blob: 2090abb275f9e91c924722b137cd8114e15a8a45 [file] [log] [blame]
Able to be triggered from Gerrit if :
1) manual run via job-build , possible to pass refspec
TODO: currently impossible to use custom COOKIECUTTER_TEMPLATE_URL| RECLASS_SYSTEM_URL Gerrit-one always used.
- for CC
- Reclass
2) gerrit trigger
Automatically switches if GERRIT_PROJECT variable detected
Always test GERRIT_REFSPEC VS GERRIT_BRANCH-master version of opposite project
import groovy.json.JsonOutput
common = new
gerrit = new
git = new
python = new
extraVarsYAML = env.EXTRA_VARIABLES_YAML.trim() ?: ''
if (extraVarsYAML) {
common.mergeEnv(env, extraVarsYAML)
extraVars = readYaml text: extraVarsYAML
} else {
extraVars = [:]
slaveNode = env.SLAVE_NODE ?: 'virtual'
checkIncludeOrder = env.CHECK_INCLUDE_ORDER ?: false
// Global var's
gerritConData = [credentialsId : env.CREDENTIALS_ID,
gerritName : env.GERRIT_NAME ?: 'mcp-jenkins',
gerritHost : env.GERRIT_HOST ?: '',
gerritScheme : env.GERRIT_SCHEME ?: 'ssh',
gerritPort : env.GERRIT_PORT ?: '29418',
gerritRefSpec : null,
gerritProject : null,
withWipeOut : true,
//ccTemplatesRepo = env.COOKIECUTTER_TEMPLATE_URL ?: 'ssh://'
gerritDataCCHEAD = [:]
gerritDataCC = [:]
gerritDataCC << gerritConData
gerritDataCC['gerritBranch'] = env.COOKIECUTTER_TEMPLATE_BRANCH ?: 'master'
gerritDataCC['gerritRefSpec'] = env.COOKIECUTTER_TEMPLATE_REF ?: null
gerritDataCC['gerritProject'] = 'mk/cookiecutter-templates'
//reclassSystemRepo = env.RECLASS_SYSTEM_URL ?: 'ssh://'
gerritDataRSHEAD = [:]
gerritDataRS = [:]
gerritDataRS << gerritConData
gerritDataRS['gerritBranch'] = env.RECLASS_SYSTEM_BRANCH ?: 'master'
gerritDataRS['gerritRefSpec'] = env.RECLASS_SYSTEM_GIT_REF ?: null
gerritDataRS['gerritProject'] = 'salt-models/reclass-system'
// version of debRepos, aka formulas|reclass|ubuntu
testDistribRevision = env.DISTRIB_REVISION ?: 'nightly'
// Name of sub-test chunk job
chunkJobName = "test-mk-cookiecutter-templates-chunk"
testModelBuildsData = [:]
def getAndUnpackNodesInfoArtifact(jobName, copyTo, build) {
return {
dir(copyTo) {
copyArtifacts(projectName: jobName, selector: specific(build), filter: "nodesinfo.tar.gz")
sh "tar -xf nodesinfo.tar.gz"
sh "rm -v nodesinfo.tar.gz"
def testModel(modelFile, reclassArtifactName, artifactCopyPath, useExtraRepos = false) {
// modelFile - `modelfiname` from model/modelfiname/modelfiname.yaml
//* Grub all models and send it to check in paralell - by one in thread.
def _uuid = "${env.JOB_NAME.toLowerCase()}_${env.BUILD_TAG.toLowerCase()}_${modelFile.toLowerCase()}_" + UUID.randomUUID().toString().take(8)
def _values = [
MODELS_TARGZ : "${env.BUILD_URL}/artifact/${reclassArtifactName}",
DockerCName : _uuid,
testReclassEnv : "model/${modelFile}/",
modelFile : "contexts/${modelFile}.yml",
DISTRIB_REVISION: testDistribRevision,
useExtraRepos : useExtraRepos,
def _values_string = JsonOutput.toJson(_values << extraVars)
def chunkJob = build job: chunkJobName, parameters: [
[$class: 'TextParameterValue', name: 'EXTRA_VARIABLES_YAML',
value : _values_string.stripIndent()],
// Put sub-job info into global map.
testModelBuildsData.put(_uuid, ['jobname' : chunkJob.fullProjectName,
'copyToDir': "${artifactCopyPath}/${modelFile}",
'buildId' : "${chunkJob.number}"])
def StepTestModel(basename, reclassArtifactName, artifactCopyPath, useExtraRepos = false) {
// We need to wrap what we return in a Groovy closure, or else it's invoked
// when this method is called, not when we pass it to parallel.
// To do this, you need to wrap the code below in { }, and either return
// that explicitly, or use { -> } syntax.
// return node object
return {
node(slaveNode) {
testModel(basename, reclassArtifactName, artifactCopyPath, useExtraRepos)
def StepPrepareGit(templateEnvFolder, gerrit_data) {
// return git clone object
return {
common.infoMsg("StepPrepareGit: ${gerrit_data}")
// fetch needed sources
dir(templateEnvFolder) {
if (!gerrit_data['gerritRefSpec']) {
// Get clean HEAD
gerrit_data['useGerritTriggerBuildChooser'] = false
def checkouted = gerrit.gerritPatchsetCheckout(gerrit_data)
if (!checkouted) {
error("Failed to get repo:${gerrit_data}")
def StepGenerateModels(_contextFileList, _virtualenv, _templateEnvDir) {
return {
for (contextFile in _contextFileList) {
def basename = common.GetBaseName(contextFile, '.yml')
def context = readFile(file: "${_templateEnvDir}/contexts/${contextFile}")
if (!fileExists(new File(_templateEnvDir, 'tox.ini').toString())) {
common.warningMsg('Forming NEW reclass-root structure...')
python.generateModel(context, basename, 'cfg01', _virtualenv, "${_templateEnvDir}/model", _templateEnvDir)
} else {
// tox-based CC generated structure of reclass,from the root. Otherwise for bw compat, modelEnv
// still expect only lower lvl of project, aka model/classes/cluster/XXX/. So,lets dump result into
// temp dir, and then copy it over initial structure.
def reclassTempRootDir = sh(script: "mktemp -d -p ${env.WORKSPACE}", returnStdout: true).trim()
python.generateModel(context, basename, 'cfg01', _virtualenv, reclassTempRootDir, _templateEnvDir)
dir("${_templateEnvDir}/model/${basename}/") {
if (fileExists(new File(reclassTempRootDir, 'reclass').toString())) {
common.warningMsg('Forming NEW reclass-root structure...')
sh("cp -ra ${reclassTempRootDir}/reclass/* .")
} else {
// those hack needed only for period release/2019.2.0 => current patch.
common.warningMsg('Forming OLD reclass-root structure...')
sh("mkdir -p classes/cluster/ ; cd classes/cluster/; cp -ra ${reclassTempRootDir}/* .")
def globalVariatorsUpdate() {
// Simple function, to check and define branch-around variables
// In general, simply make transition updates for non-master branch
// based on magic logic
def newline = '<br/>'
def messages = []
messages.add("<font color='red'>GerritTrigger detected! We are in auto-mode:</font>")
messages.add("Test env variables has been changed:")
// TODO are we going to have such branches?
if (!['nightly', 'testing', 'stable', 'proposed', 'master'].contains(env.GERRIT_BRANCH)) {
gerritDataCC['gerritBranch'] = env.GERRIT_BRANCH
gerritDataRS['gerritBranch'] = env.GERRIT_BRANCH
testDistribRevision = env.GERRIT_BRANCH
messages.add("COOKIECUTTER_TEMPLATE_BRANCH => ${gerritDataCC['gerritBranch']}")
messages.add("RECLASS_SYSTEM_BRANCH => ${gerritDataRS['gerritBranch']}")
// Identify, who triggered. To whom we should pass refspec
if (env.GERRIT_PROJECT == 'salt-models/reclass-system') {
gerritDataRS['gerritRefSpec'] = env.GERRIT_REFSPEC
messages.add("RECLASS_SYSTEM_GIT_REF => ${gerritDataRS['gerritRefSpec']}")
} else if (env.GERRIT_PROJECT == 'mk/cookiecutter-templates') {
gerritDataCC['gerritRefSpec'] = env.GERRIT_REFSPEC
messages.add("COOKIECUTTER_TEMPLATE_REF => ${gerritDataCC['gerritRefSpec']}")
} else {
error("Unsuported gerrit-project triggered:${env.GERRIT_PROJECT}")
} else {
messages.add("<font color='red'>Non-gerrit trigger run detected!</font>")
gerritDataCCHEAD << gerritDataCC
gerritDataCCHEAD['gerritRefSpec'] = null
gerritDataRSHEAD << gerritDataRS
gerritDataRSHEAD['gerritRefSpec'] = null
// 'binary' branch logic w\o 'release/' prefix
if (testDistribRevision.contains('/')) {
testDistribRevision = testDistribRevision.split('/')[-1]
// Check if we are going to test bleeding-edge release, which doesn't have binary release yet
// After 2018q4 releases, need to also check 'static' repo, for example ubuntu.
binTest = common.checkRemoteBinary(['mcp_version': testDistribRevision])
if (!binTest.linux_system_repo_url || !binTest.linux_system_repo_ubuntu_url) {
common.errorMsg("Binary release: ${testDistribRevision} not exist or not full. Fallback to 'proposed'! ")
testDistribRevision = 'proposed'
messages.add("DISTRIB_REVISION => ${testDistribRevision}")
def message = messages.join(newline) + newline
currentBuild.description = currentBuild.description ? message + currentBuild.description : message
def replaceGeneratedValues(path) {
def files = sh(script: "find ${path} -name 'secrets.yml'", returnStdout: true)
def stepsForParallel = [:]
stepsForParallel.failFast = true
files.tokenize().each {
stepsForParallel.put("Removing generated passwords/secrets from ${it}",
def secrets = readYaml file: it
for (String key in secrets['parameters']['_param'].keySet()) {
secrets['parameters']['_param'][key] = 'generated'
// writeYaml can't write to already existing file
writeYaml file: "${it}.tmp", data: secrets
sh "mv ${it}.tmp ${it}"
parallel stepsForParallel
def linkReclassModels(contextList, envPath, archiveName) {
// to be able share reclass for all subenvs
// Also, makes artifact test more solid - use one reclass for all of sub-models.
// Archive Structure will be:
// tar.gz
// ├── contexts
// │   └── ceph.yml
// ├── classes-system <<< reclass system
// ├── model
// │   └── ceph <<< from `context basename`
// │   ├── classes
// │   │   ├── cluster
// │   │   └── system -> ../../../classes-system
// │   └── nodes
// │   └── cfg01.ceph-cluster-domain.local.yml
def archiveBaseName = common.GetBaseName(archiveName, '.tar.gz')
def classesSystemDir = 'classes-system'
// copy reclass system under envPath with -R and trailing / to support symlinks direct copy
sh("cp -R ${archiveBaseName}/ ${envPath}/${classesSystemDir}")
dir(envPath) {
for (String context : contextList) {
def basename = common.GetBaseName(context, '.yml')
dir("${envPath}/model/${basename}/classes") {
sh(script: "ln -sfv ../../../${classesSystemDir} system ")
// replace all generated passwords/secrets/keys with hardcode value for infra/secrets.yaml
// Save all models and all contexts. Warning! `h` flag must be used!
sh(script: "set -ex; tar -czhf ${env.WORKSPACE}/${archiveName} --exclude='*@tmp' contexts model ${classesSystemDir}", returnStatus: true)
archiveArtifacts artifacts: archiveName
timeout(time: 1, unit: 'HOURS') {
node(slaveNode) {
def templateEnvHead = "${env.WORKSPACE}/EnvHead/"
def templateEnvPatched = "${env.WORKSPACE}/EnvPatched/"
def contextFileListHead = []
def contextFileListPatched = []
def vEnv = "${env.WORKSPACE}/venv"
def headReclassArtifactName = "head_reclass.tar.gz"
def patchedReclassArtifactName = "patched_reclass.tar.gz"
def reclassNodeInfoDir = "${env.WORKSPACE}/reclassNodeInfo_compare/"
def reclassInfoHeadPath = "${reclassNodeInfoDir}/old"
def reclassInfoPatchedPath = "${reclassNodeInfoDir}/new"
try {
sh(script: 'find . -mindepth 1 -delete > /dev/null || true')
stage('Download and prepare CC env') {
// Prepare 2 env - for patchset, and for HEAD
def paralellEnvs = [:]
paralellEnvs.failFast = true
paralellEnvs['downloadEnvHead'] = StepPrepareGit(templateEnvHead, gerritDataCCHEAD)
if (gerritDataCC.get('gerritRefSpec', null)) {
paralellEnvs['downloadEnvPatched'] = StepPrepareGit(templateEnvPatched, gerritDataCC)
parallel paralellEnvs
} else {
paralellEnvs['downloadEnvPatched'] = { common.warningMsg('No need to process: downloadEnvPatched') }
parallel paralellEnvs
sh("rsync -a --exclude '*@tmp' ${templateEnvHead} ${templateEnvPatched}")
// readYaml to check custom context structure
def customContext = readYaml text: env.CUSTOM_COOKIECUTTER_CONTEXT
writeYaml file: "${templateEnvHead}/contexts/custom_context.yml", data: customContext
writeYaml file: "${templateEnvPatched}/contexts/custom_context.yml", data: customContext
common.infoMsg("Using custom context provided from job parameter 'CUSTOM_COOKIECUTTER_CONTEXT'")
stage('Check workflow_definition') {
// Prepare venv for old env's, aka non-tox based
if (!fileExists(new File(templateEnvPatched, 'tox.ini').toString()) || !fileExists(new File(templateEnvHead, 'tox.ini').toString())) {
python.setupVirtualenv(vEnv, 'python2', [], "${templateEnvPatched}/requirements.txt")
// Check only for patchset
if (fileExists(new File(templateEnvPatched, 'tox.ini').toString())) {
dir(templateEnvPatched) {
output = sh(returnStdout: true, script: "tox -ve test")
common.infoMsg("[Cookiecutter test] Result: ${output}")
} else {
common.warningMsg('Old Cookiecutter env detected!')
common.infoMsg(python.runVirtualenvCommand(vEnv, "python ${templateEnvPatched}/"))
stage('generate models') {
dir("${templateEnvHead}/contexts") {
for (String x : findFiles(glob: "*.yml")) {
dir("${templateEnvPatched}/contexts") {
for (String x : findFiles(glob: "*.yml")) {
// Generate over 2env's - for patchset, and for HEAD
def paralellEnvs = [:]
paralellEnvs.failFast = true
paralellEnvs['GenerateEnvHead'] = StepGenerateModels(contextFileListHead, vEnv, templateEnvHead)
if (gerritDataCC.get('gerritRefSpec', null)) {
paralellEnvs['GenerateEnvPatched'] = StepGenerateModels(contextFileListPatched, vEnv, templateEnvPatched)
parallel paralellEnvs
} else {
paralellEnvs['GenerateEnvPatched'] = { common.warningMsg('No need to process: GenerateEnvPatched') }
parallel paralellEnvs
sh("rsync -a --exclude '*@tmp' ${templateEnvHead} ${templateEnvPatched}")
// We need 2 git's, one for HEAD, one for PATCHed.
// if no patch, use head for both
RSHeadDir = common.GetBaseName(headReclassArtifactName, '.tar.gz')
RSPatchedDir = common.GetBaseName(patchedReclassArtifactName, '.tar.gz')
common.infoMsg("gerritDataRS= ${gerritDataRS}")
common.infoMsg("gerritDataRSHEAD= ${gerritDataRSHEAD}")
if (gerritDataRS.get('gerritRefSpec', null)) {
StepPrepareGit("${env.WORKSPACE}/${RSPatchedDir}/", gerritDataRS).call()
StepPrepareGit("${env.WORKSPACE}/${RSHeadDir}/", gerritDataRSHEAD).call()
} else {
StepPrepareGit("${env.WORKSPACE}/${RSHeadDir}/", gerritDataRS).call()
sh("cd ${env.WORKSPACE} ; ln -svf ${RSHeadDir} ${RSPatchedDir}")
// link all models, to use one global reclass
// For HEAD
linkReclassModels(contextFileListHead, templateEnvHead, headReclassArtifactName)
// For patched
linkReclassModels(contextFileListPatched, templateEnvPatched, patchedReclassArtifactName)
stage("Compare cluster lvl Head/Patched") {
// Compare patched and HEAD reclass pillars
compareRoot = "${env.WORKSPACE}/cluster_compare/"
// extract archive and drop all copied classes/system before comparing
sh(script: """
mkdir -pv ${compareRoot}/new ${compareRoot}/old
tar -xzf ${patchedReclassArtifactName} --directory ${compareRoot}/new
tar -xzf ${headReclassArtifactName} --directory ${compareRoot}/old
find ${compareRoot} -name classes -type d -exec rm -rf '{}/system' \\;
common.warningMsg('infra/secrets.yml has been skipped from compare!')
result = '\n' + common.comparePillars(compareRoot, env.BUILD_URL, "-Ev \'infra/secrets.yml|\\.git\'")
currentBuild.description = currentBuild.description ? currentBuild.description + result : result
stage("TestContexts Head/Patched") {
def stepsForParallel = [:]
stepsForParallel.failFast = true
common.infoMsg("Found: ${contextFileListHead.size()} HEAD contexts to test.")
for (String context : contextFileListHead) {
def basename = common.GetBaseName(context, '.yml')
stepsForParallel.put("ContextHeadTest:${basename}", StepTestModel(basename, headReclassArtifactName, reclassInfoHeadPath))
common.infoMsg("Found: ${contextFileListPatched.size()} patched contexts to test.")
for (String context : contextFileListPatched) {
def basename = common.GetBaseName(context, '.yml')
stepsForParallel.put("ContextPatchedTest:${basename}", StepTestModel(basename, patchedReclassArtifactName, reclassInfoPatchedPath, true))
parallel stepsForParallel
common.infoMsg('All TestContexts tests done')
stage("Compare NodesInfo Head/Patched") {
// Download all artifacts
def stepsForParallel = [:]
stepsForParallel.failFast = true
common.infoMsg("Found: ${testModelBuildsData.size()} nodeinfo artifacts to download.")
testModelBuildsData.each { bname, bdata ->
getAndUnpackNodesInfoArtifact(bdata.jobname, bdata.copyToDir, bdata.buildId))
parallel stepsForParallel
// remove timestamp field from rendered files
sh("find ${reclassNodeInfoDir} -type f -exec sed -i '/ timestamp: .*/d' {} \\;")
// Compare patched and HEAD reclass pillars
result = '\n' + common.comparePillars(reclassNodeInfoDir, env.BUILD_URL, '')
currentBuild.description = currentBuild.description ? currentBuild.description + result : result
stage('Check include order') {
if (!checkIncludeOrder) {
common.infoMsg('Check include order require to much time, and currently disabled!')
} else {
def correctIncludeOrder = ["service", "system", "cluster"]
dir(reclassInfoPatchedPath) {
def nodeInfoFiles = findFiles(glob: "**/*.reclass.nodeinfo")
def messages = ["<b>Wrong include ordering found</b><ul>"]
def stepsForParallel = [:]
nodeInfoFiles.each { nodeInfo ->
stepsForParallel.put("Checking ${nodeInfo.path}:", {
def node = readYaml file: nodeInfo.path
def classes = node['classes']
def curClassID = 0
def prevClassID = 0
def wrongOrder = false
for (String className in classes) {
def currentClass = className.tokenize('.')[0]
curClassID = correctIncludeOrder.indexOf(currentClass)
if (currentClass != correctIncludeOrder[prevClassID]) {
if (prevClassID > curClassID) {
wrongOrder = true
common.warningMsg("File ${nodeInfo.path} contains wrong order of classes including: Includes for ${className} should be declared before ${correctIncludeOrder[prevClassID]} includes")
} else {
prevClassID = curClassID
if (wrongOrder) {
messages.add("<li>${nodeInfo.path} contains wrong order of classes including</li>")
parallel stepsForParallel
def includerOrder = '<b>No wrong include order</b>'
if (messages.size() != 1) {
includerOrder = messages.join('')
currentBuild.description = currentBuild.description ? currentBuild.description + includerOrder : includerOrder
sh(script: 'find . -mindepth 1 -delete > /dev/null || true')
} catch (Throwable e) {
currentBuild.result = "FAILURE"
currentBuild.description = currentBuild.description ? e.message + " " + currentBuild.description : e.message
throw e
} finally {
def dummy = "dummy"