| * Cleanup OpenStack databases from stale records (archived records or records marked as deleted). |
| * Cleanup OpenStack service databases. |
| * SALT_MASTER_CREDENTIALS Credentials to the Salt API. |
| * SALT_MASTER_URL Full Salt API address []. |
| def common = new com.mirantis.mk.Common() |
| def salt = new com.mirantis.mk.Salt() |
| def python = new com.mirantis.mk.Python() |
| def os_services = [ 'nova:controller', 'heat:server', 'cinder:controller' ] |
| def slave_node = 'python' |
| if (common.validInputParam('SLAVE_NODE')) { |
| timeout(time: 12, unit: 'HOURS') { |
| stage('Setup virtualenv for Pepper') { |
| python.setupPepperVirtualenv(env, SALT_MASTER_URL, SALT_MASTER_CREDENTIALS) |
| stage('Databases cleanup') { |
| for (os_service in os_services) { |
| formula = os_service.split(":")[0] |
| os_state = "${formula}.db.db_cleanup" |
| os_file = "/usr/share/salt-formulas/env/${formula}/db/db_cleanup.sls" |
| if (salt.runSaltProcessStep(env, 'I@salt:master', 'file.file_exists', [os_file], null, true, 5)['return'][0].values()[0].toBoolean()) { |
| salt.enforceStateWithTest([saltId: env, target: "I@${os_service}:role:primary", state: [os_state]]) |