blob: 862432c0ac04058f27128fc32955b8b56037c8cd [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright 2021 Red Hat, Inc.
# All Rights Reserved.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
# a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
import contextlib
from oslo_log import log
from tempest.common import waiters
from tempest import config
from tempest.lib.common.utils import data_utils
from tempest.lib.common.utils import test_utils
from tempest.lib import exceptions as lib_exc
from tempest.scenario import manager
CONF = config.CONF
LOG = log.getLogger(__name__)
class ScenarioTest(manager.ScenarioTest):
credentials = ['primary', 'admin']
def setup_clients(cls):
super(ScenarioTest, cls).setup_clients()
cls.admin_volume_types_client = cls.os_admin.volume_types_client_latest
def _attached_volume_name(
self, disks_list_before_attach, ip_address, private_key):
ssh = self.get_remote_client(ip_address, private_key=private_key)
def _wait_for_volume_available_on_system():
disks_list_after_attach = ssh.list_disks()
return len(disks_list_after_attach) > len(disks_list_before_attach)
if not test_utils.call_until_true(_wait_for_volume_available_on_system,
raise lib_exc.TimeoutException
disks_list_after_attach = ssh.list_disks()
volume_name = [item for item in disks_list_after_attach
if item not in disks_list_before_attach][0]
return volume_name
def mount_dev_path(self, ssh_client, dev_name, mount_path):
if dev_name is not None:
ssh_client.exec_command('sudo mount /dev/%s %s' % (dev_name,
ssh_client.exec_command('sudo umount %s' % mount_path)
def _get_file_md5(self, ip_address, filename, dev_name=None,
mount_path='/mnt', private_key=None, server=None):
ssh_client = self.get_remote_client(ip_address,
with self.mount_dev_path(ssh_client, dev_name, mount_path):
md5_sum = ssh_client.exec_command(
'sudo md5sum %s/%s|cut -c 1-32' % (mount_path, filename))
return md5_sum
def _count_files(self, ip_address, dev_name=None, mount_path='/mnt',
private_key=None, server=None):
ssh_client = self.get_remote_client(ip_address,
with self.mount_dev_path(ssh_client, dev_name, mount_path):
count = ssh_client.exec_command(
'sudo ls -l %s | wc -l' % mount_path)
# We subtract 2 from the count since `wc -l` also includes the count
# of new line character and while creating the filesystem, a
# lost+found folder is also created
return int(count) - 2
def _make_fs(self, ip_address, private_key, server, dev_name, fs='ext4'):
ssh_client = self.get_remote_client(ip_address,
ssh_client.make_fs(dev_name, fs=fs)
def create_md5_new_file(self, ip_address, filename, dev_name=None,
mount_path='/mnt', private_key=None, server=None):
ssh_client = self.get_remote_client(ip_address,
with self.mount_dev_path(ssh_client, dev_name, mount_path):
'sudo dd bs=1024 count=100 if=/dev/urandom of=/%s/%s' %
(mount_path, filename))
md5 = ssh_client.exec_command(
'sudo md5sum -b %s/%s|cut -c 1-32' % (mount_path, filename))
ssh_client.exec_command('sudo sync')
return md5
def get_md5_from_file(self, instance, instance_ip, filename,
md5_sum = self._get_file_md5(instance_ip, filename=filename,
count = self._count_files(instance_ip, dev_name=dev_name,
return count, md5_sum
def _attach_and_get_volume_device_name(self, server, volume, instance_ip,
ssh_client = self.get_remote_client(
instance_ip, private_key=private_key,
# List disks before volume attachment
disks_list_before_attach = ssh_client.list_disks()
# Attach volume
attachment = self.attach_volume(server, volume)
# Find the difference between disks before and after attachment that
# gives us the volume device name
volume_device_name = self._attached_volume_name(
disks_list_before_attach, instance_ip, private_key)
return volume_device_name, attachment
def create_volume_type(self, client=None, name=None, extra_specs=None):
if not client:
client = self.os_admin.volume_types_client_latest
if not name:
class_name = self.__class__.__name__
name = data_utils.rand_name(class_name + '-volume-type')
randomized_name = data_utils.rand_name('scenario-type-' + name)
LOG.debug("Creating a volume type: %s with extra_specs %s",
randomized_name, extra_specs)
if extra_specs is None:
extra_specs = {}
volume_type = self.admin_volume_types_client.create_volume_type(
name=randomized_name, extra_specs=extra_specs)['volume_type']
self.addCleanup(self.cleanup_volume_type, volume_type)
return volume_type
def attach_volume(self, server, volume, device=None, tag=None):
"""Attaches volume to server and waits for 'in-use' volume status.
The volume will be detached when the test tears down.
:param server: The server to which the volume will be attached.
:param volume: The volume to attach.
:param device: Optional mountpoint for the attached volume. Note that
this is not guaranteed for all hypervisors and is not recommended.
:param tag: Optional device role tag to apply to the volume.
attach_kwargs = dict(volumeId=volume['id'])
if device:
attach_kwargs['device'] = device
if tag:
attach_kwargs['tag'] = tag
attachment = self.servers_client.attach_volume(
server['id'], **attach_kwargs)['volumeAttachment']
# On teardown detach the volume and for multiattach volumes wait for
# the attachment to be removed. For non-multiattach volumes wait for
# the state of the volume to change to available. This is so we don't
# error out when trying to delete the volume during teardown.
if volume['multiattach']:
att = waiters.wait_for_volume_attachment_create(
self.volumes_client, volume['id'], server['id'])
self.volumes_client, volume['id'],
self.volumes_client, volume['id'], 'available')
volume['id'], 'in-use')
# Ignore 404s on detach in case the server is deleted or the volume
# is already detached.
self.addCleanup(self._detach_volume, server, volume)
return attachment
def _detach_volume(self, server, volume):
"""Helper method to detach a volume.
Ignores 404 responses if the volume or server do not exist, or the
volume is already detached from the server.
volume = self.volumes_client.show_volume(volume['id'])['volume']
# Check the status. You can only detach an in-use volume, otherwise
# the compute API will return a 400 response.
if volume['status'] == 'in-use':
self.servers_client.detach_volume(server['id'], volume['id'])
except lib_exc.NotFound:
# Ignore 404s on detach in case the server is deleted or the volume
# is already detached.