blob: 76064f18e9f82f31b1efbeba8f38e3daeb57ea98 [file] [log] [blame]
Installation Information
At the command line::
$ pip install patrole
Or, if you have virtualenvwrapper installed::
$ mkvirtualenv patrole
$ pip install patrole
Or to install from the source::
$ navigate to patrole directory
$ pip install -e .
Configuration Information
To run the RBAC tempest api test, you have to make the following changes to
the tempest.conf file.
#. [auth] section updates ::
# Allows test cases to create/destroy projects and users. This option
# requires that OpenStack Identity API admin credentials are known. If
# false, isolated test cases and parallel execution, can still be
# achieved configuring a list of test accounts (boolean value)
use_dynamic_credentials = True
#. [rbac] section updates ::
# The role that you want the RBAC tests to use for RBAC testing
# This needs to be edited to run the test as a different role.
rbac_test_role = _member_
# Enables RBAC Tempest tests if set to True. Otherwise, they are
# skipped.
enable_rbac = True
# If set to true, tests throw a RbacParsingException for policies
# not found in the policy.json. Otherwise, they throw a
# skipException.
strict_policy_check = False