blob: 5cd7fec52982c95359680e8cd5e40fab652de1b3 [file] [log] [blame]
* Performs MCP component packages updates
* Expected parameters:
* SALT_MASTER_CREDENTIALS Credentials to the Salt API
* TARGET_SERVERS (Optional) String containing list of Salt targets split by comma.
* NOTE: For if this parameter is set, it will be used to run packages updates on specified targets
* If it isn't set targets will be detected automatically.
* COMPONENTS String containing comma-separated list of supported for update components
* Currently only nova and ceph are supported.
common = new
def python = new
salt = new
pepperEnv = "pepperEnv"
* Execute shell command using salt
* @param saltMaster Object pointing to salt master
* @param target Minion to execute on
* @param cmd Command to execute
* @return string with shell output
def runShCommand(saltMaster, target, cmd) {
return salt.cmdRun(saltMaster, target, cmd)
* Installs packages updates by running apt install with
* flag --only-upgrade on target
* @param saltMaster Object pointing to salt master
* @param target Minion to execute on
* @param pkgs List of packages to update e.g nova*, salt*, ceph*
def installPkgUpdate(saltMaster, target, pkgs) {
common.infoMsg("Updating apt cache on ${target}")
runShCommand(saltMaster, target, 'apt update')
common.infoMsg("Installing ${pkgs} updates on ${target}")
runShCommand(saltMaster, target, "apt install --only-upgrade ${pkgs.join(' ')} -y")
* Returns string with values from pillar
* @param saltMaster Object pointing to salt master
* @param target Minion to execute on
* @param pillar Pillar path to get values (nova:controller)
* @return string with Pillar values
def getPillarValues(saltMaster, target, pillar) {
return salt.getReturnValues(salt.getPillar(saltMaster, target, pillar))
* Returns pillar value converted to boolean
* @param saltMaster Object pointing to salt master
* @param target Minion to execute on
* @param pillar Pillar path to get values (nova:controller:enabled)
* @return Boolean as result of Pillar output string
def getPillarBoolValues(saltMaster, target, pillar){
return getPillarValues(saltMaster, target, pillar).toBoolean()
* Returns first minion from sorted in alphsberical
* order list of minions
* @param saltMaster Object pointing to salt master
* @param target Criteria by which to choose minions
* @return string with minion id
def getFirstMinion(saltMaster, target) {
def minionsSorted = salt.getMinionsSorted(saltMaster, target)
return minionsSorted[0]
* Stops list of services one by one on target
* @param saltMaster Object pointing to salt master
* @param target Criteria by which to choose minions
def stopServices(saltMaster, target, services) {
common.infoMsg("Stopping ${services} on ${target}")
for (s in services){
runShCommand(saltMaster, target, "systemctl stop ${s}")
def waitForHealthy(saltMaster, count=0, attempts=100) {
// wait for healthy cluster
while (count<attempts) {
def health = runShCommand(saltMaster, "I@ceph:mon and I@ceph:common:keyring:admin", 'ceph health')['return'][0].values()[0]
if (health.contains('HEALTH_OK')) {
common.infoMsg('Cluster is healthy')
* Returns nova service status in as list of hashes e.g.
* [
* {
* "Status": "enabled",
* "Binary": "nova-conductor",
* "Zone": "internal",
* "State": "up",
* "Host": "ctl01",
* "Updated At": "2019-03-22T17:39:02.000000",
* "ID": 7
* }
* ]
* @param saltMaster Object pointing to salt master
* @param target on which to run openstack client command
* @param host for which to get service status e.g. cmp1
* @param service name to check e.g. nova-compute
* @return List of hashes with service status data
def getServiceStatus(saltMaster, target, host, service){
def cmd = ". /root/keystonercv3; openstack compute service list --host ${host} --service ${service} -f json"
common.retry(3, 10) {
res = readJSON text: salt.cmdRun(saltMaster, target, cmd)['return'][0].values()[0].replaceAll('Salt command execution success','')
return res
* Waits while services are back to up state in Nova api output, if state
* doesn't change to 'up' raises error
* @param saltMaster Object pointing to salt master
* @param target Criteria by which to choose hosts where to check services states
* @param clientTarget Criteria by which to choose minion where to run openstack commands
* @param binaries lsit of services to wait for
* @param retries number of tries to to get service status
* @param timeout number of seconds to wait between tries
def waitForServices(saltMaster, target, clientTarget, binaries, retries=18, timeout=10) {
for (host in salt.getMinionsSorted(saltMaster, target)) {
for (b in binaries) {
common.retry(retries, timeout) {
def status = getServiceStatus(saltMaster, clientTarget, host.tokenize('.')[0], b)[0]
if (status['State'] == 'up') {
common.infoMsg("Service ${b} on host ${host} is UP and Running")
} else {
error("Service ${b} status check failed or service isn't running on host ${host}")
try {
stage('Setup virtualenv for Pepper') {
python.setupPepperVirtualenv(pepperEnv, SALT_MASTER_URL, SALT_MASTER_CREDENTIALS)
def components = COMPONENTS.tokenize(',')
if ('ceph' in components) {
def monPillar = 'ceph:mon:enabled'
def commonPillar = 'ceph:common:enabled'
def osdPillar = 'ceph:osd:enabled'
def rgwPillar = 'ceph:radosgw:enabled'
def monTarget = "I@${monPillar}:true"
def commonTarget = "I@${commonPillar}:true"
def osdTarget = "I@${osdPillar}:true"
def rgwTarget = "I@${rgwPillar}:true"
def targets = TARGET_SERVERS.tokenize(',')
// If TARGET_SERVERS is empty
if (!targets) {
targets = salt.getMinionsSorted(pepperEnv, commonTarget) + salt.getMinionsSorted(pepperEnv, monTarget) + salt.getMinionsSorted(pepperEnv, rgwTarget) + salt.getMinionsSorted(pepperEnv, osdTarget)
// Ceph common and other roles can be combined, so making host list elements to be unique
targets = targets.toSet()
stage('Update Ceph configuration using new defaults') {
for (t in targets) {
if (getPillarBoolValues(pepperEnv, t, commonPillar)) {
salt.enforceState(pepperEnv, t, 'ceph.common', true)
stage('Restart Ceph services') {
for (t in targets) {
if (getPillarBoolValues(pepperEnv, t, monPillar)) {
def monitors = salt.getMinions(pepperEnv, t)
for (tgt in monitors) {
runShCommand(pepperEnv, tgt, "systemctl restart")
runShCommand(pepperEnv, tgt, "systemctl restart")
for (t in targets) {
if (getPillarBoolValues(pepperEnv, t, rgwPillar)) {
runShCommand(pepperEnv, t, "systemctl restart")
for (t in targets) {
if (getPillarBoolValues(pepperEnv, t, osdPillar)) {
def nodes = salt.getMinions(pepperEnv, t)
for (tgt in nodes) {
salt.runSaltProcessStep(pepperEnv, tgt, 'saltutil.sync_grains', [], null, true, 5)
def ceph_disks = salt.getGrain(pepperEnv, tgt, 'ceph')['return'][0].values()[0].values()[0]['ceph_disk']
def osd_ids = []
for (i in ceph_disks) {
def osd_id = i.getKey().toString()
osd_ids.add('osd.' + osd_id)
for (i in osd_ids) {
runShCommand(pepperEnv, tgt, 'ceph osd set noout')
salt.runSaltProcessStep(pepperEnv, tgt, 'service.restart', ['ceph-osd@' + i.replaceAll('osd.', '')], null, true)
runShCommand(pepperEnv, tgt, 'ceph osd unset noout')
// wait for healthy cluster
if ('nova' in components) {
def ctlPillar = 'nova:controller:enabled'
def cmpPillar = 'nova:compute:enabled'
def cmpTarget = "I@${cmpPillar}:true"
def ctlTarget = "I@${ctlPillar}:true"
// Target for colling openstack client containing keystonercv3
def clientTarget = getFirstMinion(pepperEnv, 'I@keystone:client:enabled:true')
def targets = TARGET_SERVERS.tokenize(',')
// If TARGET_SERVERS is empty
if (!targets) {
targets = salt.getMinionsSorted(pepperEnv, ctlTarget) + salt.getMinionsSorted(pepperEnv, cmpTarget)
for (t in targets){
if (getPillarBoolValues(pepperEnv, t, ctlPillar) || getPillarBoolValues(pepperEnv, t, cmpPillar)) {
def tservices = ['nova*']
def tbinaries = []
if (getPillarBoolValues(pepperEnv, t, ctlPillar)) {
tservices += ['apache2']
tbinaries += ['nova-consoleauth', 'nova-scheduler', 'nova-conductor']
if (getPillarBoolValues(pepperEnv, t, cmpPillar)) {
tbinaries += ['nova-compute']
// Stop component services to ensure that updated code is running
stopServices(pepperEnv, t, tservices)
// Update all installed nova packages
installPkgUpdate(pepperEnv, t, ['nova*', 'python-nova*'])
common.infoMsg("Applying component states on ${t}")
salt.enforceState(pepperEnv, t, 'nova')
waitForServices(pepperEnv, t, clientTarget, tbinaries)
} else {
// If no compute or controller pillar is detected just packages will be updated
installPkgUpdate(pepperEnv, t, ['nova*', 'python-nova*'])
} catch (Throwable e) {
// If there was an error or exception thrown, the build failed
currentBuild.result = "FAILURE"
currentBuild.description = currentBuild.description ? e.message + " " + currentBuild.description : e.message
throw e