blob: 353758842b9232333bf4c8aa50d31cccc4ae3335 [file] [log] [blame]
Full cloud with the Compute service and flat networking
This section documents running tempest on a full OpenStack cloud with the
Compute, Image and Networking services enabled. The Bare Metal Introspection
service (ironic-inspector) is not enabled. Flat networking is used.
* `Create a bare metal flavor`_ in the Compute service in advance
and record its ID (``<flavor uuid>`` below).
* `Create an image`_ to use for instances and record its ID (``<image uuid>``).
It can be either a whole disk or a partition image.
* Create and record the name or UUID of a flat network to use for bare metal
instances (``<network name>``).
* Get the minimum and maximum API versions that you want to test against.
Check the `API version history`_ to find the appropriate versions for
your deployment.
.. note:: The minimum version can usually be set to ``1.1``.
* Enroll_ at least one node and make it ``available``.
.. _Create a bare metal flavor:
.. _Create an image:
.. _API version history:
.. _Enroll:
.. code-block:: ini
# Enable ironic tests.
ironic = True
# Disable ironic-inspector tests.
ironic-inspector = False
# Minimum and maximum API versions to test against.
min_microversion = <min API version as X.Y>
max_microversion = <max API version as X.Y>
# Configure the bare metal flavor so that the Compute services provisions
# bare metal instances during the tests.
flavor_ref = <flavor uuid>
flavor_ref_alt = <flavor uuid>
# Configure the image to use.
image_ref = <image uuid>
image_ref_alt = <image uuid>
# Configure the network to use.
fixed_network_name = <network name>
# Ironic does not support this feature.
disk_config = False
# Not supported with flat networking.
interface_attach = False
# Not supported with flat networking.
create_isolated_networks = False
# Required for flat networking.
shared_physical_network = True