blob: 29d60967c83b7ea9ddf444b374b7ae7913c53eb2 [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright 2015 Mirantis Inc.
# All Rights Reserved.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
# a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
from collections import OrderedDict
import json
import random
import re
from netaddr import ip
from tempest import config
import testtools
CONF = config.CONF
EXPERIMENTAL = {'X-OpenStack-Manila-API-Experimental': 'True'}
def deduplicate(items):
"""De-duplicate a list of items while preserving the order.
It is useful when passing a list of items to, in order
to remove duplicated elements which may be specified as constants.
return list(OrderedDict.fromkeys(items))
def get_microversion_as_tuple(microversion_str):
"""Transforms string-like microversion to two-value tuple of integers.
Tuple of integers useful for microversion comparisons.
regex = r"^([1-9]\d*)\.([1-9]\d*|0)$"
match = re.match(regex, microversion_str)
if not match:
raise ValueError(
"Microversion does not fit template 'x.y' - %s" % microversion_str)
return int(, int(
def is_microversion_gt(left, right):
"""Is microversion for left is greater than the right one."""
return get_microversion_as_tuple(left) > get_microversion_as_tuple(right)
def is_microversion_ge(left, right):
"""Is microversion for left is greater than or equal to the right one."""
return get_microversion_as_tuple(left) >= get_microversion_as_tuple(right)
def is_microversion_eq(left, right):
"""Is microversion for left is equal to the right one."""
return get_microversion_as_tuple(left) == get_microversion_as_tuple(right)
def is_microversion_ne(left, right):
"""Is microversion for left is not equal to the right one."""
return get_microversion_as_tuple(left) != get_microversion_as_tuple(right)
def is_microversion_le(left, right):
"""Is microversion for left is less than or equal to the right one."""
return get_microversion_as_tuple(left) <= get_microversion_as_tuple(right)
def is_microversion_lt(left, right):
"""Is microversion for left is less than the right one."""
return get_microversion_as_tuple(left) < get_microversion_as_tuple(right)
def is_microversion_supported(microversion):
bottom = get_microversion_as_tuple(CONF.share.min_api_microversion)
microversion = get_microversion_as_tuple(microversion)
top = get_microversion_as_tuple(CONF.share.max_api_microversion)
return bottom <= microversion <= top
def skip_if_microversion_not_supported(microversion):
"""Decorator for tests that are microversion-specific."""
if not is_microversion_supported(microversion):
reason = ("Skipped. Test requires microversion '%s'." % microversion)
return testtools.skip(reason)
return lambda f: f
def skip_if_is_microversion_ge(left, right):
"""Skip if version for left is greater than or equal to the right one."""
if is_microversion_ge(left, right):
reason = ("Skipped. Test requires microversion "
"< than '%s'." % right)
return testtools.skip(reason)
return lambda f: f
def check_skip_if_microversion_not_supported(microversion):
"""Callable method for tests that are microversion-specific."""
if not is_microversion_supported(microversion):
reason = ("Skipped. Test requires microversion '%s'." % microversion)
raise testtools.TestCase.skipException(reason)
def rand_ip(network=False):
"""This uses the TEST-NET-3 range of reserved IP addresses.
Using this range, which are reserved solely for use in
documentation and example source code, should avoid any potential
conflicts in real-world testing.
test_net_3 = '203.0.113.'
address = test_net_3 + str(random.randint(0, 255))
if network:
mask_length = str(random.randint(24, 32))
address = '/'.join((address, mask_length))
ip_network = ip.IPNetwork(address)
return '/'.join((str(, mask_length))
return address
def rand_ipv6_ip(network=False):
"""This uses the IPv6 documentation range of 2001:DB8::/32"""
ran_add = ["%x" % random.randrange(0, 16 ** 4) for i in range(6)]
address = "2001:0DB8:" + ":".join(ran_add)
if network:
mask_length = str(random.randint(32, 128))
address = '/'.join((address, mask_length))
ip_network = ip.IPNetwork(address)
return '/'.join((str(, mask_length))
return address
def choose_matching_backend(share, pools, share_type):
extra_specs = {}
# fix extra specs with string values instead of boolean
for k, v in share_type['extra_specs'].items():
extra_specs[k] = (True if str(v).lower() == 'true'
else False if str(v).lower() == 'false'
else v)
selected_pool = next(
(x for x in pools if (x['name'] != share['host'] and all(
y in x['capabilities'].items() for y in extra_specs.items()))),
return selected_pool
def get_configured_extra_specs(variation=None):
"""Retrieve essential extra specs according to configuration in tempest.
:param variation: can assume possible values: None to be as configured in
tempest; 'opposite_driver_modes' for as configured in tempest but
inverse driver mode; 'invalid' for inverse as configured in tempest,
ideal for negative tests.
:return: dict containing essential extra specs.
extra_specs = {'storage_protocol': CONF.share.capability_storage_protocol}
if variation == 'invalid':
extra_specs['driver_handles_share_servers'] = (
not CONF.share.multitenancy_enabled)
extra_specs['snapshot_support'] = (
not CONF.share.capability_snapshot_support)
elif variation == 'opposite_driver_modes':
extra_specs['driver_handles_share_servers'] = (
not CONF.share.multitenancy_enabled)
extra_specs['snapshot_support'] = (
extra_specs['driver_handles_share_servers'] = (
extra_specs['snapshot_support'] = (
extra_specs['create_share_from_snapshot_support'] = (
return extra_specs
def replication_with_multitenancy_support():
return (share_network_subnets_are_supported() and
def skip_if_manage_not_supported_for_version(
if (is_microversion_lt(version, "2.49")
and CONF.share.multitenancy_enabled):
raise testtools.TestCase.skipException(
"Share manage tests with multitenancy are disabled for "
"microversion < 2.49")
def share_network_subnets_are_supported():
return is_microversion_supported(SHARE_NETWORK_SUBNETS_MICROVERSION)
def share_replica_quotas_are_supported():
return is_microversion_supported(SHARE_REPLICA_QUOTAS_MICROVERSION)
def share_network_get_default_subnet(share_network):
return next((
subnet for subnet in share_network.get('share_network_subnets', [])
if subnet['availability_zone'] is None), None)
def get_extra_headers(request_version, graduation_version):
headers = None
extra_headers = False
if is_microversion_lt(request_version, graduation_version):
extra_headers = True
return headers, extra_headers
def _parse_resp(body, verify_top_key=None):
body = json.loads(body)
except ValueError:
return body
# We assume, that if the first value of the deserialized body's
# item set is a dict or a list, that we just return the first value
# of deserialized body.
# Essentially "cutting out" the first placeholder element in a body
# that looks like this:
# {
# "users": [
# ...
# ]
# }
# Ensure there are not more than one top-level keys
# NOTE(freerunner): Ensure, that JSON is not nullable to
# to prevent StopIteration Exception
if not hasattr(body, "keys") or len(body.keys()) != 1:
return body
# Just return the "wrapped" element
first_key, first_item = tuple(body.items())[0]
if isinstance(first_item, (dict, list)):
if verify_top_key is not None:
assert_msg = (
"The expected top level key is '%(top_key)s' but we "
"found '%(actual_key)s'." % {
'top_key': verify_top_key,
'actual_key': first_key
assert verify_top_key == first_key, assert_msg
return first_item
except (ValueError, IndexError):
return body