blob: e5f9c0c29a012f7d0b3ad8786e98fb67ff6893ba [file] [log] [blame]
Hacking on reclass
If you just want to run |reclass| from source, e.g. because you are going to be
making and testing changes, install it in "development mode"::
python develop
Now the ``reclass`` script, as well as the adapters, will be available in
``/usr/local/bin``, and you can also invoke them directly from the source
To uninstall::
python develop --uninstall
Discussing reclass
If you want to talk about |reclass|, use the `mailing list`_ or to find me on
IRC, in ``#reclass`` on ````.
.. _mailing list:
Contributing to reclass
|reclass| is currently maintained `on Github
Conttributions to |reclass| are very welcome. Since I prefer to keep a somewhat
clean history, I will not just merge pull request.
You can submit pull requests, of course, and I'll rebase them onto ``HEAD``
before merging. Or send your patches using ``git-format-patch`` and
``git-send-e-mail`` to
I have added rudimentary unit tests, and it would be nice if you could submit
your changes with appropriate changes to the tests. To run tests, invoke
$ make tests
in the top-level checkout directory. The tests are rather inconsistent, some
using mock objects, and only the datatypes-related code is covered. If you are
a testing expert, I could certainly use some help here to improve the
consistency of the existing tests, as well as their coverage.
Also, there is a Makefile giving access to PyLint and ```` (running
tests). If you run that, you can see there is a lot of work to be done
cleaning up the code. If this is the sort of stuff you want to do — by all
means — be my guest! ;)
There are a number of items on the :doc:`to-do list <todo>`, so if you are
If you have larger ideas, I'll be looking forward to discuss them with you.
.. include::