blob: cd13fe7d89dd5419102778270c4c8ba560331737 [file] [log] [blame]
# All Rights Reserved.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
# a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
from oslo_log import log
from tempest import config
from tempest.lib.common.utils import test_utils
from tempest.lib import exceptions as lib_exc
from ironic_tempest_plugin.common import utils
LOG = log.getLogger(__name__)
CONF = config.CONF
def _determine_and_check_timeout_interval(timeout, default_timeout,
interval, default_interval):
if timeout is None:
timeout = default_timeout
if interval is None:
interval = default_interval
if (not isinstance(timeout, int)
or not isinstance(interval, int)
or timeout < 0 or interval < 0):
raise AssertionError(
'timeout and interval should be >= 0 or None, current values are: '
'%(timeout)s, %(interval)s respectively. If timeout and/or '
'interval are None, the default_timeout and default_interval are '
'used, and they should be integers >= 0, current values are: '
'%(default_timeout)s, %(default_interval)s respectively.' % dict(
timeout=timeout, interval=interval,
return timeout, interval
def wait_for_bm_node_status(client, node_id, attr, status, timeout=None,
interval=None, abort_on_error_state=False):
"""Waits for a baremetal node attribute to reach given status.
:param client: an instance of tempest plugin BaremetalClient.
:param node_id: identifier of the node.
:param attr: node's API-visible attribute to check status of.
:param status: desired status. Can be a list of statuses.
:param timeout: the timeout after which the check is considered as failed.
Defaults to client.build_timeout.
:param interval: an interval between show_node calls for status check.
Defaults to client.build_interval.
:param abort_on_error_state: whether to abort waiting if the node reaches
an error state.
The client should have a show_node(node_id) method to get the node.
timeout, interval = _determine_and_check_timeout_interval(
timeout, client.build_timeout, interval, client.build_interval)
if not isinstance(status, list):
status = [status]
def is_attr_in_status():
node = utils.get_node(client, node_id=node_id)
if node[attr] in status:
return True
elif (abort_on_error_state
and (node['provision_state'].endswith(' failed')
or node['provision_state'] == 'error')):
msg = ('Node %(node)s reached failure state %(state)s while '
'waiting for %(attr)s=%(expected)s. '
'Error: %(error)s' %
{'node': node_id, 'state': node['provision_state'],
'attr': attr, 'expected': status,
'error': node.get('last_error')})
raise lib_exc.TempestException(msg)
return False
if not test_utils.call_until_true(is_attr_in_status, timeout,
message = ('Node %(node_id)s failed to reach %(attr)s=%(status)s '
'within the required time (%(timeout)s s).' %
{'node_id': node_id,
'attr': attr,
'status': status,
'timeout': timeout})
caller = test_utils.find_test_caller()
if caller:
message = '(%s) %s' % (caller, message)
raise lib_exc.TimeoutException(message)
def wait_node_instance_association(client, instance_uuid, timeout=None,
"""Waits for a node to be associated with instance_id.
:param client: an instance of tempest plugin BaremetalClient.
:param instance_uuid: UUID of the instance.
:param timeout: the timeout after which the check is considered as failed.
Defaults to CONF.baremetal.association_timeout.
:param interval: an interval between show_node calls for status check.
Defaults to client.build_interval.
timeout, interval = _determine_and_check_timeout_interval(
timeout, CONF.baremetal.association_timeout,
interval, client.build_interval)
def is_some_node_associated():
node = utils.get_node(client, instance_uuid=instance_uuid)
return node is not None
if not test_utils.call_until_true(is_some_node_associated, timeout,
msg = ('Timed out waiting to get Ironic node by instance UUID '
'%(instance_uuid)s within the required time (%(timeout)s s).'
% {'instance_uuid': instance_uuid, 'timeout': timeout})
raise lib_exc.TimeoutException(msg)
def wait_for_allocation(client, allocation_ident, timeout=15, interval=1,
"""Wait for the allocation to become active.
:param client: an instance of tempest plugin BaremetalClient.
:param allocation_ident: UUID or name of the allocation.
:param timeout: the timeout after which the allocation is considered as
failed. Defaults to 15 seconds.
:param interval: an interval between show_allocation calls.
Defaults to 1 second.
:param expect_error: if True, return successfully even in case of an error.
result = [None] # a mutable object to modify in the closure
def check():
result[0] = client.show_allocation(allocation_ident)
allocation = result[0][1]
if allocation['state'] == 'error' and not expect_error:
raise lib_exc.TempestException(
"Allocation %(ident)s failed: %(error)s" %
{'ident': allocation_ident,
'error': allocation.get('last_error')})
return allocation['state'] != 'allocating'
if not test_utils.call_until_true(check, timeout, interval):
msg = ('Timed out waiting for the allocation %s to become active' %
raise lib_exc.TimeoutException(msg)
return result[0]
def wait_node_value_in_field(client, node_id, field, value,
timeout=None, interval=None):
"""Waits for a node to have a field value appear.
:param client: an instance of tempest plugin BaremetalClient.
:param node_id: the UUID of the node
:param field: the field in the node object to examine
:param value: the value/key with-in the field to look for.
:param timeout: the timeout after which the check is considered as failed.
:param interval: an interval between show_node calls for status check.
def is_field_updated():
node = utils.get_node(client, node_id=node_id)
field_value = node[field]
if raise_if_insufficent_access and '** Redacted' in field_value:
msg = ('Unable to see contents of redacted field '
'indicating insufficient access to execute this test.')
raise lib_exc.InsufficientAPIAccess(msg)
return value in field_value
if not test_utils.call_until_true(is_field_updated, timeout,
msg = ('Timed out waiting to get Ironic node by node_id '
'%(node_id)s within the required time (%(timeout)s s). '
'Field value %(value) did not appear in field %(field)s.'
% {'node_id': node_id, 'timeout': timeout,
'field': field, 'value': value})
raise lib_exc.TimeoutException(msg)