blob: e0ac744a9ef28c59e42b31b6e31e106132dbe751 [file] [log] [blame]
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Add new exception called ``RbacOverrideRoleException``. Used for
safeguarding against false positives that might occur when the expected
exception isn't raised inside the ``override_role`` context. Specifically,
* ``override_role`` isn't called
* an exception is raised before ``override_role`` context
* an exception is raised after ``override_role`` context
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Previously, the ``rbac_rule_validation.action`` decorator could catch
expected exceptions with no regard to where the error happened. Such
behavior could cause false-positive results. To prevent this from
happening from now on, if an exception happens outside of the
``override_role`` context, it will cause
``rbac_exceptions.RbacOverrideRoleException`` to be raised.