| Running Patrole Tests in Tempest |
| ================================ |
| If Patrole is installed correctly, then the API tests can be executed |
| from inside the tempest root directory as follows: :: |
| tox -eall-plugin -- patrole_tempest_plugin.tests.api |
| To execute patrole tests for a specific module, run: :: |
| tox -eall-plugin -- patrole_tempest_plugin.tests.api.compute |
| To change the role that the patrole tests are being run as, edit |
| ``rbac_test_role`` in the ``rbac`` section of tempest.conf: :: |
| The ``rbac_test_role`` is service-specific. Member, for example, |
| is an arbitrary role, but by convention is used to designate the default |
| non-admin role in the system. Most patrole tests should be run with |
| **admin** and **Member** roles. However, some services, like Heat, take |
| advantage of a role called **heat_stack_user**, as it appears frequently |
| For more information about the Member role, |
| please see: `<https://ask.openstack.org/en/question/4759/member-vs-_member_/>`__. |