blob: 0e5c98cb600e472bd3e482541ad8394706500524 [file] [log] [blame]
* Update packages on given nodes
* Expected parameters:
* SALT_MASTER_CREDENTIALS Credentials to the Salt API.
* SALT_MASTER_URL Full Salt API address [].
* STAGE_CONTROLLERS_UPGRADE Run upgrade on Opencontrail controllers (bool)
* STAGE_ANALYTICS_UPGRADE Run upgrade on Opencontrail analytics (bool)
* STAGE_COMPUTES_UPGRADE Run upgrade on Opencontrail compute nodes (bool)
* COMPUTE_TARGET_SERVERS Salt compound target to match nodes to be updated [*, G@osfamily:debian].
* COMPUTE_TARGET_SUBSET_LIVE Number of selected nodes to live apply selected package update.
* STAGE_CONTROLLERS_ROLLBACK Run rollback on Opencontrail controllers (bool)
* STAGE_ANALYTICS_ROLLBACK Run rollback on Opencontrail analytics (bool)
* STAGE_COMPUTES_ROLLBACK Run rollback on Opencontrail compute nodes (bool)
def common = new
def salt = new
def saltMaster
def targetLiveSubset
def targetLiveAll
def minions
def result
def args
def commandKwargs
def probe = 1
def errorOccured = false
def command = ''
def CONTROL_PKGS = 'contrail-config contrail-config-openstack contrail-control contrail-dns contrail-lib contrail-nodemgr contrail-utils contrail-web-controller contrail-web-core neutron-plugin-contrail python-contrail'
def ANALYTIC_PKGS = 'contrail-analytics contrail-lib contrail-nodemgr contrail-utils python-contrail'
def CMP_PKGS = 'contrail-lib contrail-nodemgr contrail-utils contrail-vrouter-agent contrail-vrouter-utils python-contrail python-contrail-vrouter-api python-opencontrail-vrouter-netns contrail-vrouter-dkms'
def KERNEL_MODULE_RELOAD = 'service supervisor-vrouter stop;ifdown vhost0;rmmod vrouter;modprobe vrouter;ifup vhost0;service supervisor-vrouter start;'
def void runCommonCommands(target, command, args, check, salt, saltMaster, common) {
out = salt.runSaltCommand(saltMaster, 'local', ['expression': target, 'type': 'compound'], command, null, args, null)
// wait until $check is in correct state
if ( check == "nodetool status" ) {
salt.commandStatus(saltMaster, target, check, 'Status=Up')
} else if ( check == "contrail-status" ) {
salt.commandStatus(saltMaster, target, "${check} | grep -v == | grep -v \'disabled on boot\' | grep -v nodemgr | grep -v active | grep -v backup", null, false)
//out = salt.runSaltCommand(saltMaster, 'local', ['expression': target, 'type': 'compound'], command, null, check, null)
//input message: "Please check the output of \'${check}\' and continue if it is correct."
node() {
stage('Connect to Salt API') {
saltMaster = salt.connection(SALT_MASTER_URL, SALT_MASTER_CREDENTIALS)
if (STAGE_CONTROLLERS_UPGRADE.toBoolean() == true && !errorOccured) {
stage('Opencontrail controllers upgrade') {
oc_component_repo = salt.runSaltProcessStep(saltMaster, 'I@opencontrail:control and *01*', '', ['grep -RE \'oc[0-9]{2,3}\' /etc/apt/sources.list* | awk \'{print $1}\' | sed \'s/ *:.*//\''], null, true)
oc_component_repo = oc_component_repo['return'][0].values()[0]
try {
salt.runSaltProcessStep(saltMaster, 'I@opencontrail:control', '', ["rm ${oc_component_repo}"], null, true)
salt.runSaltProcessStep(saltMaster, 'I@opencontrail:control', 'saltutil.refresh_pillar', [], null, true)
salt.enforceState(saltMaster, 'I@opencontrail:control', 'linux.system.repo')
} catch (Exception er) {
errorOccured = true
common.errorMsg("Opencontrail component on I@opencontrail:control probably failed to be replaced. Please check it in ${oc_component_repo} before continuing.")
try {
salt.cmdRun(saltMaster, 'I@opencontrail:control', "su root -c '/usr/local/bin/'")
} catch (Exception er) {
common.errorMsg('Zookeeper failed to backup. Please fix it before continuing.')
try {
salt.cmdRun(saltMaster, 'I@cassandra:backup:client', "su root -c '/usr/local/bin/'")
} catch (Exception er) {
common.errorMsg('Cassandra failed to backup. Please fix it before continuing.')
args = 'apt install contrail-database -y;'
check = 'nodetool status'
// ntw01
runCommonCommands('I@opencontrail:control and *01*', command, args, check, salt, saltMaster, common)
// ntw02
runCommonCommands('I@opencontrail:control and *02*', command, args, check, salt, saltMaster, common)
// ntw03
runCommonCommands('I@opencontrail:control and *03*', command, args, check, salt, saltMaster, common)
args = "apt install -o Dpkg::Options::=\"--force-confold\" ${CONTROL_PKGS} -y --force-yes;"
check = 'contrail-status'
// ntw01
runCommonCommands('I@opencontrail:control and *01*', command, args, check, salt, saltMaster, common)
// ntw02
runCommonCommands('I@opencontrail:control and *02*', command, args, check, salt, saltMaster, common)
// ntw03
runCommonCommands('I@opencontrail:control and *03*', command, args, check, salt, saltMaster, common)
try {
salt.enforceState(saltMaster, 'I@opencontrail:control', 'opencontrail')
} catch (Exception er) {
common.errorMsg('Opencontrail state was executed on I@opencontrail:control and failed please fix it manually.')
out = salt.runSaltCommand(saltMaster, 'local', ['expression': 'I@opencontrail:control', 'type': 'compound'], command, null, check, null)
common.warningMsg('Please check \'show bgp summary\' on your bgp router if all bgp peers are in healthy state.')
if (STAGE_ANALYTICS_UPGRADE.toBoolean() == true && !errorOccured) {
stage('Ask for manual confirmation') {
input message: "Do you want to continue with the Opencontrail analytic nodes upgrade?"
stage('Opencontrail analytics upgrade') {
oc_component_repo = salt.runSaltProcessStep(saltMaster, 'I@opencontrail:collector and *01*', '', ['grep -RE \'oc[0-9]{2,3}\' /etc/apt/sources.list* | awk \'{print $1}\' | sed \'s/ *:.*//\''], null, true)
oc_component_repo = oc_component_repo['return'][0].values()[0]
try {
salt.runSaltProcessStep(saltMaster, 'I@opencontrail:collector', '', ["rm ${oc_component_repo}"], null, true)
salt.runSaltProcessStep(saltMaster, 'I@opencontrail:collector', 'saltutil.refresh_pillar', [], null, true)
salt.enforceState(saltMaster, 'I@opencontrail:collector', 'linux.system.repo')
} catch (Exception er) {
errorOccured = true
common.errorMsg("Opencontrail component on I@opencontrail:collector probably failed to be replaced. Please check it in ${oc_component_repo} before continuing.")
args = 'apt install contrail-database -y;'
check = 'nodetool status'
// nal01
runCommonCommands('I@opencontrail:collector and *01*', command, args, check, salt, saltMaster, common)
// nal02
runCommonCommands('I@opencontrail:collector and *02*', command, args, check, salt, saltMaster, common)
// nal03
runCommonCommands('I@opencontrail:collector and *03*', command, args, check, salt, saltMaster, common)
args = "apt install -o Dpkg::Options::=\"--force-confold\" ${ANALYTIC_PKGS} -y --force-yes;"
check = 'contrail-status'
// nal01
runCommonCommands('I@opencontrail:collector and *01*', command, args, check, salt, saltMaster, common)
// nal02
runCommonCommands('I@opencontrail:collector and *02*', command, args, check, salt, saltMaster, common)
// nal03
runCommonCommands('I@opencontrail:collector and *03*', command, args, check, salt, saltMaster, common)
try {
salt.enforceState(saltMaster, 'I@opencontrail:collector', 'opencontrail')
} catch (Exception er) {
common.errorMsg('Opencontrail state was executed on I@opencontrail:collector and failed please fix it manually.')
out = salt.runSaltCommand(saltMaster, 'local', ['expression': 'I@opencontrail:collector', 'type': 'compound'], command, null, check, null)
if (STAGE_COMPUTES_UPGRADE.toBoolean() == true && !errorOccured) {
try {
stage('List targeted compute servers') {
minions = salt.getMinions(saltMaster, COMPUTE_TARGET_SERVERS)
if (minions.isEmpty()) {
throw new Exception("No minion was targeted")
targetLiveSubset = minions.subList(0, Integer.valueOf(COMPUTE_TARGET_SUBSET_LIVE)).join(' or ')
targetLiveSubsetProbe = minions.subList(0, probe).join(' or ')
targetLiveAll = minions.join(' or ')
common.infoMsg("Found nodes: ${targetLiveAll}")
common.infoMsg("Selected sample nodes: ${targetLiveSubset}")
stage('Confirm upgrade on sample nodes') {
input message: "Do you want to continue with the Opencontrail compute upgrade on the following sample nodes? ${targetLiveSubset}"
stage("Opencontrail compute upgrade on sample nodes") {
oc_component_repo = salt.runSaltProcessStep(saltMaster, targetLiveSubset, '', ['grep -RE \'oc[0-9]{2,3}\' /etc/apt/sources.list* | awk \'{print $1}\' | sed \'s/ *:.*//\''], null, true)
oc_component_repo = oc_component_repo['return'][0].values()[0]
try {
salt.runSaltProcessStep(saltMaster, targetLiveSubset, '', ["rm ${oc_component_repo}"], null, true)
salt.runSaltProcessStep(saltMaster, targetLiveSubset, 'saltutil.refresh_pillar', [], null, true)
salt.enforceState(saltMaster, targetLiveSubset, 'linux.system.repo')
} catch (Exception er) {
errorOccured = true
common.errorMsg("Opencontrail component on ${targetLiveSubset} probably failed to be replaced. Please check it in ${oc_component_repo} before continuing.")
args = "export DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive; apt install -o Dpkg::Options::=\"--force-confold\" -o Dpkg::Options::=\"--force-confdef\" ${CMP_PKGS} -y;"
check = 'contrail-status'
out = salt.runSaltCommand(saltMaster, 'local', ['expression': targetLiveSubset, 'type': 'compound'], command, null, args, null)
try {
salt.enforceState(saltMaster, targetLiveSubset, 'opencontrail')
} catch (Exception er) {
common.errorMsg("Opencontrail state was executed on ${targetLiveSubset} and failed please fix it manually.")
salt.runSaltProcessStep(saltMaster, targetLiveSubset, '', ["${KERNEL_MODULE_RELOAD}"], null, true)
salt.commandStatus(saltMaster, targetLiveSubset, "${check} | grep -v == | grep -v active", null, false)
out = salt.runSaltCommand(saltMaster, 'local', ['expression': targetLiveSubset, 'type': 'compound'], command, null, check, null)
stage('Confirm upgrade on all targeted nodes') {
input message: "Do you want to continue with the Opencontrail compute upgrade on all the targeted nodes? ${targetLiveAll} nodes?"
stage("Opencontrail compute upgrade on all targeted nodes") {
oc_component_repo = salt.runSaltProcessStep(saltMaster, targetLiveAll, '', ['grep -RE \'oc[0-9]{2,3}\' /etc/apt/sources.list* | awk \'{print $1}\' | sed \'s/ *:.*//\''], null, true)
oc_component_repo = oc_component_repo['return'][0].values()[0]
try {
salt.runSaltProcessStep(saltMaster, targetLiveAll, '', ["rm ${oc_component_repo}"], null, true)
salt.runSaltProcessStep(saltMaster, targetLiveAll, 'saltutil.refresh_pillar', [], null, true)
salt.enforceState(saltMaster, targetLiveAll, 'linux.system.repo')
} catch (Exception er) {
common.errorMsg("Opencontrail component on ${targetLiveAll} probably failed to be replaced. Please check it in ${oc_component_repo} before continuing.")
args = "export DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive; apt install -o Dpkg::Options::=\"--force-confold\" -o Dpkg::Options::=\"--force-confdef\" ${CMP_PKGS} -y;"
check = 'contrail-status'
out = salt.runSaltCommand(saltMaster, 'local', ['expression': targetLiveAll, 'type': 'compound'], command, null, args, null)
try {
salt.enforceState(saltMaster, targetLiveAll, 'opencontrail')
} catch (Exception er) {
common.errorMsg("Opencontrail state was executed on ${targetLiveAll} and failed please fix it manually.")
salt.runSaltProcessStep(saltMaster, targetLiveAll, '', ["${KERNEL_MODULE_RELOAD}"], null, true)
salt.commandStatus(saltMaster, targetLiveAll, "${check} | grep -v == | grep -v active", null, false)
out = salt.runSaltCommand(saltMaster, 'local', ['expression': targetLiveAll, 'type': 'compound'], command, null, check, null)
} catch (Throwable e) {
// If there was an error or exception thrown, the build failed
currentBuild.result = "FAILURE"
currentBuild.description = e.message
throw e
if (STAGE_CONTROLLERS_ROLLBACK.toBoolean() == true && !errorOccured) {
stage('Ask for manual confirmation') {
input message: "Do you want to continue with the Opencontrail control nodes rollback?"
stage('Opencontrail controllers rollback') {
oc_component_repo = salt.runSaltProcessStep(saltMaster, 'I@opencontrail:control and *01*', '', ['grep -RE \'oc[0-9]{2,3}\' /etc/apt/sources.list* | awk \'{print $1}\' | sed \'s/ *:.*//\''], null, true)
oc_component_repo = oc_component_repo['return'][0].values()[0]
try {
salt.runSaltProcessStep(saltMaster, 'I@opencontrail:control', '', ["rm ${oc_component_repo}"], null, true)
salt.runSaltProcessStep(saltMaster, 'I@opencontrail:control', 'saltutil.refresh_pillar', [], null, true)
salt.enforceState(saltMaster, 'I@opencontrail:control', 'linux.system.repo')
} catch (Exception er) {
errorOccured = true
common.errorMsg("Opencontrail component on I@opencontrail:control probably failed to be replaced. Please check it in ${oc_component_repo} before continuing.")
args = 'apt install contrail-database -y --force-yes;'
check = 'nodetool status'
// ntw01
runCommonCommands('I@opencontrail:control and *01*', command, args, check, salt, saltMaster, common)
// ntw02
runCommonCommands('I@opencontrail:control and *02*', command, args, check, salt, saltMaster, common)
// ntw03
runCommonCommands('I@opencontrail:control and *03*', command, args, check, salt, saltMaster, common)
args = "apt install -o Dpkg::Options::=\"--force-confold\" ${CONTROL_PKGS} -y --force-yes;"
check = 'contrail-status'
// ntw01
runCommonCommands('I@opencontrail:control and *01*', command, args, check, salt, saltMaster, common)
// ntw02
runCommonCommands('I@opencontrail:control and *02*', command, args, check, salt, saltMaster, common)
// ntw03
runCommonCommands('I@opencontrail:control and *03*', command, args, check, salt, saltMaster, common)
try {
salt.enforceState(saltMaster, 'I@opencontrail:control', 'opencontrail')
} catch (Exception er) {
common.errorMsg('Opencontrail state was executed on I@opencontrail:control and failed please fix it manually.')
out = salt.runSaltCommand(saltMaster, 'local', ['expression': 'I@opencontrail:control', 'type': 'compound'], command, null, check, null)
common.warningMsg('Please check \'show bgp summary\' on your bgp router if all bgp peers are in healthy state.')
if (STAGE_ANALYTICS_ROLLBACK.toBoolean() == true && !errorOccured) {
stage('Ask for manual confirmation') {
input message: "Do you want to continue with the Opencontrail analytic nodes rollback?"
stage('Opencontrail analytics rollback') {
oc_component_repo = salt.runSaltProcessStep(saltMaster, 'I@opencontrail:collector and *01*', '', ['grep -RE \'oc[0-9]{2,3}\' /etc/apt/sources.list* | awk \'{print $1}\' | sed \'s/ *:.*//\''], null, true)
oc_component_repo = oc_component_repo['return'][0].values()[0]
try {
salt.runSaltProcessStep(saltMaster, 'I@opencontrail:collector', '', ["rm ${oc_component_repo}"], null, true)
salt.runSaltProcessStep(saltMaster, 'I@opencontrail:collector', 'saltutil.refresh_pillar', [], null, true)
salt.enforceState(saltMaster, 'I@opencontrail:collector', 'linux.system.repo')
} catch (Exception er) {
errorOccured = true
common.errorMsg("Opencontrail component on I@opencontrail:collector probably failed to be replaced. Please check it in ${oc_component_repo} before continuing.")
args = 'apt install contrail-database -y --force-yes;'
check = 'nodetool status'
// nal01
runCommonCommands('I@opencontrail:collector and *01*', command, args, check, salt, saltMaster, common)
// nal02
runCommonCommands('I@opencontrail:collector and *02*', command, args, check, salt, saltMaster, common)
// nal03
runCommonCommands('I@opencontrail:collector and *03*', command, args, check, salt, saltMaster, common)
args = "apt install -o Dpkg::Options::=\"--force-confold\" ${ANALYTIC_PKGS} -y --force-yes;"
check = 'contrail-status'
// nal01
runCommonCommands('I@opencontrail:collector and *01*', command, args, check, salt, saltMaster, common)
// nal02
runCommonCommands('I@opencontrail:collector and *02*', command, args, check, salt, saltMaster, common)
// nal03
runCommonCommands('I@opencontrail:collector and *03*', command, args, check, salt, saltMaster, common)
try {
salt.enforceState(saltMaster, 'I@opencontrail:collector', 'opencontrail')
} catch (Exception er) {
common.errorMsg('Opencontrail state was executed on I@opencontrail:collector and failed please fix it manually.')
out = salt.runSaltCommand(saltMaster, 'local', ['expression': 'I@opencontrail:collector', 'type': 'compound'], command, null, check, null)
if (STAGE_COMPUTES_ROLLBACK.toBoolean() == true && !errorOccured) {
try {
stage('List targeted compute servers') {
minions = salt.getMinions(saltMaster, COMPUTE_TARGET_SERVERS)
if (minions.isEmpty()) {
throw new Exception("No minion was targeted")
targetLiveSubset = minions.subList(0, Integer.valueOf(COMPUTE_TARGET_SUBSET_LIVE)).join(' or ')
targetLiveSubsetProbe = minions.subList(0, probe).join(' or ')
targetLiveAll = minions.join(' or ')
common.infoMsg("Found nodes: ${targetLiveAll}")
common.infoMsg("Selected sample nodes: ${targetLiveSubset}")
stage('Confirm rollback on sample nodes') {
input message: "Do you want to continue with the Opencontrail compute rollback on the following sample nodes? ${targetLiveSubset}"
stage("Opencontrail compute rollback on sample nodes") {
oc_component_repo = salt.runSaltProcessStep(saltMaster, targetLiveSubset, '', ['grep -RE \'oc[0-9]{2,3}\' /etc/apt/sources.list* | awk \'{print $1}\' | sed \'s/ *:.*//\''], null, true)
oc_component_repo = oc_component_repo['return'][0].values()[0]
try {
salt.runSaltProcessStep(saltMaster, targetLiveSubset, '', ["rm ${oc_component_repo}"], null, true)
salt.runSaltProcessStep(saltMaster, targetLiveSubset, 'saltutil.refresh_pillar', [], null, true)
salt.enforceState(saltMaster, targetLiveSubset, 'linux.system.repo')
} catch (Exception er) {
errorOccured = true
common.errorMsg("Opencontrail component on ${targetLiveSubset} probably failed to be replaced. Please check it in ${oc_component_repo} before continuing.")
args = "export DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive; apt install --allow-downgrades -o Dpkg::Options::=\"--force-confold\" -o Dpkg::Options::=\"--force-confdef\" ${CMP_PKGS} -y;"
check = 'contrail-status'
out = salt.runSaltCommand(saltMaster, 'local', ['expression': targetLiveSubset, 'type': 'compound'], command, null, args, null)
try {
salt.enforceState(saltMaster, targetLiveSubset, 'opencontrail')
} catch (Exception er) {
common.errorMsg("Opencontrail state was executed on ${targetLiveSubset} and failed please fix it manually.")
salt.runSaltProcessStep(saltMaster, targetLiveSubset, '', ["${KERNEL_MODULE_RELOAD}"], null, true)
salt.commandStatus(saltMaster, targetLiveSubset, "${check} | grep -v == | grep -v active", null, false)
out = salt.runSaltCommand(saltMaster, 'local', ['expression': targetLiveSubset, 'type': 'compound'], command, null, check, null)
stage('Confirm rollback on all targeted nodes') {
input message: "Do you want to continue with the Opencontrail compute upgrade on all the targeted nodes? ${targetLiveAll} nodes?"
stage("Opencontrail compute upgrade on all targeted nodes") {
oc_component_repo = salt.runSaltProcessStep(saltMaster, targetLiveAll, '', ['grep -RE \'oc[0-9]{2,3}\' /etc/apt/sources.list* | awk \'{print $1}\' | sed \'s/ *:.*//\''], null, true)
oc_component_repo = oc_component_repo['return'][0].values()[0]
try {
salt.runSaltProcessStep(saltMaster, targetLiveAll, '', ["rm ${oc_component_repo}"], null, true)
salt.runSaltProcessStep(saltMaster, targetLiveAll, 'saltutil.refresh_pillar', [], null, true)
salt.enforceState(saltMaster, targetLiveAll, 'linux.system.repo')
} catch (Exception er) {
common.errorMsg("Opencontrail component on ${targetLiveAll} probably failed to be replaced. Please check it in ${oc_component_repo} before continuing.")
args = "export DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive; apt install --allow-downgrades -o Dpkg::Options::=\"--force-confold\" -o Dpkg::Options::=\"--force-confdef\" ${CMP_PKGS} -y;"
check = 'contrail-status'
out = salt.runSaltCommand(saltMaster, 'local', ['expression': targetLiveAll, 'type': 'compound'], command, null, args, null)
try {
salt.enforceState(saltMaster, targetLiveAll, 'opencontrail')
} catch (Exception er) {
common.errorMsg("Opencontrail state was executed on ${targetLiveAll} and failed please fix it manually.")
salt.runSaltProcessStep(saltMaster, targetLiveAll, '', ["${KERNEL_MODULE_RELOAD}"], null, true)
salt.commandStatus(saltMaster, targetLiveAll, "${check} | grep -v == | grep -v active", null, false)
out = salt.runSaltCommand(saltMaster, 'local', ['expression': targetLiveAll, 'type': 'compound'], command, null, check, null)
} catch (Throwable e) {
// If there was an error or exception thrown, the build failed
currentBuild.result = "FAILURE"
currentBuild.description = e.message
throw e