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reclass recursive external node classification
reclass is © 20072013 martin f. krafft <>
and available under the terms of the Artistic Licence 2.0
Please make sure to read the generic information in the README file first, or
alongside this document.
Quick start with Ansible
The following steps should get you up and running quickly. Generally, we will
be working in /etc/ansible. However, if you are using a source-code checkout
of Ansible, you might also want to work inside the ./hacking directory
Or you can also just look into ./examples/ansible of your reclass checkout,
where the following steps have already been prepared.
/…/reclass refers to the location of your reclass checkout.
0. Run 'make' in the root of the reclass checkout (see the section
'Installation' in the README file for the reason).
1. Symlink /…/reclass/adapters/ansible to /etc/ansible/hosts (or
2. Copy the two directories 'nodes' and 'classes' from the example
subdirectory in the reclass checkout to /etc/ansible
If you prefer to put those directories elsewhere, you can create
/etc/ansible/reclass-config.yml with contents such as
storage_type: yaml_fs
nodes_uri: /srv/reclass/nodes
classes_uri: /srv/reclass/classes
Note that yaml_fs is currently the only supported storage_type, and it's
the default if you don't set it.
3. Check out your inventory by invoking
./hosts --list
which should return 5 groups in JSON-format, and each group has exactly
one member 'localhost'.
4. See the node information for 'localhost':
./hosts --host localhost
This should print a set of keys and values, including a greeting,
a colour, and a sub-class called '__reclas__'.
5. Execute some ansible commands, e.g.
ansible -i hosts \* --list-hosts
ansible -i hosts \* -m ping
ansible -i hosts \* -m debug -a 'msg="${greeting}"'
ansible -i hosts \* -m setup
ansible-playbook -i hosts test.yml
6. You can also invoke reclass directly, which gives a slightly different
view onto the same data, i.e. before it has been adapted for Ansible:
/…/ --pretty-print --inventory
/…/ --pretty-print --nodeinfo localhost
Integration with Ansible
The integration between reclass and Ansible is performed through an adapter,
and needs not be of our concern too much.
However, Ansible has no concept of "nodes", "applications", "parameters", and
"classes". Therefore it is necessary to explain how those correspond to
Ansible. Crudely, the following mapping exists:
nodes hosts
classes groups
applications playbooks
parameters host_vars
reclass does not provide any group_vars because of its node-centric
perspective. While class definitions include parameters, those are inherited
by the node definitions and hence become node_vars.
reclass also does not provide playbooks, nor does it deal with any of the
related Ansible concepts, i.e. vars_files, vars, tasks, handlers, roles, etc..
Let it be said at this point that you'll probably want to stop using
host_vars, group_vars and vars_files altogether, and if only because you
should no longer need them, but also because the variable precedence rules
of Ansible are full of surprises, at least to me.
reclass' Ansible adapter massage the reclass output into Ansible-usable data,
- Every class in the ancestry of a node becomes a group to Ansible. This is
mainly useful to be able to target nodes during interactive use of
Ansible, e.g.
ansible debiannode@wheezy -m command -a 'apt-get upgrade'
→ upgrade all Debian nodes running wheezy
ansible ssh.server -m command -a 'invoke-rc.d ssh restart'
→ restart all SSH server processes
ansible mailserver -m command -a 'tail -n1000 /var/log/mail.err'
→ obtain the last 1,000 lines of all mailserver error log files
The attentive reader might stumble over the use of singular words, whereas
it might make more sense to address all 'mailserver*s*' with this tool.
This is convention and up to you. I prefer to think of my node as
a (singular) mailserver when I add 'mailserver' to its parent classes.
- Every entry in the list of a host's applications might well correspond to
an Ansible playbook. Therefore, reclass creates a (Ansible-)group for
every application, and adds '_hosts' to the name. This postfix can be
configured with a CLI option (--applications-postfix) or in the
configuration file (applications_postfix).
For instance, the ssh.server class adds the ssh.server application to
a node's application list. Now the admin might create an Ansible playbook
like so:
- name: SSH server management
hosts: ssh.server_hosts ← SEE HERE
- name: install SSH package
action: …
There's a bit of redundancy in this, but unfortunately Ansible playbooks
hardcode the nodes to which a playbook applies.
It's now trivial to apply this playbook across your infrastructure:
ansible-playbook ssh.server.yml
My suggested way to use Ansible site-wide is then to create a 'site'
playbook that includes all the other playbooks (which shall hopefully be
based on Ansible roles), and then to invoke Ansible like this:
ansible-playbook site.yml
or, if you prefer only to reconfigure a subset of nodes, e.g. all
ansible-playbook site.yml --limit webserver
Again, if the singular word 'webserver' puts you off, change the
convention as you wish.
And if anyone comes up with a way to directly connect groups in the
inventory with roles, thereby making it unnecessary to write playbook
files (containing redundant information), please tell me!
- Parameters corresponding to a node become host_vars for that host.
It is possible to include Jinja2-style variables like you would in Ansible,
in parameter values. This is especially powerful in combination with the
recursive merging, e.g.
greeting: Welcome to {{ ansible_fqdn }}!
closing: This system is part of {{ realm }}
Now you just need to specify realm somewhere. The reference can reside in
a parent class, while the variable is defined e.g. in the node.