blob: 1af5e5b5d531c51184868dd418a12af8521d1eab [file] [log] [blame]
def common = new
def salt = new
def python = new
def pepperEnv = "pepperEnv"
def askConfirmation = (env.getProperty('ASK_CONFIRMATION') ?: true).toBoolean()
def backupSaltMasterAndMaas = (env.getProperty('BACKUP_SALTMASTER_AND_MAAS') ?: true).toBoolean()
def backupDogtag = (env.getProperty('BACKUP_DOGTAG') ?: true).toBoolean()
def saltMasterTargetMatcher = "I@backupninja:client and I@salt:master"
def dogtagTagetMatcher = "I@backupninja:client and I@dogtag:server"
logBackupSuccess = []
logBackupFailure = []
def checkBackupninjaLog(output, backupName='', terminateOnFailure=true) {
def common = new
def outputPattern = java.util.regex.Pattern.compile("\\d+")
def outputMatcher = outputPattern.matcher(output)
if (outputMatcher.find()) {
try {
result = outputMatcher.getAt([0, 1, 2, 3])
if (result[1] != null && result[1] instanceof String && result[1].isInteger() && (result[1].toInteger() < 1)) {
common.successMsg("[${backupName}] - Backup successfully finished " + result[1] + " fatals, " + result[2] + " errors " + result[3] + " warnings.")
} else {
common.errorMsg("[${backupName}] - Backup failed. Found " + result[1] + " fatals, " + result[2] + " errors " + result[3] + " warnings.")
catch (Exception e) {
common.errorMsg("[${backupName}] - Backupninja log parsing failed.")
timeout(time: 12, unit: 'HOURS') {
node() {
def saltMasterBackupNode = ''
def dogtagBackupNode = ''
def backupServer = ''
stage('Setup virtualenv for Pepper') {
python.setupPepperVirtualenv(pepperEnv, SALT_MASTER_URL, SALT_MASTER_CREDENTIALS)
stage('Verify pillar for backups') {
if (backupSaltMasterAndMaas) {
try {
def masterPillar = salt.getPillar(pepperEnv, "I@salt:master", 'salt:master:initial_data')
if (masterPillar['return'].isEmpty()) {
throw new Exception("Problem with salt-master pillar on 'I@salt:master' node.")
def minionPillar = salt.getPillar(pepperEnv, "I@salt:master", 'salt:minion:initial_data')
if (minionPillar['return'].isEmpty()) {
throw new Exception("Problem with salt-minion pillar on I@salt:master node.")
catch (Exception e) {
common.errorMsg('Please fix your pillar. For more information check docs:')
if (backupDogtag) {
try {
def dogtagPillar = salt.getPillar(pepperEnv, "I@salt:master", "dogtag:server")
if (dogtagPillar['return'].isEmpty()) {
throw new Exception("Problem with dogtag pillar on I@dogtag:server node.")
catch (Exception e) {
common.errorMsg("Looks like dogtag pillar is not defined. Fix your pillar or disable dogtag backup by setting the BACKUP_DOGTAG parameter to False if you're using different barbican backend.")
stage('Check backup location') {
if (backupSaltMasterAndMaas) {
try {
saltMasterBackupNode = salt.getMinionsSorted(pepperEnv, saltMasterTargetMatcher)[0]
salt.minionsReachable(pepperEnv, "I@salt:master", saltMasterBackupNode)
catch (Exception e) {
common.errorMsg("Pipeline wasn't able to detect backupninja:client pillar on Salt master node or the minion is not reachable")
currentBuild.result = "FAILURE"
def maasNodes = salt.getMinions(pepperEnv, 'I@maas:server')
if (!maasNodes.isEmpty()) {
def postgresqlMajorVersion = salt.getPillar(pepperEnv, 'I@salt:master', '_param:postgresql_major_version').get('return')[0].values()[0]
if (! postgresqlMajorVersion) {
common.errorMsg("Can't get _param:postgresql_major_version parameter, which is required to determine postgresql-client version. Is it defined in pillar?")
if (askConfirmation) {
input message: "Confirm to proceed anyway."
} else {
def postgresqlClientPackage = "postgresql-client-${postgresqlMajorVersion}"
try {
if (!salt.isPackageInstalled(['saltId': pepperEnv, 'target': saltMasterBackupNode, 'packageName': postgresqlClientPackage, 'output': false])) {
if (askConfirmation) {
input message: "Do you want to install ${postgresqlClientPackages} package on targeted nodes: ${saltMasterBackupNode}? It's required to make backup. Click to confirm."
} else {
common.infoMsg("Package ${postgresqlClientPackages} will be installed. It's required to make backup.")
// update also common fake package
salt.runSaltProcessStep(pepperEnv, saltMasterBackupNode, 'pkg.install', ["postgresql-client,${postgresqlClientPackage}"])
} catch (Exception e) {
common.errorMsg("Unable to determine status of ${postgresqlClientPackages} packages on target nodes: ${saltMasterBackupNode}.")
if (askConfirmation) {
input message: "Do you want to continue? Click to confirm"
if (backupDogtag) {
try {
dogtagBackupNode = salt.getMinionsSorted(pepperEnv, dogtagTagetMatcher)[0]
salt.minionsReachable(pepperEnv, "I@salt:master", dogtagBackupNode)
catch (Exception e) {
common.errorMsg("Pipeline wasn't able to detect node with backupninja:client and dogtag:server pillars defined or the minion is not reachable")
currentBuild.result = "FAILURE"
try {
backupServer = salt.getMinions(pepperEnv, "I@backupninja:server")[0]
salt.minionsReachable(pepperEnv, "I@salt:master", backupServer)
catch (Exception e) {
common.errorMsg("Pipeline wasn't able to detect backupninja:server pillar or the minion is not reachable")
currentBuild.result = "FAILURE"
stage('Prepare for backup') {
if (backupSaltMasterAndMaas) {
salt.enforceState(['saltId': pepperEnv, 'target': 'I@backupninja:server', 'state': 'backupninja'])
salt.enforceState(['saltId': pepperEnv, 'target': saltMasterTargetMatcher, 'state': 'backupninja'])
def backupMasterSource = salt.getReturnValues(salt.getPillar(pepperEnv, saltMasterBackupNode, 'salt:master:initial_data:source'))
def backupMinionSource = salt.getReturnValues(salt.getPillar(pepperEnv, saltMasterBackupNode, 'salt:minion:initial_data:source'))
// TODO: Remove ssh-keyscan once we have openssh meta for backupninja implemented
[backupServer, backupMasterSource, backupMinionSource].unique().each {
salt.cmdRun(pepperEnv, saltMasterBackupNode, "ssh-keygen -F ${it} || ssh-keyscan -H ${it} >> /root/.ssh/known_hosts")
def maasNodes = salt.getMinions(pepperEnv, 'I@maas:region')
if (!maasNodes.isEmpty()) {
common.infoMsg("Trying to save maas file permissions on ${maasNodes} if possible")
salt.cmdRun(pepperEnv, 'I@maas:region', 'which getfacl && getfacl -pR /var/lib/maas/ > /var/lib/maas/file_permissions.txt || true')
if (backupDogtag) {
salt.enforceState(['saltId': pepperEnv, 'target': 'I@backupninja:server', 'state': 'backupninja'])
salt.enforceState(['saltId': pepperEnv, 'target': dogtagTagetMatcher, 'state': 'backupninja'])
stage('Backup') {
if (backupSaltMasterAndMaas) {
def output = salt.getReturnValues(salt.cmdRun(pepperEnv, saltMasterBackupNode, "su root -c 'backupninja --now -d'")).readLines()[-2]
checkBackupninjaLog(output, "Salt Master/MAAS")
if (backupDogtag) {
def output = salt.getReturnValues(salt.cmdRun(pepperEnv, dogtagBackupNode, "su root -c 'backupninja --now -d'")).readLines()[-2]
checkBackupninjaLog(output, "Dogtag")
stage('Results') {
if (logBackupSuccess.size() > 0) {
common.infoMsg("Following backups finished successfully: ${logBackupSuccess.join(",")}")
if (logBackupFailure.size() > 0) {
common.errorMsg("Following backups has failed: ${logBackupFailure.join(",")}. Make sure to check the logs.")
currentBuild.result = "FAILURE"