blob: 7e2b1c89705682d04124f470b1d4ad6ac02fcbb0 [file] [log] [blame]
import os
RESOLVED_STATUSES = ('UP', 'OK', 'resolved')
def create_file(file_path):
if not os.path.exists(file_path):
with open(file_path, 'w+'):
return file_path
def _format_subject(alert, add_links=False):
if add_links:
severity = alert['labels']['severity'].upper()
name = alert['labels']['alertname']
return '[{}] {}'.format(severity, name)
subject = alert['annotations']['summary']
host = alert['labels'].get('host')
if host is not None:
return '[{}] {}'.format(host, subject)
return subject
def _remove_advice(description):
return description.split(' Modify the')[0]
def _get_prometheus_link(alert):
# switch from Console to Graph tab to show trends
condition_url = alert['generatorURL'].replace('', '')
# list alert firing instances in the cluster
# via query: ALERTS{alertname="<alertname>",alertstate="firing"}
alert_query = ('g1.range_input=1h&'
return '{}&{}'.format(condition_url, alert_query)
def _format_description(alert, add_links=False):
description_old = _remove_advice(alert['annotations']['description'])
if not add_links:
return description_old
msg = ('To check trends of the alert underlying condition metric '
' and alert occurrence click on Prometheus UI link')
prometheus_url = _get_prometheus_link(alert)
return '{}\n\n{}:\n{}'.format(description_old, msg, prometheus_url)
def alert_fields_and_action(alert, add_links=False, cluster_id=None):
fields = []
if cluster_id is not None:
if alert['labels'].get('cluster_id') is None:
alert['labels']['cluster_id'] = cluster_id
if alert['status'] in RESOLVED_STATUSES:
action = 'close_case'
action = 'create_case'
# Order of keys matters
fields.append(_format_subject(alert, add_links))
fields.append(_format_description(alert, add_links))
return fields, action
def is_true(name):
if isinstance(name, str):
return name.lower() == 'true'
return name is True
def get_env_or_secret(env, secret):
# returns the value of the env var if present,
# otherwise docker swarm secret if present,
# null when neither of the two present.
value = os.getenv(env, 'null')
if value != 'null':
return value
fpath = f'/run/secrets/{secret}'
exist = os.path.exists(fpath)
if exist:
with open(fpath) as file:
value ='\n')
return value