| Patrole manipulates the ``os_primary`` `Tempest credentials`_, which are the |
| primary set of Tempest credentials. It is necessary to use the same credentials |
| across the entire test setup/test execution/test teardown workflow |
| because otherwise 400-level errors will be thrown by OpenStack services. |
| This is because many services check the request context's project scope -- and |
| in very rare cases, user scope. However, each set of Tempest credentials (via |
| `dynamic credentials`_) is allocated its own distinct project. For example, the |
| ``os_admin`` and ``os_primary`` credentials each have a distinct project, |
| meaning that it is not always possible for the ``os_primary`` credentials to |
| access resources created by the ``os_admin`` credentials. |
| The only foolproof solution is to manipulate the role for the same set of |
| credentials, rather than using distinct credentials for setup/teardown |
| and test execution, respectively. This is especially true when considering |
| custom policy rule definitions, which can be arbitrarily complex. |
| :py:mod:`RBAC Utils Module <patrole_tempest_plugin.rbac_utils>` |
| .. _Tempest credentials: https://docs.openstack.org/tempest/latest/library/credential_providers.html |
| .. _dynamic credentials: https://docs.openstack.org/tempest/latest/configuration.html#dynamic-credentials |