS_RE))
if re.match(self.CODE_RE, str(exc.error_code)) is None:
return ("Error code (%s) does not match" +
"the expected re pattern \"%s\"") %\
(exc.error_code, self.CODE_RE)
class ClientError(BotoExceptionMatcher):
STATUS_RE = r'4\d\d'
class ServerError(BotoExceptionMatcher):
STATUS_RE = r'5\d\d'
def _add_matcher_class(error_cls, error_data, base=BotoExceptionMatcher):
Usable for adding an ExceptionMatcher(s) into the exception tree.
The not leaf elements does wildcard match
# in error_code just literal and '.' characters expected
if not isinstance(error_data, basestring):
(error_code, status_code) = map(str, error_data)
status_code = None
error_code = error_data
parts = error_code.split('.')
basematch = ""
num_parts = len(parts)
max_index = num_parts - 1
add_cls = error_cls
for i_part in xrange(num_parts):
part = parts[i_part]
leaf = i_part == max_index
if not leaf:
match = basematch + part + "[.].*"
match = basematch + part
basematch += part + "[.]"
if not hasattr(add_cls, part):
cls_dict = {"CODE_RE": match}
if leaf and status_code is not None:
cls_dict["STATUS_RE"] = status_code
cls = type(part, (base, ), cls_dict)
setattr(add_cls, part, cls())
add_cls = cls
elif leaf:
raise LookupError("Tries to redefine an error code \"%s\"" % part)
add_cls = getattr(add_cls, part)
#TODO(afazekas): classmethod handling
def friendly_function_name_simple(call_able):
name = ""
if hasattr(call_able, "im_class"):
name += call_able.im_class.__name__ + "."
name += call_able.__name__
return name
def friendly_function_call_str(call_able, *args, **kwargs):
string = friendly_function_name_simple(call_able)
string += "(" + ", ".join(map(str, args))
if len(kwargs):
if len(args):
string += ", "
string += ", ".join("=".join(map(str, (key, value)))
for (key, value) in kwargs.items())
return string + ")"
class BotoTestCase(unittest.TestCase):
"""Recommended to use as base class for boto related test"""
def setUpClass(cls):
# The trash contains cleanup functions and paramaters in tuples
# (function, *args, **kwargs)
cls._resource_trash_bin = {}
cls._sequence = -1
if (hasattr(cls, "EC2") and
tempest.tests.boto.EC2_CAN_CONNECT_ERROR is not None):
raise nose.SkipTest("EC2 " + cls.__name__ + ": " +
if (hasattr(cls, "S3") and
tempest.tests.boto.S3_CAN_CONNECT_ERROR is not None):
raise nose.SkipTest("S3 " + cls.__name__ + ": " +
def addResourceCleanUp(cls, function, *args, **kwargs):
"""Adds CleanUp callable, used by tearDownClass.
Recommended to a use (deep)copy on the mutable args"""
cls._sequence = cls._sequence + 1
cls._resource_trash_bin[cls._sequence] = (function, args, kwargs)
return cls._sequence
def cancelResourceCleanUp(cls, key):
"""Cancel Clean up request"""
del cls._resource_trash_bin[key]
#TODO(afazekas): Add "with" context handling
def assertBotoError(self, excMatcher, callableObj,
*args, **kwargs):
"""Example usage:
callableObj(*args, **kwargs)
except BotoServerError as exc:
error_msg = excMatcher.match(exc)
if error_msg is not None:
raise self.failureException, error_msg
raise self.failureException, "BotoServerError not raised"
def tearDownClass(cls):
""" Calls the callables added by addResourceCleanUp,
when you overwire this function dont't forget to call this too"""
fail_count = 0
trash_keys = sorted(cls._resource_trash_bin, reverse=True)
for key in trash_keys:
(function, pos_args, kw_args) = cls._resource_trash_bin[key]
LOG.debug("Cleaning up: %s" %
friendly_function_call_str(function, *pos_args,
function(*pos_args, **kw_args)
except BaseException as exc:
fail_count += 1
del cls._resource_trash_bin[key]
if fail_count:
raise TearDownException(num=fail_count)
ec2_error_code = BotoExceptionMatcher()
# InsufficientInstanceCapacity can be both server and client error
ec2_error_code.server = ServerError()
ec2_error_code.client = ClientError()
s3_error_code = BotoExceptionMatcher()
s3_error_code.server = ServerError()
s3_error_code.client = ClientError()
valid_image_state = set(('available', 'pending', 'failed'))
valid_instance_state = set(('pending', 'running', 'shutting-down',
'terminated', 'stopping', 'stopped'))
valid_volume_status = set(('creating', 'available', 'in-use',
'deleting', 'deleted', 'error'))
valid_snapshot_status = set(('pending', 'completed', 'error'))
#TODO(afazekas): object base version for resurces supports update
def waitImageState(self, lfunction, wait_for):
state = state_wait(lfunction, wait_for, self.valid_image_state)
self.assertIn(state, self.valid_image_state)
return state
def waitInstanceState(self, lfunction, wait_for):
state = state_wait(lfunction, wait_for, self.valid_instance_state)
self.assertIn(state, self.valid_instance_state)
return state
def waitVolumeStatus(self, lfunction, wait_for):
state = state_wait(lfunction, wait_for, self.valid_volume_status)
self.assertIn(state, self.valid_volume_status)
return state
def waitSnapshotStatus(self, lfunction, wait_for):
state = state_wait(lfunction, wait_for, self.valid_snapshot_status)
self.assertIn(state, self.valid_snapshot_status)
return state
def assertImageStateWait(self, lfunction, wait_for):
state = self.waitImageState(lfunction, wait_for)
self.assertIn(state, wait_for)
def assertInstanceStateWait(self, lfunction, wait_for):
state = self.waitInstanceState(lfunction, wait_for)
self.assertIn(state, wait_for)
def assertVolumeStatusWait(self, lfunction, wait_for):
state = self.waitVolumeStatus(lfunction, wait_for)
self.assertIn(state, wait_for)
def assertSnapshotStatusWait(self, lfunction, wait_for):
state = self.waitSnapshotStatus(lfunction, wait_for)
self.assertIn(state, wait_for)
def assertAddressDissasociatedWait(self, address):
def _disassociate():
cli = self.ec2_client
addresses = cli.get_all_addresses(addresses=(address.public_ip,))
if len(addresses) != 1:
return "INVALID"
if addresses[0].instance_id:"%s associated to %s",
state = state_wait(_disassociate, "DISASSOCIATED",
self.assertEqual(state, "DISASSOCIATED")
def assertAddressReleasedWait(self, address):
def _address_delete():
#NOTE(afazekas): the filter gives back IP
# even if it is not associated to my tenant
if (address.public_ip not in map(lambda a: a.public_ip,
return "DELETED"
state = state_wait(_address_delete, "DELETED")
self.assertEqual(state, "DELETED")
def assertReSearch(self, regexp, string):
if, string) is None:
raise self.failureException("regexp: '%s' not found in '%s'" %
(regexp, string))
def assertNotReSearch(self, regexp, string):
if, string) is not None:
raise self.failureException("regexp: '%s' found in '%s'" %
(regexp, string))
def assertReMatch(self, regexp, string):
if re.match(regexp, string) is None:
raise self.failureException("regexp: '%s' not matches on '%s'" %
(regexp, string))
def assertNotReMatch(self, regexp, string):
if re.match(regexp, string) is not None:
raise self.failureException("regexp: '%s' matches on '%s'" %
(regexp, string))
def destroy_bucket(cls, connection_data, bucket):
"""Destroys the bucket and its content, just for teardown"""
exc_num = 0
with closing(boto.connect_s3(**connection_data)) as conn:
if isinstance(bucket, basestring):
bucket = conn.lookup(bucket)
assert isinstance(bucket, Bucket)
for obj in bucket.list():
except BaseException as exc:
exc_num += 1
except BaseException as exc:
exc_num += 1
if exc_num:
raise TearDownException(num=exc_num)
def destroy_reservation(cls, reservation):
"""Terminate instances in a reservation, just for teardown"""
exc_num = 0
def _instance_state():
except ValueError:
return "terminated"
return instance.state
for instance in reservation.instances:
re_search_wait(_instance_state, "terminated")
except BaseException as exc:
exc_num += 1
if exc_num:
raise TearDownException(num=exc_num)
#NOTE(afazekas): The incorrect ErrorCodes makes very, very difficult
# to write better teardown
def destroy_security_group_wait(cls, group):
"""Delete group.
Use just for teardown!
#NOTE(afazekas): should wait/try until all related instance terminates
#2. looks like it is locked even if the instance not listed
def destroy_volume_wait(cls, volume):
"""Delete volume, tryies to detach first.
Use just for teardown!
exc_num = 0
snaps = volume.snapshots()
if len(snaps):
LOG.critical("%s Volume has %s snapshot(s)",,
map(, snaps))
#Note(afazekas): detaching/attching not valid EC2 status
def _volume_state():
if volume.status != "available":
except BaseException as exc:
#exc_num += 1 "nonlocal" not in python2
return volume.status
re_search_wait(_volume_state, "available") # not validates status
except BaseException as exc:
exc_num += 1
if exc_num:
raise TearDownException(num=exc_num)
def destroy_snapshot_wait(cls, snapshot):
"""delete snaphot, wait until not exists"""
def _update():
# you can specify tuples if you want to specify the status pattern
for code in ('AddressLimitExceeded', 'AttachmentLimitExceeded', 'AuthFailure',
'Blocked', 'CustomerGatewayLimitExceeded', 'DependencyViolation',
'DiskImageSizeTooLarge', 'FilterLimitExceeded',
'Gateway.NotAttached', 'IdempotentParameterMismatch',
'IncorrectInstanceState', 'IncorrectState',
'InstanceLimitExceeded', 'InsufficientInstanceCapacity',
'InternetGatewayLimitExceeded', 'InvalidAMIAttributeItemValue',
'InvalidAMIID.Malformed', 'InvalidAMIID.NotFound',
'InvalidAMIID.Unavailable', 'InvalidAssociationID.NotFound',
'InvalidAttachment.NotFound', 'InvalidConversionTaskId',
'InvalidCustomerGatewayID.NotFound', 'InvalidDevice.InUse',
'InvalidDhcpOptionsID.NotFound', 'InvalidFormat',
'InvalidFilter', 'InvalidGatewayID.NotFound',
'InvalidGroup.Duplicate', 'InvalidGroupId.Malformed',
'InvalidGroup.InUse', 'InvalidGroup.NotFound',
'InvalidGroup.Reserved', 'InvalidInstanceID.Malformed',
'InvalidInternetGatewayID.NotFound', 'InvalidIPAddress.InUse',
'InvalidKeyPair.Duplicate', 'InvalidKeyPair.Format',
'InvalidKeyPair.NotFound', 'InvalidManifest',
'InvalidNetworkAclID.NotFound', 'InvalidParameterCombination',
'InvalidParameterValue', 'InvalidPermission.Duplicate',
'InvalidPermission.Malformed', 'InvalidReservationID.Malformed',
'InvalidReservationID.NotFound', 'InvalidRoute.NotFound',
'InvalidSnapshotID.Malformed', 'InvalidSnapshot.NotFound',
'InvalidUserID.Malformed', 'InvalidReservedInstancesId',
'InvalidSubnetID.NotFound', 'InvalidVolumeID.Duplicate',
'InvalidVolumeID.Malformed', 'InvalidVolumeID.ZoneMismatch',
'InvalidVolume.NotFound', 'InvalidVpcID.NotFound',
'InvalidZone.NotFound', 'LegacySecurityGroup',
'MissingParameter', 'NetworkAclEntryAlreadyExists',
'NetworkAclEntryLimitExceeded', 'NetworkAclLimitExceeded',
'NonEBSInstance', 'PendingSnapshotLimitExceeded',
'PendingVerification', 'OptInRequired', 'RequestLimitExceeded',
'ReservedInstancesLimitExceeded', 'Resource.AlreadyAssociated',
'ResourceLimitExceeded', 'RouteAlreadyExists',
'RouteLimitExceeded', 'RouteTableLimitExceeded',
'SnapshotLimitExceeded', 'SubnetLimitExceeded',
'UnknownParameter', 'UnsupportedOperation',
'VolumeLimitExceeded', 'VpcLimitExceeded',
'VpnGatewayAttachmentLimitExceeded', 'VpnGatewayLimitExceeded'):
code, base=ClientError)
for code in ('InsufficientAddressCapacity', 'InsufficientInstanceCapacity',
'InsufficientReservedInstanceCapacity', 'InternalError',
code, base=ServerError)
for code in (('AccessDenied', 403),
('AccountProblem', 403),
('AmbiguousGrantByEmailAddress', 400),
('BadDigest', 400),
('BucketAlreadyExists', 409),
('BucketAlreadyOwnedByYou', 409),
('BucketNotEmpty', 409),
('CredentialsNotSupported', 400),
('CrossLocationLoggingProhibited', 403),
('EntityTooSmall', 400),
('EntityTooLarge', 400),
('ExpiredToken', 400),
('IllegalVersioningConfigurationException', 400),
('IncompleteBody', 400),
('IncorrectNumberOfFilesInPostRequest', 400),
('InlineDataTooLarge', 400),
('InvalidAccessKeyId', 403),
('InvalidArgument', 400),
('InvalidBucketName', 400),
('InvalidBucketState', 409),
('InvalidDigest', 400),
('InvalidLocationConstraint', 400),
('InvalidPart', 400),
('InvalidPartOrder', 400),
('InvalidPayer', 403),
('InvalidPolicyDocument', 400),
('InvalidRange', 416),
('InvalidRequest', 400),
('InvalidSecurity', 403),
('InvalidSOAPRequest', 400),
('InvalidStorageClass', 400),
('InvalidTargetBucketForLogging', 400),
('InvalidToken', 400),
('InvalidURI', 400),
('KeyTooLong', 400),
('MalformedACLError', 400),
('MalformedPOSTRequest', 400),
('MalformedXML', 400),
('MaxMessageLengthExceeded', 400),
('MaxPostPreDataLengthExceededError', 400),
('MetadataTooLarge', 400),
('MethodNotAllowed', 405),
('MissingContentLength', 411),
('MissingRequestBodyError', 400),
('MissingSecurityElement', 400),
('MissingSecurityHeader', 400),
('NoLoggingStatusForKey', 400),
('NoSuchBucket', 404),
('NoSuchKey', 404),
('NoSuchLifecycleConfiguration', 404),
('NoSuchUpload', 404),
('NoSuchVersion', 404),
('NotSignedUp', 403),
('NotSuchBucketPolicy', 404),
('OperationAborted', 409),
('PermanentRedirect', 301),
('PreconditionFailed', 412),
('Redirect', 307),
('RequestIsNotMultiPartContent', 400),
('RequestTimeout', 400),
('RequestTimeTooSkewed', 403),
('RequestTorrentOfBucketError', 400),
('SignatureDoesNotMatch', 403),
('TemporaryRedirect', 307),
('TokenRefreshRequired', 400),
('TooManyBuckets', 400),
('UnexpectedContent', 400),
('UnresolvableGrantByEmailAddress', 400),
('UserKeyMustBeSpecified', 400)):
code, base=ClientError)
for code in (('InternalError', 500),
('NotImplemented', 501),
('ServiceUnavailable', 503),
('SlowDown', 503)):
code, base=ServerError)