blob: db6bea3b3c3309ac50074cb9dbcbf728ef03376c [file] [log] [blame]
Jiri Broulikdc87d722017-11-03 15:43:22 +01001/**
2 *
3 * Upgrade Ceph mon/mgr/osd/rgw/client
4 *
5 * Requred parameters:
6 * SALT_MASTER_URL URL of Salt master
7 * SALT_MASTER_CREDENTIALS Credentials to the Salt API
8 *
9 * ADMIN_HOST Host (minion id) with admin keyring and /etc/crushmap file present
10 * CLUSTER_FLAGS Comma separated list of tags to apply to cluster
11 * WAIT_FOR_HEALTHY Wait for cluster rebalance before stoping daemons
12 * ORIGIN_RELEASE Ceph release version before upgrade
13 * TARGET_RELEASE Ceph release version after upgrade
14 * STAGE_UPGRADE_MON Set to True if Ceph mon nodes upgrade is desired
15 * STAGE_UPGRADE_MGR Set to True if Ceph mgr nodes upgrade or new deploy is desired
16 * STAGE_UPGRADE_OSD Set to True if Ceph osd nodes upgrade is desired
17 * STAGE_UPGRADE_RGW Set to True if Ceph rgw nodes upgrade is desired
18 * STAGE_UPGRADE_CLIENT Set to True if Ceph client nodes upgrade is desired (includes for example ctl/cmp nodes)
19 *
20 */
22common = new
23salt = new
24def python = new
26def pepperEnv = "pepperEnv"
27def flags = CLUSTER_FLAGS.tokenize(',')
29def runCephCommand(master, target, cmd) {
30 return salt.cmdRun(master, target, cmd)
33def upgrade(master, target) {
35 stage("Change ${target} repos") {
36 salt.runSaltProcessStep(master, "I@ceph:${target}", 'saltutil.refresh_pillar', [], null, true, 5)
37 salt.enforceState(master, "I@ceph:${target}", 'linux.system.repo', true)
38 }
40 if (target == 'mgr') {
41 stage('Run ceph mgr state') {
42 salt.enforceState(master, "I@ceph:mgr", "ceph.mgr", true)
43 }
44 }
46 if (target == 'common') {
47 stage('Upgrade ceph-common pkgs') {
48 runCephCommand(master, "I@ceph:${target}", "apt install ceph-${target} -y ")
49 }
50 } else if (target == 'radosgw') {
51 stage('Upgrade radosgw pkgs') {
52 runCephCommand(master, "I@ceph:${target}", "apt install ${target} -y ")
53 }
54 // restart services
55 stage("Restart ${target} services") {
56 runCephCommand(master, "I@ceph:${target}", "systemctl restart ceph-${target}.target")
57 }
58 } else {
60 // upgrade pkgs
61 stage("Upgrade ${target} pkgs") {
62 runCephCommand(master, "I@ceph:${target}", "apt install ceph-${target} -y ")
63 }
64 // restart services
65 stage("Restart ${target} services") {
66 runCephCommand(master, "I@ceph:${target}", "systemctl restart ceph-${target}.target")
67 }
68 }
69 runCephCommand(master, ADMIN_HOST, "ceph versions")
70 sleep(5)
71 return
74node("python") {
76 // create connection to salt master
77 python.setupPepperVirtualenv(pepperEnv, SALT_MASTER_URL, SALT_MASTER_CREDENTIALS)
79 if (flags.size() > 0) {
80 stage('Set cluster flags') {
81 for (flag in flags) {
82 runCephCommand(pepperEnv, ADMIN_HOST, 'ceph osd set ' + flag)
83 }
84 }
85 }
87 if (STAGE_UPGRADE_MON.toBoolean() == true) {
88 upgrade(pepperEnv, 'mon')
89 stage("Verify mon services") {
90 runCephCommand(pepperEnv, ADMIN_HOST, "ceph mon stat")
91 }
92 stage('Ask for manual confirmation') {
93 input message: "From the verification command above, please check Ceph mons joined the cluster. If so, Do you want to continue?"
94 }
95 }
97 if (STAGE_UPGRADE_MGR.toBoolean() == true) {
98 upgrade(pepperEnv, 'mgr')
99 stage("Verify mgr services") {
100 runCephCommand(pepperEnv, ADMIN_HOST, "ceph -s")
101 }
102 stage('Ask for manual confirmation') {
103 input message: "From the verification command above, please check Ceph mgr joined the cluster. If so, Do you want to continue?"
104 }
105 }
107 if (STAGE_UPGRADE_OSD.toBoolean() == true) {
108 upgrade(pepperEnv, 'osd')
109 stage("Verify osd services") {
110 runCephCommand(pepperEnv, ADMIN_HOST, "ceph osd stat")
111 }
112 stage('Ask for manual confirmation') {
113 input message: "From the verification command above, please check Ceph osds joined the cluster. If so, Do you want to continue?"
114 }
115 }
117 if (STAGE_UPGRADE_RGW.toBoolean() == true) {
118 upgrade(pepperEnv, 'radosgw')
119 stage("Verify rgw services") {
120 runCephCommand(pepperEnv, ADMIN_HOST, "ceph -s")
121 }
122 stage('Ask for manual confirmation') {
123 input message: "From the verification command above, please check Ceph rgw joined the cluster. If so, Do you want to continue?"
124 }
125 }
127 if (STAGE_UPGRADE_CLIENT.toBoolean() == true) {
128 upgrade(pepperEnv, 'common')
129 }
131 // remove cluster flags
132 if (flags.size() > 0) {
133 stage('Unset cluster flags') {
134 for (flag in flags) {
135 if (!flag.contains('sortbitwise')) {
136 common.infoMsg('Removing flag ' + flag)
137 runCephCommand(pepperEnv, ADMIN_HOST, 'ceph osd unset ' + flag)
138 }
140 }
141 }
142 }
144 stage("Finalize ceph version upgrade") {
145 runCephCommand(pepperEnv, ADMIN_HOST, "ceph osd require-osd-release ${TARGET_RELEASE}")
146 try {
147 runCephCommand(pepperEnv, ADMIN_HOST, "ceph osd set-require-min-compat-client ${ORIGIN_RELEASE}")
148 } catch (Exception e) {
149 common.warningMsg(e)
150 }
151 runCephCommand(pepperEnv, ADMIN_HOST, "ceph osd crush tunables optimal")
152 }
154 // wait for healthy cluster
155 if (WAIT_FOR_HEALTHY.toBoolean() == true) {
156 stage('Waiting for healthy cluster') {
157 while (true) {
158 def health = runCephCommand(pepperEnv, ADMIN_HOST, 'ceph -s')['return'][0].values()[0]
159 if (health.contains('HEALTH_OK')) {
160 common.infoMsg('Cluster is healthy')
161 break;
162 }
163 sleep(10)
164 }
165 }
166 }