blob: a0ab3dbdc8794d1bd2b848ea10f3892493bf584a [file] [log] [blame]
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Version Date Changes
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* Migrate Salt adapter to new core API (closes: #18)
* Fix --nodeinfo invocation in docs (closes: #21)
1.2.2 2013-12-27 * Recurse classes obtained from class mappings
(closes: #16)
* Fix class mapping regexp rendering in docs
(closes: #15)
1.2.1 2013-12-26 * Fix Salt adapter wrt. class mappings
(closes: #14)
1.2 2013-12-10 * Introduce class mappings (see :doc:`operations`)
(closes: #5)
* Fix parameter interpolation across merged lists
(closes: #13).
* Caching of classes for performance reasons, especially
during the inventory runs
* yaml_fs: nodes may be defined in subdirectories
(closes: #10).
* Classes and nodes URI must not overlap anymore
* Class names must not contain spaces
1.1 2013-08-28 Salt adapter: fix interface to include minion_id, filter
output accordingly; fixes master_tops
1.0.2 2013-08-27 Fix incorrect versioning in setuptools
1.0.1 2013-08-27 Documentation updates, new homepage
1.0 2013-08-26 Initial release
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