blob: 026f5277445d33d147e405a02a1f40f70b89b8c3 [file] [log] [blame]
# Generic use functions
# ensure we don't re-source this in the same environment
# Create a function copying the code from an existing one
function save_function {
local old_name=$1
local new_name=$2
# Saving the same function again after redefining it could produce a
# recorsive function in case for example this plugin is sourced twice
if type -t "${new_name}"; then
# Prevent copying the same function twice
return 0
# Save xtrace setting
_XTRACE_FUNCTIONS=$(set +o | grep xtrace)
set +o xtrace
# Get code of the original function
local old_code=$(declare -f ${old_name})
# Produce code for the new function
local new_code="${new_name}${old_code#${old_name}}"
# Define the new function
eval "${new_code}"
# Restore xtrace