| #!/bin/bash |
| set -x |
| set -e |
| # allow access to the local variables from prepare-metadata.py |
| set -a |
| |
| # ensure we don't re-source this in the same environment |
| [[ -z "$_FUNCTIONS_SCRIPT" ]] || return 0 |
| declare -r -g _FUNCTIONS_SCRIPT=1 |
| |
| IRONIC_BAREMETAL_INTERFACE=$(ip route |grep ${IRONIC_BAREMETAL_NETWORK} | awk '/ src / {print $3}') |
| TUNNEL_INTERFACE_NETWORK_NETMASK=$(ip -o addr show |grep -w ${TUNNEL_INTERFACE_IP} | awk '{print $4}' |awk -F '/' '{print $2}') |
| TUNNEL_INTERFACE=$(ip -o addr show |grep -w ${TUNNEL_INTERFACE_IP}/${TUNNEL_INTERFACE_NETWORK_NETMASK} | awk '{print $2}') |
| # DOCKER_DEFAULT_ADDRESS_SIZE have to be less then netmask in DOCKER_DEFAULT_ADDRESS_POOL because |
| # to the fact that actual netmask for docker_gwbridge is given from it |
| BINARY_BASE_URL=${BINARY_BASE_URL:-"http://binary.mirantis.com"} |
| CODENAME=$(cat /etc/*release | awk -F '=' '/_CODENAME/ {print $2}' | head -1) |
| |
| function get_interface_prefix { |
| local interface=$1 |
| local interface_ip |
| local interface_mask |
| |
| interface_ip=$(ip addr show dev ${interface} | grep -Po 'inet \K[\d.]+' | egrep -v "127.0.|172.17") |
| interface_mask=$(ip addr show dev ${interface} | grep -Po 'inet \K[\d.]+\/[\d]+' | egrep -v "127.0.|172.17" | cut -d'/' -f2) |
| echo "${interface_ip}/${interface_mask}" |
| } |
| |
| DEFAULT_INTERFACE=${DEFAULT_INTERFACE:-$(ip route show |awk '/default/ {print $5}')} |
| |
| if [[ -n ${CONTROL_NETWORK_CIDR} ]]; then |
| CONTROL_IP_ADDRESS=$(ip route |grep ${CONTROL_NETWORK_CIDR} | head -n1 | fgrep -v ' via ' | awk '/ src / {print $9}') |
| else |
| CONTROL_IP_ADDRESS=$(get_interface_prefix ${DEFAULT_INTERFACE} | awk -F '/' '{print $1}') |
| CONTROL_NETWORK_CIDR=$(ip route show dev ${DEFAULT_INTERFACE} | awk '/kernel/ {print $1}') |
| fi |
| |
| |
| UCP_PASSWORD=${UCP_PASSWORD:-administrator} |
| OS_CODENAME=$(lsb_release -c -s) |
| # Change default VXLAN port, need for https://mirantis.jira.com/browse/PRODX-11679 |
| NTP_SERVERS=${NTP_SERVERS:-"0.ubuntu.pool.ntp.org 1.ubuntu.pool.ntp.org 2.ubuntu.pool.ntp.org 3.ubuntu.pool.ntp.org"} |
| HUGE_PAGES_1G_SIZE=$(echo "${HUGE_PAGES}" | awk -F ',' '{print $1}') |
| HUGE_PAGES_2Mb_SIZE=$(echo "${HUGE_PAGES}" | awk -F ',' '{print $2}') |
| if [[ "${HUGE_PAGES_1G_SIZE}" -gt 0 ]] || [[ "${HUGE_PAGES_2Mb_SIZE}" -gt 0 ]]; then |
| if [[ "${TUNGSTENFABRIC_ENABLED,,}" == false ]]; then |
| fi |
| fi |
| |
| if [[ "${TUNGSTENFABRIC_ENABLED,,}" == true ]]; then |
| |
| fi |
| |
| #FRR Options |
| |
| |
| _KUBECTL_CMD="kubectl --kubeconfig /etc/kubernetes/admin.conf " |
| |
| function retry { |
| local retries=$1 |
| shift |
| local msg="$1" |
| shift |
| |
| local count=0 |
| until "$@"; do |
| exit=$? |
| wait=$((2 ** $count)) |
| count=$(($count + 1)) |
| if [ $count -lt $retries ]; then |
| echo "Retry $count/$retries exited $exit, retrying in $wait seconds..." |
| sleep $wait |
| else |
| echo "Retry $count/$retries exited $exit, no more retries left." |
| echo "$msg" |
| return $exit |
| fi |
| done |
| return 0 |
| } |
| |
| function install_pkgs { |
| local pkgs="$@" |
| function _retry_install { |
| apt update && DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive apt install -o DPkg::Options::=--force-confdef -y $pkgs |
| } |
| retry 10 "Labeling node failed" _retry_install |
| } |
| |
| function setup_bind_mounts { |
| mkdir -p /var/lib/persistant-data |
| for component in nova glance cinder docker; do |
| if [[ -d /var/lib/${component} ]]; then |
| continue |
| fi |
| mkdir -p /var/lib/data/${component} /var/lib/${component} |
| echo "/var/lib/data/${component} /var/lib/${component} none bind 0 0" >> /etc/fstab |
| done |
| |
| if [[ "${KUBERNETES_INSTALLER}" == "k0s" ]]; then |
| mkdir -p /var/lib/k0s/kubelet |
| mkdir -p /var/lib/kubelet |
| echo "/var/lib/k0s/kubelet /var/lib/kubelet none bind 0 0" >> /etc/fstab |
| fi |
| |
| mount -a |
| } |
| |
| function configure_atop { |
| local atop_config='/etc/default/atop' |
| # Since jammy atop systemd unit doesn't use /usr/share/atop/atop.daily |
| # to launch atop. |
| if [[ ${CODENAME} == "bionic" ]] || [[ ${CODENAME} == "focal" ]]; then |
| atop_config='/usr/share/atop/atop.daily' |
| fi |
| sed -i 's/INTERVAL=600/INTERVAL=60/' ${atop_config} |
| systemctl restart atop |
| } |
| |
| function disable_unattended_upgr { |
| # Disable unattended upgrades |
| sed -i 's/1/0/' /etc/apt/apt.conf.d/20auto-upgrades |
| sed -i 's/APT::Periodic::Update-Package-Lists "1"/APT::Periodic::Update-Package-Lists "0"/g' /etc/apt/apt.conf.d/* |
| } |
| |
| function configure_logind_conf { |
| |
| cat <<EOF >/etc/systemd/logind.conf |
| [Login] |
| #NAutoVTs=6 |
| #ReserveVT=6 |
| #KillUserProcesses=no |
| #KillOnlyUsers= |
| #KillExcludeUsers=root |
| InhibitDelayMaxSec=600 |
| #UserStopDelaySec=10 |
| #HandlePowerKey=poweroff |
| #HandleSuspendKey=suspend |
| #HandleHibernateKey=hibernate |
| #HandleLidSwitch=suspend |
| #HandleLidSwitchExternalPower=suspend |
| #HandleLidSwitchDocked=ignore |
| #HandleRebootKey=reboot |
| #PowerKeyIgnoreInhibited=no |
| #SuspendKeyIgnoreInhibited=no |
| #HibernateKeyIgnoreInhibited=no |
| #LidSwitchIgnoreInhibited=yes |
| #RebootKeyIgnoreInhibited=no |
| #HoldoffTimeoutSec=30s |
| #IdleAction=ignore |
| #IdleActionSec=30min |
| #RuntimeDirectorySize=10% |
| #RuntimeDirectoryInodesMax=400k |
| #RemoveIPC=yes |
| #InhibitorsMax=8192 |
| #SessionsMax=8192 |
| |
| EOF |
| |
| systemctl daemon-reload |
| |
| } |
| |
| function install_required_packages { |
| local pkg_list="apt-transport-https ca-certificates curl software-properties-common jq unzip atop iptables-persistent socat ntp rng-tools open-iscsi nfs-common" |
| |
| if [[ "${CONFIGURE_HUGE_PAGES}" == true ]]; then |
| # Since jammy the igb_uio kernel module contains in the dpdk-kmods-dkms package |
| if [[ ${CODENAME} == "bionic" ]] || [[ ${CODENAME} == "focal" ]]; then |
| pkg_list="$pkg_list dpdk-igb-uio-dkms" |
| else |
| pkg_list="$pkg_list dpdk-kmods-dkms" |
| fi |
| # linux-image-extra-$(uname -r) provides uio_pci_generic module, used by TF DPDK as default driver |
| if [[ "${TUNGSTENFABRIC_ENABLED,,}" == true ]]; then |
| pkg_list="$pkg_list linux-modules-extra-$(uname -r)" |
| fi |
| fi |
| install_pkgs $pkg_list |
| # Since version 4 yq uses another syntax |
| if [[ ! -f /usr/bin/yq ]]; then |
| curl --retry 6 --retry-delay 5 -L ${BINARY_BASE_URL}/openstack/bin/utils/yq/yq-v3.3.2 -o /usr/bin/yq |
| chmod +x /usr/bin/yq |
| fi |
| } |
| |
| function enable_iscsi { |
| systemctl enable iscsid |
| systemctl restart iscsid |
| } |
| |
| function configure_lvm { |
| function _setup_lvm { |
| local device_num=$1 |
| local device_size=$2 |
| local vg_name=$3 |
| if vgdisplay | grep ${vg_name}; then |
| echo "Volume group ${vg_name} is already initialize" |
| else |
| #configure lvm only on compute nodes |
| if [[ ${NODE_METADATA} == *"openstack-compute-node"* ]]; then |
| truncate --size ${device_size}G /srv/disk${device_num} |
| cat <<EOF > /etc/systemd/system/setup-loopback-loop${device_num}.service |
| [Unit] |
| Description=Setup loop${device_num} device |
| DefaultDependencies=no |
| After=systemd-udev-settle.service |
| Before=lvm2-activation-early.service |
| Wants=systemd-udev-settle.service |
| |
| [Service] |
| ExecStart=-/sbin/losetup /dev/loop${device_num} /srv/disk${device_num} |
| RemainAfterExit=true |
| Type=oneshot |
| |
| [Install] |
| WantedBy=local-fs.target |
| EOF |
| systemctl enable setup-loopback-loop${device_num} |
| systemctl start setup-loopback-loop${device_num} |
| #adding short sleep to give time for service to start |
| sleep 3 |
| pvcreate /dev/loop${device_num} |
| vgcreate ${vg_name} /dev/loop${device_num} |
| fi |
| fi |
| } |
| |
| if [[ "${LVM_LOOP_DEVICE_SIZE}" -gt 0 ]]; then |
| _setup_lvm 10 ${LVM_LOOP_DEVICE_SIZE} nova-vol |
| fi |
| if [[ "${CINDER_LVM_LOOP_DEVICE_SIZE}" -gt 0 ]]; then |
| _setup_lvm 11 ${CINDER_LVM_LOOP_DEVICE_SIZE} cinder-vol |
| fi |
| |
| } |
| |
| function install_docker { |
| function install_retry { |
| curl --retry 6 --retry-delay 5 -fsSL "${DOCKER_EE_URL}/gpg" | sudo apt-key add - |
| add-apt-repository "deb [arch=amd64] ${DOCKER_EE_URL}/ ${OS_CODENAME} ${DOCKER_EE_RELEASE}" |
| install_pkgs ${DOCKER_EE_PACKAGES} |
| if [[ $KUBERNETES_CONTAINER_RUNTIME == "crio" ]]; then |
| curl --retry 6 --retry-delay 5 -fsSL https://github.com/containerd/nerdctl/releases/download/v${NERDCTL_VERSION}/nerdctl-${NERDCTL_VERSION}-linux-amd64.tar.gz --output nerdctl-${NERDCTL_VERSION}-linux-amd64.tar.gz |
| tar zxvf nerdctl-${NERDCTL_VERSION}-linux-amd64.tar.gz -C /usr/local/bin |
| fi |
| } |
| retry 10 "Failed to install docker" install_retry |
| } |
| |
| function prepare_docker_config { |
| mkdir -p /etc/docker |
| cat <<EOF > /etc/docker/daemon.json |
| { |
| "default-cgroupns-mode": "host", |
| "default-address-pools": [ |
| ], |
| "log-driver": "json-file", |
| "log-opts": { |
| "max-size": "1g", |
| "max-file": "3" |
| } |
| } |
| EOF |
| |
| if [[ $KUBERNETES_CONTAINER_RUNTIME == "crio" ]]; then |
| mkdir -p /etc/containerd/ |
| cat <<EOF> /etc/containerd/config.toml |
| version = 2 |
| [plugins] |
| [plugins."io.containerd.grpc.v1.cri".containerd.runtimes] |
| [plugins."io.containerd.grpc.v1.cri".containerd.runtimes.runc] |
| runtime_type = "io.containerd.runc.v2" |
| [plugins."io.containerd.grpc.v1.cri".containerd.runtimes.runc.options] |
| SystemdCgroup = true |
| EOF |
| systemctl restart containerd || /bin/true |
| fi |
| |
| } |
| |
| function pull_image { |
| local image="$1" |
| function pull_image_retry { |
| if [[ $KUBERNETES_CONTAINER_RUNTIME == "crio" ]]; then |
| nerdctl --address unix:///run/containerd/containerd.sock -n k8s.io pull $image |
| fi |
| docker pull ${image} |
| } |
| retry 10 "Can't pool docker image $image" pull_image_retry |
| } |
| |
| function cache_images { |
| |
| # Cache UCP image with retries |
| pull_image "${DOCKER_UCP_IMAGE}" |
| |
| local image_prefix=${DOCKER_UCP_IMAGE%/*} |
| for image in $(docker container run --rm --name ucp -v /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock ${DOCKER_UCP_IMAGE} images --list); do |
| pull_image "${image_prefix}/${image##*/}" |
| if [[ $KUBERNETES_CONTAINER_RUNTIME == "crio" ]]; then |
| nerdctl --address unix:///run/containerd/containerd.sock -n k8s.io tag ${image_prefix}/${image##*/} mirantis/${image##*/} |
| fi |
| docker tag ${image_prefix}/${image##*/} mirantis/${image##*/} |
| done |
| } |
| |
| function install_ucp { |
| if docker ps --all | grep ucp-controller; then |
| echo "Docker UCP container is running" |
| else |
| local tmpd |
| tmpd=$(mktemp -d) |
| function docker_run_retry { |
| docker container run --rm --name ucp \ |
| -v /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock \ |
| ${DOCKER_UCP_IMAGE} install \ |
| --host-address $UCP_IP_ADDRESS \ |
| --admin-username $UCP_USERNAME \ |
| --admin-password $UCP_PASSWORD \ |
| --existing-config |
| } |
| retry 10 "Can't bring up docker UCP container" docker_run_retry |
| fi |
| } |
| |
| function download_k0s { |
| curl -sSLf https://get.k0s.sh -o /tmp/get.k0s.sh |
| sh /tmp/get.k0s.sh |
| } |
| |
| function install_k0s { |
| local install_flags="--enable-worker" |
| if [[ "${SINGLE_NODE}" == true ]]; then |
| install_flags="$install_flags --single" |
| fi |
| mkdir -p /etc/k0s |
| k0s config create > /etc/k0s/k0s.yaml |
| k0s install controller -c /etc/k0s/k0s.yaml $install_flags |
| k0s start |
| |
| sleep 60 |
| |
| mkdir -p /etc/kubernetes /root/.kube/ |
| k0s kubeconfig admin > /etc/kubernetes/admin.conf |
| cp /etc/kubernetes/admin.conf /root/.kube/config |
| |
| mkdir -p /etc/k0s |
| k0s kubeconfig admin > /etc/k0s/admin.conf |
| if [[ "${SINGLE_NODE}" != true ]]; then |
| k0s token create --role=worker > /etc/k0s/worker_token.yaml |
| k0s token create --role=controller > /etc/k0s/controller_token.yaml |
| fi |
| |
| install_pkgs nginx |
| rm -f /etc/nginx/sites-enabled/default |
| ln -s /etc/k0s/ /var/www/k0s |
| cat << EOF > /etc/nginx/sites-enabled/k0s |
| server { |
| listen *:80; |
| root /var/www; |
| |
| location /k0s { |
| autoindex on; |
| } |
| } |
| EOF |
| systemctl restart nginx |
| } |
| |
| function get_authtoken_retry { |
| # Download the bundle https://docs.docker.com/ee/ucp/user-access/cli/ |
| # Create an environment variable with the user security token |
| AUTHTOKEN=$(curl --retry 6 --retry-delay 5 -sk -d '{"username":"'$UCP_USERNAME'","password":"'$UCP_PASSWORD'"}' https://${UCP_MASTER_HOST}/auth/login | jq -r .auth_token) |
| if [ -z ${AUTHTOKEN} ]; then |
| return -1 |
| fi |
| } |
| |
| function download_bundles { |
| local tmpd |
| tmpd=$(mktemp -d) |
| |
| function download_bundles_retry { |
| # Download the client certificate bundle |
| curl --retry 6 --retry-delay 5 -k -H "Authorization: Bearer $AUTHTOKEN" https://${UCP_MASTER_HOST}/api/clientbundle -o ${tmpd}/bundle.zip |
| } |
| |
| retry 10 "Can't get AUTHTOKEN from master." get_authtoken_retry |
| retry 10 "Can't download bundle file from master." download_bundles_retry |
| |
| pushd $tmpd |
| # Unzip the bundle. |
| unzip bundle.zip |
| |
| # Run the utility script. |
| eval "$(<env.sh)" |
| mkdir -p /etc/kubernetes /root/.kube/ |
| cp kube.yml /etc/kubernetes/admin.conf |
| cp kube.yml /root/.kube/config |
| popd |
| } |
| |
| function wait_for_node { |
| function retry_wait { |
| ${_KUBECTL_CMD} get nodes |grep -w Ready |awk '{print $1}' |grep -q $(hostname) |
| } |
| retry $NODE_DEPLOYMENT_RETRIES "The node didn't come up." retry_wait |
| } |
| |
| function download_k8s_metadata { |
| mkdir -p /etc/k0s/ |
| mkdir -p /etc/kubernetes |
| for f in worker_token.yaml controller_token.yaml admin.conf; do |
| curl --retry 6 --retry-delay 5 -L http://${UCP_MASTER_HOST}/k0s/${f} -o /etc/k0s/${f} |
| done |
| cp /etc/k0s/admin.conf /etc/kubernetes/admin.conf |
| mkdir -p /root/.kube/ |
| cp /etc/k0s/admin.conf /root/.kube/config |
| } |
| |
| function join_node { |
| if kubectl --kubeconfig /etc/kubernetes/admin.conf get nodes |grep -w Ready |awk '{print $1}' |grep -q $(hostname); then |
| echo "This node is already join" |
| else |
| local type=${1} |
| function retry_join_node { |
| env -i $(docker swarm join-token $type |grep 'docker swarm join' | xargs) |
| sleep 20 && systemctl restart docker && sleep 20 |
| } |
| retry 10 "Failed to join node to swarm" retry_join_node |
| fi |
| } |
| |
| function join_k0s_node { |
| k0s install worker --token-file /etc/k0s/worker_token.yaml |
| k0s start |
| } |
| |
| function create_ucp_config { |
| if [[ "${SINGLE_NODE}" == true ]]; then |
| max_pods="kubelet_max_pods = 220" |
| fi |
| if [[ "${SECURE_OVERLAY_ENABLED,,}" == true ]]; then |
| secure_overlay="secure_overlay = true |
| calico_vxlan = false" |
| fi |
| kubelet_custom_flags="" |
| if [[ $KUBERNETES_CONTAINER_RUNTIME == "crio" ]]; then |
| kubelet_custom_flags='custom_kubelet_flags=["--cgroup-driver=systemd", "--container-runtime-endpoint=unix:///run/containerd/containerd.sock"]' |
| fi |
| if docker config ls | grep com.docker.ucp.config ; then |
| echo "Config com.docker.ucp.config already exists" |
| else |
| echo " |
| [scheduling_configuration] |
| enable_admin_ucp_scheduling = true |
| default_node_orchestrator = \"kubernetes\" |
| [cluster_config] |
| dns = [\"\"] |
| calico_vxlan_port = \"$UCP_DOCKER_CALICO_VXLAN_PORT\" |
| ${max_pods} |
| ${secure_overlay} |
| ${kubelet_custom_flags} |
| [audit_log_configuration] |
| level = \"${UCP_AUDIT_LOG_LEVEL}\" |
| support_dump_include_audit_logs = false |
| " | docker config create com.docker.ucp.config - |
| fi |
| } |
| |
| function swarm_init { |
| if docker node ls | grep $HOSTNAME; then |
| echo "This node is already part of a swarm" |
| else |
| docker swarm init --advertise-addr ${UCP_IP_ADDRESS} --data-path-addr ${UCP_IP_ADDRESS} --listen-addr ${UCP_IP_ADDRESS} --data-path-port ${UCP_DOCKER_SWARM_DATA_PORT} |
| sleep 5 && systemctl restart docker && sleep 5 |
| fi |
| } |
| |
| function rm_ucp_config { |
| docker config rm com.docker.ucp.config |
| } |
| |
| function install_kubectl { |
| local kubectl=/usr/local/bin/kubectl |
| curl --retry 6 --retry-delay 5 -L ${BINARY_BASE_URL}/openstack/bin/utils/kubectl/kubectl-${KUBECTL_VERSION}-linux -o ${kubectl} |
| chmod +x ${kubectl} |
| cat << EOF >> ~/.bashrc |
| source /usr/share/bash-completion/bash_completion |
| source <(kubectl completion bash) |
| EOF |
| } |
| |
| function configure_ntp { |
| echo "" > /etc/ntp.conf |
| |
| for server in $NTP_SERVERS; do |
| cat << EOF >> /etc/ntp.conf |
| server ${server} iburst |
| EOF |
| done |
| |
| cat << EOF >> /etc/ntp.conf |
| # Set general access to this service |
| restrict -4 default kod nomodify notrap nopeer noquery |
| restrict -6 default kod nomodify notrap nopeer noquery |
| |
| # Allow access from localhost |
| restrict |
| restrict ::1 |
| |
| # Do not listen on any interface address by default |
| interface ignore wildcard |
| interface listen lo |
| interface listen ${DEFAULT_INTERFACE} |
| |
| # Location of drift file |
| driftfile /var/lib/ntp/ntp.drift |
| EOF |
| |
| systemctl disable systemd-timesyncd |
| systemctl enable ntp |
| systemctl restart ntp |
| } |
| |
| function wait_for_external_network { |
| function _check_access { |
| curl --connect-timeout 10 ${DOCKER_UCP_IMAGE%%/*} || (sleep 1; /bin/false) |
| } |
| retry 180 "Failed to wait for external networks reachable." _check_access |
| } |
| |
| function prepare_network { |
| if [ -z "${CONTROL_IP_ADDRESS}" ]; then |
| wait_condition_send "FAILURE" "CONTROL_IP_ADDRESS is not found." |
| exit 1 |
| fi |
| |
| systemctl restart systemd-resolved |
| # Make sure local hostname is present in /etc/hosts |
| sed -i "s/ localhost/ localhost\n${CONTROL_IP_ADDRESS} $(hostname -s).cluster.local $(hostname -s)/" /etc/hosts |
| } |
| |
| function workaround_default_forward_policy { |
| local should_run=0 |
| if ! iptables -nvL DOCKER-USER |grep $net; then |
| should_run=1 |
| break |
| fi |
| done |
| if [[ $should_run == 0 ]]; then |
| echo "Iptables is already configured" |
| else |
| cat << EOF > /etc/iptables/rules.v4 |
| *filter |
| :DOCKER-USER - [0:0] |
| EOF |
| cat << EOF >> /etc/iptables/rules.v4 |
| -A DOCKER-USER -d ${net} -j ACCEPT |
| -A DOCKER-USER -s ${net} -j ACCEPT |
| EOF |
| done |
| |
| cat << EOF >> /etc/iptables/rules.v4 |
| EOF |
| |
| #Allow access to Internet from VMs for virtualized environment. |
| cat << EOF >> /etc/iptables/rules.v4 |
| *nat |
| EOF |
| cat << EOF >> /etc/iptables/rules.v4 |
| EOF |
| done |
| |
| cat << EOF >> /etc/iptables/rules.v4 |
| EOF |
| sudo netfilter-persistent reload |
| fi |
| } |
| |
| function disable_rp_filter { |
| # Run this func before "network_config" to create new interfaces with the default rp_filter value |
| cat << EOF > /etc/sysctl.d/99-disable-rp-filter.conf |
| net.ipv4.conf.all.rp_filter=0 |
| net.ipv4.conf.default.rp_filter=0 |
| net.ipv4.conf.*.rp_filter=0 |
| EOF |
| # to apply to existing interfaces need to restart service |
| systemctl restart systemd-sysctl.service |
| } |
| |
| function configure_sysctl_limits { |
| cat << EOF > /etc/sysctl.d/99-limits.conf |
| fs.inotify.max_user_instances = 8192 |
| EOF |
| sysctl -p /etc/sysctl.d/99-limits.conf |
| } |
| |
| function configure_contrack { |
| cat << EOF > /etc/sysctl.d/100-contrackd.conf |
| net.netfilter.nf_conntrack_log_invalid=255 |
| net.netfilter.nf_conntrack_tcp_be_liberal=1 |
| EOF |
| |
| sysctl -p /etc/sysctl.d/100-contrackd.conf |
| } |
| |
| # NOTE(vsaienko): disable calling iptables when sending packets via bridge. |
| function disable_iptables_for_bridges { |
| cat << EOF > /etc/sysctl.d/101-bridge-nf-call-iptables.conf |
| net.bridge.bridge-nf-call-ip6tables=0 |
| net.bridge.bridge-nf-call-iptables=0 |
| net.bridge.bridge-nf-call-arptables=0 |
| EOF |
| |
| sysctl -p /etc/sysctl.d/101-bridge-nf-call-iptables.conf |
| } |
| |
| function network_config { |
| PUBLIC_NODE_IP_ADDRESS=${PUBLIC_INTERFACE_IP:-$(ip addr show dev ${PUBLIC_INTERFACE} | grep -Po 'inet \K[\d.]+' | egrep -v "127.0.|172.17")} |
| PUBLIC_NODE_IP_NETMASK=${PUBLIC_INTERFACE_NETMASK:-$(ip addr show dev ${PUBLIC_INTERFACE} | grep -Po 'inet \K[\d.]+\/[\d]+' | egrep -v "127.0.|172.17" | cut -d'/' -f2)} |
| |
| local public_interface=${1:-${PUBLIC_INTERFACE}} |
| local cloud_netplan_cfg="/etc/netplan/50-cloud-init.yaml" |
| local match_ip_line |
| |
| install_pkgs bridge-utils |
| |
| cat << EOF > /etc/systemd/network/10-veth-phy-br.netdev |
| [NetDev] |
| Name=veth-phy |
| Kind=veth |
| [Peer] |
| Name=veth-br |
| EOF |
| |
| if [[ -n ${IRONIC_BAREMETAL_INTERFACE} ]]; then |
| |
| cat << EOF > /etc/systemd/network/11-veth-bm.netdev |
| [NetDev] |
| Name=veth-bm |
| Kind=veth |
| [Peer] |
| Name=veth-bm-br |
| EOF |
| |
| cat << EOF > /etc/systemd/network/12-veth-vbmc.netdev |
| [NetDev] |
| Name=veth-vbmc |
| Kind=veth |
| [Peer] |
| Name=veth-vbmc-br |
| EOF |
| fi |
| |
| sed -i 's/.*ethernets:.*/&\n veth-phy: {}/' ${cloud_netplan_cfg} |
| sed -i 's/.*ethernets:.*/&\n veth-br: {}/' ${cloud_netplan_cfg} |
| if [[ -n ${IRONIC_BAREMETAL_INTERFACE} ]]; then |
| sed -i 's/.*ethernets:.*/&\n veth-bm: {}/' ${cloud_netplan_cfg} |
| sed -i 's/.*ethernets:.*/&\n veth-bm-br: {}/' ${cloud_netplan_cfg} |
| sed -i 's/.*ethernets:.*/&\n veth-vbmc: {}/' ${cloud_netplan_cfg} |
| sed -i 's/.*ethernets:.*/&\n veth-vbmc-br: {}/' ${cloud_netplan_cfg} |
| |
| if [[ "${IRONIC_MT_ENABLED,,}" == true ]] ; then |
| sed -i "s/.*ethernets:.*/&\n ${IRONIC_BAREMETAL_VXLAN_INTERFACE}: {}/" ${cloud_netplan_cfg} |
| sed -i 's/.*ethernets:.*/&\n veth-pxe: {}/' ${cloud_netplan_cfg} |
| sed -i 's/.*ethernets:.*/&\n veth-pxe-br: {}/' ${cloud_netplan_cfg} |
| cat << EOF > /etc/systemd/network/13-veth-pxe.netdev |
| [NetDev] |
| Name=veth-pxe |
| Kind=veth |
| [Peer] |
| Name=veth-pxe-br |
| EOF |
| sed -i "s/- ${IRONIC_BAREMETAL_NETWORK_PREFIX}\([0-9]*\)/- ${IRONIC_BAREMETAL_TUNNEL_NETWORK_PREFIX}\1/" ${cloud_netplan_cfg} |
| cat << EOF >> ${cloud_netplan_cfg} |
| vlans: |
| pxe.1000: |
| id: 1000 |
| link: veth-pxe |
| addresses: |
| EOF |
| else |
| ironic_baremetal_address_match_ip_line=$(grep -nm1 "${IRONIC_BAREMETAL_INTERFACE_IP}/${IRONIC_BAREMETAL_NETWORK_NETMASK}" ${cloud_netplan_cfg} | cut -d: -f1) |
| sed -i "$((${ironic_baremetal_address_match_ip_line}-1)),$((${ironic_baremetal_address_match_ip_line}))d" ${cloud_netplan_cfg} |
| fi |
| fi |
| |
| public_address_match_ip_line=$(grep -nm1 "${PUBLIC_NODE_IP_ADDRESS}/${PUBLIC_NODE_IP_NETMASK}" ${cloud_netplan_cfg} | cut -d: -f1) |
| if [ -n "${public_address_match_ip_line}" ] ; then |
| sed -i "$((${public_address_match_ip_line}-1)),$((${public_address_match_ip_line}))d" ${cloud_netplan_cfg} |
| fi |
| |
| cat << EOF >> ${cloud_netplan_cfg} |
| bridges: |
| br-public: |
| dhcp4: false |
| interfaces: |
| - veth-br |
| EOF |
| if [[ ${NODE_METADATA} == *"tempest"* ]] || [[ "${TUNGSTENFABRIC_ENABLED,,}" == true ]]; then |
| cat << EOF >> ${cloud_netplan_cfg} |
| addresses: |
| EOF |
| fi |
| if [[ ${NODE_METADATA} == *"tempest"* ]]; then |
| # Assign more ips for neutron dynamic routing PRODX-31417 |
| for i in {71..76}; do |
| cat << EOF >> ${cloud_netplan_cfg} |
| EOF |
| done |
| fi |
| |
| # Remove Tunnel interface from netplan |
| if [[ $TUNNEL_INTERFACE_NETPLAN_MANAGE == false ]]; then |
| sed -i "/ ${TUNNEL_INTERFACE}/,/ set-name: ${TUNNEL_INTERFACE}/d" ${cloud_netplan_cfg} |
| fi |
| |
| if [[ -n ${IRONIC_BAREMETAL_INTERFACE} ]]; then |
| cat << EOF >> ${cloud_netplan_cfg} |
| br-baremetal: |
| dhcp4: false |
| interfaces: |
| - veth-bm-br |
| - veth-vbmc-br |
| EOF |
| if [[ "${IRONIC_MT_ENABLED,,}" != true ]] ; then |
| cat << EOF >> ${cloud_netplan_cfg} |
| addresses: |
| EOF |
| else |
| cat << EOF >> ${cloud_netplan_cfg} |
| - veth-pxe-br |
| EOF |
| |
| cat << EOF > /etc/systemd/system/ironic-vxlan-tunnel.service |
| [Unit] |
| Description=Ironic VXLAN tunnel |
| After=network.target |
| |
| [Service] |
| Type=oneshot |
| RemainAfterExit=true |
| ExecStart=/sbin/ip link add ${IRONIC_BAREMETAL_VXLAN_INTERFACE} type vxlan id 10 group dstport 0 dev ${IRONIC_BAREMETAL_INTERFACE} |
| ExecStart=/sbin/ip link set ${IRONIC_BAREMETAL_VXLAN_INTERFACE} up |
| |
| [Install] |
| WantedBy=multi-user.target |
| EOF |
| |
| systemctl enable ironic-vxlan-tunnel.service |
| systemctl start ironic-vxlan-tunnel.service |
| fi |
| fi |
| netplan --debug apply |
| |
| # NOTE(vsaienko): give some time to apply changes |
| sleep 15 |
| |
| # Remove Tunnel interface from netplan |
| if [[ $TUNNEL_INTERFACE_NETPLAN_MANAGE == false ]]; then |
| ip addr flush ${TUNNEL_INTERFACE} |
| ip link set ${TUNNEL_INTERFACE} up |
| fi |
| |
| } |
| |
| $functions_override |
| |
| function set_node_labels { |
| function set_node_labels_retry { |
| ${_KUBECTL_CMD} patch node $(hostname) -p "{\"metadata\": $(echo $NODE_METADATA | jq -c ".")}" |
| } |
| retry 10 "Labeling node failed" set_node_labels_retry |
| } |
| |
| HW_METADATA='{}' |
| function prepare_metadata_files { |
| /usr/sbin/prepare-metadata.py --metadata-file /usr/share/metadata/lab-metadata.yaml |
| } |
| |
| function collect_ceph_metadata { |
| local ceph_osd_node |
| ceph_osd_node=$(${_KUBECTL_CMD} get nodes -l role=ceph-osd-node -o jsonpath={.items[?\(@.metadata.name==\"$(hostname)\"\)].metadata.name}) |
| |
| if [[ -f /usr/share/metadata/ceph.yaml && ${ceph_osd_node} ]]; then |
| HW_METADATA="{\"ceph\": {\"$(hostname)\": \"$(base64 -w 0 /usr/share/metadata/ceph.yaml)\"}}" |
| ceph_store_drive=$(cat /usr/share/metadata/ceph.yaml | egrep '\- name\: vd?' | awk '{print $3}') |
| if [[ -b /dev/${ceph_store_drive} ]]; then |
| sgdisk --zap-all /dev/${ceph_store_drive} |
| fi |
| fi |
| } |
| |
| function collect_interfaces_metadata { |
| |
| local if_metadata_file="/usr/share/metadata/interfaces.yaml" |
| if [ -z "${TUNNEL_INTERFACE}" ] ; then |
| echo "Tunnel interface is empty" |
| else |
| pci_id=$(ethtool -i ${TUNNEL_INTERFACE} |grep bus-info | awk '{print $2}') |
| mac=$(cat $(find /sys/bus/pci/devices/${pci_id}/ -name net)/${TUNNEL_INTERFACE}/address) |
| |
| cat << EOF > ${if_metadata_file} |
| pci_id: "${pci_id}" |
| ip_addr: "${ip}" |
| mac: "${mac}" |
| EOF |
| |
| fi |
| HW_METADATA=$(echo ${HW_METADATA} | jq -cr ". += {\"interfaces\": {\"$(hostname)\": \"$(base64 -w 0 ${if_metadata_file})\"}}") |
| |
| } |
| |
| function nested_virt_config { |
| |
| if grep --color vmx /proc/cpuinfo; then |
| cat << EOF > /etc/modprobe.d/qemu-system-x86.conf |
| options kvm_intel nested=1 |
| options kvm_intel enable_apicv=1 |
| options kvm_intel ept=1 |
| EOF |
| |
| modprobe -r kvm_intel || true |
| modprobe kvm_intel nested=1 |
| else |
| echo "Nested virtualization is not supported" |
| fi |
| |
| } |
| |
| function configure_huge_pages { |
| local nr_2Mb |
| local nr_1G |
| local apply_grub=false |
| |
| if [[ ! $(cat /etc/default/grub | grep -E ^GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX=".*hugepagesz=2M.*") ]] && [[ "${HUGE_PAGES_2Mb_SIZE}" -gt 0 ]]; then |
| nr_2Mb=$(( "${HUGE_PAGES_2Mb_SIZE}" / 2 )) |
| echo "Configure GRUB kernel cmd to allocate ${nr_2Mb} 2Mb huge pages" |
| echo "GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX=\"\$GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX hugepagesz=2M hugepages=$nr_2Mb\"" >> /etc/default/grub |
| apply_grub=true |
| fi |
| |
| if [[ ! $(cat /etc/default/grub | grep -E ^GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX=".*hugepagesz=1G.*") ]] && [[ "${HUGE_PAGES_1G_SIZE}" -gt 0 ]]; then |
| echo "Configure GRUB kernel cmd to allocate ${HUGE_PAGES_1G_SIZE} 1G huge pages" |
| echo "GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX=\"\$GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX hugepagesz=1G hugepages=${HUGE_PAGES_1G_SIZE}\"" >> /etc/default/grub |
| apply_grub=true |
| fi |
| |
| if [[ "${apply_grub}" == true ]]; then |
| update-grub |
| cloud-init clean -r |
| else |
| echo "GRUB already configured with huge pages" |
| fi |
| } |
| |
| function disable_master_taint { |
| |
| function disable_master_taint_retry { |
| # Enable "Allow all authenticated users, including service accounts to schedule on all nodes, including UCP managers." |
| curl --retry 6 --retry-delay 5 -k -H "Authorization: Bearer $AUTHTOKEN" -k -X PUT https://${UCP_MASTER_HOST}/collectionGrants/authenticated/swarm/scheduler |
| } |
| |
| retry 10 "Can't enable permission to schedule all pods on UCP master." disable_master_taint_retry |
| |
| } |
| |
| function disable_ipv6 { |
| cat << EOF > /etc/sysctl.d/11-ipv6-disable.conf |
| net.ipv6.conf.all.disable_ipv6 = 1 |
| net.ipv6.conf.default.disable_ipv6 = 1 |
| net.ipv6.conf.lo.disable_ipv6 = 1 |
| EOF |
| sysctl -p /etc/sysctl.d/11-ipv6-disable.conf |
| } |
| |
| function setup_evpn { |
| |
| cat << EOF > /etc/netplan/60-evpn.yaml |
| network: |
| version: 2 |
| ethernets: |
| EOF |
| for vni in $(seq ${FRR_EVPN_TUNNELS_RANGE}); do |
| cat << EOF >> /etc/netplan/60-evpn.yaml |
| vxlan$vni: {} |
| EOF |
| done |
| cat << EOF >> /etc/netplan/60-evpn.yaml |
| bridges: |
| EOF |
| for vni in $(seq ${FRR_EVPN_TUNNELS_RANGE}); do |
| cat << EOF >> /etc/netplan/60-evpn.yaml |
| br$vni: |
| dhcp4: false |
| link-local: [] |
| parameters: |
| stp: false |
| interfaces: |
| - vxlan$vni |
| addresses: |
| - 192.168.$vni.254/24 |
| EOF |
| done |
| |
| for vni in $(seq ${FRR_EVPN_TUNNELS_RANGE}); do |
| cat << EOF > /etc/systemd/system/evpn-vxlan-tunnel-${vni}.service |
| [Unit] |
| Description=EVPN tunnel ${vni} |
| After=network.target |
| |
| [Service] |
| Type=oneshot |
| RemainAfterExit=true |
| ExecStart=/sbin/ip link add vxlan${vni} type vxlan id ${vni} local ${TUNNEL_INTERFACE_IP} nolearning dstport ${FRR_EVPN_VXLAN_DST_PORT} |
| ExecStart=/sbin/ip link set vxlan${vni} up |
| |
| [Install] |
| WantedBy=multi-user.target |
| EOF |
| systemctl enable evpn-vxlan-tunnel-${vni}.service |
| systemctl start evpn-vxlan-tunnel-${vni}.service |
| done |
| |
| netplan --debug apply |
| # NOTE(vsaienko): give some time to apply changes |
| sleep 15 |
| # workaround for https://github.com/systemd/systemd/issues/13432 |
| systemctl restart systemd-resolved |
| } |
| |
| function install_frr { |
| function _install_frr_packages { |
| FRRVER="frr-stable" |
| curl -s https://mirror.mirantis.com/.snapshots/frr-stable-latest/keys.asc | sudo apt-key add - |
| add-apt-repository "deb [arch=amd64] https://mirror.mirantis.com/.snapshots/frr-stable-latest/ ${OS_CODENAME} ${FRRVER}" |
| install_pkgs frr frr-pythontools |
| } |
| retry 3 "Can't install frr packages" _install_frr_packages |
| |
| sed -i 's/^bgpd=no/bgpd=yes/g' /etc/frr/daemons |
| |
| cat << EOF > /etc/frr/frr.conf |
| log syslog informational |
| no ipv6 forwarding |
| service integrated-vtysh-config |
| ! |
| router bgp ${FRR_BGP_AS_NUMBER} |
| bgp router-id ${FRR_ROUTER_ID} |
| no bgp default ipv4-unicast |
| bgp cluster-id ${FRR_ROUTER_ID} |
| coalesce-time 1000 |
| neighbor rr peer-group |
| neighbor rr capability extended-nexthop |
| neighbor rr remote-as ${FRR_BGP_AS_NUMBER} |
| neighbor rr update-source ${FRR_BGP_SOURCE_ADDRESS} |
| EOF |
| |
| for neighbor_ip in $(echo $FRR_BGP_NEIGHBORS | tr "," "\n"); do |
| cat << EOF >> /etc/frr/frr.conf |
| neighbor $neighbor_ip peer-group rr |
| EOF |
| |
| done |
| cat << EOF >> /etc/frr/frr.conf |
| ! |
| address-family ipv4 unicast |
| neighbor rr activate |
| exit-address-family |
| ! |
| address-family ipv4 vpn |
| neighbor rr activate |
| exit-address-family |
| ! |
| address-family l2vpn evpn |
| neighbor rr activate |
| advertise-all-vni |
| advertise-default-gw |
| exit-address-family |
| ! |
| line vty |
| ! |
| EOF |
| |
| systemctl restart frr |
| |
| disable_ipv6 |
| setup_evpn |
| } |
| |
| function cron_disable_calico_offloading { |
| # The workaround is to disable offloading on vxlan interface |
| if [ -f /etc/cron.d/disable_calico_offloading ]; then |
| echo "Cronjob for disable callico offloading already exists" |
| else |
| script_path="/usr/sbin/calico_disable_offloading.sh" |
| cat << 'EOF' >> $script_path |
| #!/usr/bin/env bash |
| if /sbin/ethtool --show-offload vxlan.calico | grep -E '^.x-checksumming:' | grep -q ': on'; then |
| /sbin/ethtool --offload vxlan.calico rx off tx off > /dev/null |
| fi |
| EOF |
| chmod +x $script_path |
| cat << EOF >> /etc/cron.d/disable_calico_offloading |
| * * * * * root $script_path 2>&1 | /usr/bin/logger -t calico_disable_offloading |
| EOF |
| fi |
| } |
| |
| function increase_iscsi_timeout { |
| cat <<EOF > /etc/udev/rules.d/50-iscsi-timeout.rules |
| ACTION=="add", SUBSYSTEM=="scsi" , SYSFS{type}=="0|7|14", |
| RUN+="/bin/sh -c 'echo 120 > /sys/block/%k/device/timeout'" |
| EOF |
| udevadm control --reload-rules && udevadm trigger |
| } |