| How to deploy TryMOS on AWS |
| =========================== |
| |
| 1. Dowload tryMOS image from Mirantis repo |
| wget https://artifactory.mcp.mirantis.net/artifactory/binary-dev-kaas-local/trymos/bin/trymos-bionic-amd64-master-20210316183204.qcow2 |
| |
| 2. Convert QCOW2 image to RAW format |
| qemu-img convert -f qcow2 -O raw ./trymos-bionic-amd64-master-20210316183204.qcow2 ./trymos-bionic-amd64-master-20210316183204.raw |
| |
| 3. Upload RAW image to S3 storage, where `trymos-raw` name of a bucket |
| aws s3 cp ./trymos-bionic-amd64-master-20210316183204.raw s3://trymos-raw |
| |
| 4. Create a snapshot from the image which had been uploaded |
| aws ec2 import-snapshot --disk-container file://containers.json |
| |
| containers.json |
| |
| { |
| "Description": "TryMOS RAW", |
| "Format": "RAW", |
| "UserBucket": { |
| "S3Bucket": "trymos-raw", |
| "S3Key": "trymos-bionic-amd64-master-20210316183204.raw" |
| } |
| } |
| |
| 5. Wait unless task is completed `aws ec2 describe-import-snapshot-tasks --import-task-ids <task-id>` |
| |
| 6. Create an image from the snapshot in EC2 Service -> Elastic Block Store -> Snapshots -> Actions -> Create image |
| with root storage 35Gb and additional volume 20Gb (volume type EBS (gp3)) |
| |
| 7. Launch instance from the image EC2 Service -> Images -> AMIs -> Launch with flavor minimal 16 CPUs and |
| 30Gb RAM (c4.4xlarge). |
| |
| 8. Connect to intance via external IP with keyfile which was defined during instance was brought up as root |
| ssh -i ./trymos-pair.pem -l root |
| |
| 9. Run installation script |
| /usr/share/trymos/launch.sh |