blob: f473d8e202f1334bbd5749a099197908c419340c [file] [log] [blame]
* Launch stack and work with it
* Expected parameters:
* STACK_NAME Infrastructure stack name
* STACK_TEMPLATE File with stack template
* STACK_TYPE Deploy OpenStack/AWS [heat/aws], use 'physical' if no stack should be started
* STACK_TEMPLATE_URL URL to git repo with stack templates
* STACK_TEMPLATE_CREDENTIALS Credentials to the templates repo
* STACK_TEMPLATE_BRANCH Stack templates repo branch
* STACK_DELETE Delete stack when finished (bool)
* STACK_REUSE Reuse existing stack (don't create one, only read outputs)
* STACK_INSTALL What should be installed (k8s, openstack, ...)
* STACK_TEST Run tests (bool)
* STACK_CLEANUP_JOB Name of job for deleting stack
* STACK_COMPUTE_COUNT Number of compute nodes to launch
* STACK_CLUSTER_NAME The name of cluster model to use
* STATIC_MGMT_NETWORK Check if model contains static IP address definitions for all nodes
* AWS_STACK_REGION CloudFormation AWS region
* AWS_API_CREDENTIALS AWS Access key ID with AWS secret access key
* AWS_SSH_KEY AWS key pair name (used for SSH access)
* HEAT_STACK_ENVIRONMENT Heat stack environmental parameters
* HEAT_STACK_ZONE Heat stack availability zone
* HEAT_STACK_PUBLIC_NET Heat stack floating IP pool
* OPENSTACK_API_URL OpenStack API address
* OPENSTACK_API_CREDENTIALS Credentials to the OpenStack API
* OPENSTACK_API_PROJECT OpenStack project to connect to
* OPENSTACK_API_CLIENT Versions of OpenStack python clients
* OPENSTACK_API_VERSION Version of the OpenStack API (2/3)
* SLAVE_NODE Lable or node name where the job will be run
* SALT_MASTER_CREDENTIALS Credentials to the Salt API
* required for STACK_TYPE=physical
* SALT_MASTER_URL URL of Salt master
* BOOTSTRAP_EXTRA_REPO_PARAMS optional parameter to define a list of extra repos with parameters
* which have to be added during bootstrap.
* Format: repo 1, repo priority 1, repo pin 1; repo 2, repo priority 2, repo pin 2;
* SALT_VERSION Version of Salt which is going to be installed i.e. 'stable 2016.3' or 'stable 2017.7' etc.
* EXTRA_TARGET The value will be added to target nodes
* BATCH_SIZE Use batching for states, which may be targeted for huge amount of nodes. Format:
- 10 - number of nodes
- 10% - percentage of all targeted nodes
* DIST_UPGRADE_NODES Whether to run "apt-get dist-upgrade" on all nodes in cluster before deployment
* UPGRADE_SALTSTACK Whether to install recent versions of saltstack packages
* Test settings:
* TEST_K8S_API_SERVER Kubernetes API address
* TEST_K8S_CONFORMANCE_IMAGE Path to docker image with conformance e2e tests
* TEST_DOCKER_INSTALL Install docker on the target if true
* TEST_TEMPEST_IMAGE Tempest image link
* TEST_TEMPEST_PATTERN If not false, run tests matched to pattern only
* TEST_TEMPEST_TARGET Salt target for tempest node
* TESTRAIL_REPORT Whether upload results to testrail or not
* TESTRAIL_REPORTER_IMAGE Docker image for testrail reporter
* TESTRAIL_QA_CREDENTIALS Credentials for upload to testrail
* TESTRAIL_MILESTONE Product version for tests
* TESTRAIL_PLAN Testrail test plan
* TESTRAIL_GROUP Testrail test group
* TESTRAIL_SUITE Testrail test suite
* optional parameters for overwriting soft params
* SALT_OVERRIDES YAML with overrides for Salt deployment
common = new
git = new
openstack = new
aws = new
orchestrate = new
python = new
salt = new
test = new
debian = new
overwriteFile = "/srv/salt/reclass/classes/cluster/override.yml"
// Define global variables
def venv
def venvPepper
def outputs = [:]
def ipRegex = "\\d{1,3}\\.\\d{1,3}\\.\\d{1,3}\\.\\d{1,3}"
if (STACK_TYPE == 'aws') {
def aws_env_vars
} else if (STACK_TYPE == 'heat') {
def envParams
def openstackCloud
def slave_node = 'python'
if (common.validInputParam('SLAVE_NODE')) {
slave_node = SLAVE_NODE
def extra_tgt = ''
def extra_tgt_bckp = ''
if (common.validInputParam('EXTRA_TARGET')) {
extra_tgt = "${EXTRA_TARGET}"
def batch_size = ''
if (common.validInputParam('BATCH_SIZE')) {
batch_size = "${BATCH_SIZE}"
def upgrade_nodes = false
if (common.validInputParam('DIST_UPGRADE_NODES')) {
upgrade_nodes = "${DIST_UPGRADE_NODES}".toBoolean()
def upgrade_salt = false
if (common.validInputParam('UPGRADE_SALTSTACK')){
upgrade_salt = "${UPGRADE_SALTSTACK}".toBoolean()
timeout(time: 12, unit: 'HOURS') {
node(slave_node) {
try {
// Set build-specific variables
def workspace = common.getWorkspace()
venv = "${workspace}/venv"
venvPepper = "${workspace}/venvPepper"
if(common.validInputParam("STACK_DELETE") && STACK_DELETE.toBoolean()){
common.warningMsg("You running stack with STACK_DELETE option enabled, deployed stack will be removed at the end!")
// Prepare machines
stage ('Create infrastructure') {
outputs.put('stack_type', STACK_TYPE)
if (STACK_TYPE == 'heat') {
// value defaults
envParams = [
'cluster_zone': HEAT_STACK_ZONE,
'cluster_public_net': HEAT_STACK_PUBLIC_NET
if (STACK_REUSE.toBoolean() == true && STACK_NAME == '') {
error("If you want to reuse existing stack you need to provide it's name")
if (STACK_REUSE.toBoolean() == false) {
// TODO(vsaienko): remove stack creation from this pipeline to separate job
// Allow to set custom stack name but user-id will be added anyway
// This will fix issue with cleanup when job is aborted by jenkins and
// still guarantee stack count per user.
def stackNameSuffix = "${JOB_NAME}-${BUILD_NUMBER}"
if (STACK_NAME != ''){
stackNameSuffix = STACK_NAME
wrap([$class: 'BuildUser']) {
if (env.BUILD_USER_ID) {
STACK_NAME = "${env.BUILD_USER_ID}-${stackNameSuffix}"
} else {
STACK_NAME = "jenkins-${stackNameSuffix}"
currentBuild.description = STACK_NAME
} else {
// In case name was copied with unicode zero-width space chars -
// remove them
STACK_NAME = STACK_NAME.trim().replaceAll("\\p{C}", "")
// no underscore in STACK_NAME
STACK_NAME = STACK_NAME.replaceAll('_', '-')
outputs.put('stack_name', STACK_NAME)
// set description
currentBuild.description = "${STACK_NAME}"
// get templates
// create openstack env
openstack.setupOpenstackVirtualenv(venv, OPENSTACK_API_CLIENT)
openstackCloud = openstack.createOpenstackEnv(venv,
openstack.getKeystoneToken(openstackCloud, venv)
// Verify possibility of create stack for given user and stack type
wrap([$class: 'BuildUser']) {
if (env.BUILD_USER_ID && !env.BUILD_USER_ID.equals("jenkins") && !STACK_REUSE.toBoolean()) {
def existingStacks = openstack.getStacksForNameContains(openstackCloud, "${env.BUILD_USER_ID}-${JOB_NAME}".replaceAll('_', '-'), venv)
if (existingStacks.size() >= _MAX_PERMITTED_STACKS) {
STACK_DELETE = "false"
throw new Exception("You cannot create new stack, you already have ${_MAX_PERMITTED_STACKS} stacks of this type (${JOB_NAME}). \nStack names: ${existingStacks}")
// launch stack
if (STACK_REUSE.toBoolean() == false) {
// set reclass repo in heat env
try {
envParams.put('cfg_reclass_branch', STACK_RECLASS_BRANCH)
envParams.put('cfg_reclass_address', STACK_RECLASS_ADDRESS)
} catch (MissingPropertyException e) {
common.infoMsg("Property STACK_RECLASS_BRANCH or STACK_RECLASS_ADDRESS not found! Using default values from template.")
// put reclass-system repo to branch/tag/ref. If empty will be used reclass pinned commit in AIO model.
if (common.validInputParam('RECLASS_SYSTEM_BRANCH')) {
common.infoMsg("Setting reclass-system repo to ${RECLASS_SYSTEM_BRANCH} branch/tag/ref")
envParams.put('cfg_reclass_system_branch', RECLASS_SYSTEM_BRANCH)
// put formulas revision - stable, testing or nightly
if (common.validInputParam('FORMULA_PKG_REVISION')) {
common.infoMsg("Setting formulas revision to ${FORMULA_PKG_REVISION}")
envParams.put('cfg_formula_pkg_revision', FORMULA_PKG_REVISION)
// put extra repo definitions
if (common.validInputParam('BOOTSTRAP_EXTRA_REPO_PARAMS')) {
common.infoMsg("Setting additional repo during bootstrap to ${BOOTSTRAP_EXTRA_REPO_PARAMS}")
envParams.put('cfg_bootstrap_extra_repo_params', BOOTSTRAP_EXTRA_REPO_PARAMS)
// put extra salt-formulas # FIXME: looks like some outdated logic. See #PROD-23127
if (common.validInputParam('EXTRA_FORMULAS')) {
common.infoMsg("Setting extra salt-formulas to ${EXTRA_FORMULAS}")
envParams.put('cfg_extra_formulas', EXTRA_FORMULAS)
// add cluster name if specified
if (common.validInputParam('STACK_CLUSTER_NAME')) {
common.infoMsg("Setting cluster_name to ${STACK_CLUSTER_NAME}")
envParams.put('cluster_name', STACK_CLUSTER_NAME)
if (common.validInputParam('STACK_COMPUTE_COUNT')) {
if (STACK_COMPUTE_COUNT.toInteger() > 0){
common.infoMsg("Setting cluster_node_count to ${STACK_COMPUTE_COUNT}")
envParams.put('cluster_node_count', STACK_COMPUTE_COUNT)
if (common.validInputParam('SALT_VERSION')) {
common.infoMsg("Setting salt version to ${SALT_VERSION}")
envParams.put('cfg_saltversion', SALT_VERSION)
// If stack wasn't removed by the same user which has created it,
// nova key pair won't be removed, so need to make sure that no
// key pair with the same name exists before creating the stack.
if (openstack.getKeyPair(openstackCloud, STACK_NAME, venv)){
try {
openstack.deleteKeyPair(openstackCloud, STACK_NAME, venv)
} catch (Exception e) {
common.errorMsg("Key pair failed to remove with error ${e.message}")
openstack.createHeatStack(openstackCloud, STACK_NAME, STACK_TEMPLATE, envParams, HEAT_STACK_ENVIRONMENT, venv)
saltMasterHost = openstack.getHeatStackOutputParam(openstackCloud, STACK_NAME, 'salt_master_ip', venv)
// check that saltMasterHost is valid
if (!saltMasterHost || !saltMasterHost.matches(ipRegex)) {
common.errorMsg("saltMasterHost is not a valid ip, value is: ${saltMasterHost}")
throw new Exception("saltMasterHost is not a valid ip")
currentBuild.description = "${STACK_NAME} ${saltMasterHost}"
SALT_MASTER_URL = "http://${saltMasterHost}:6969"
} else if (STACK_TYPE == 'aws') {
// setup environment
// set aws_env_vars
aws_env_vars = aws.getEnvVars(AWS_API_CREDENTIALS, AWS_STACK_REGION)
if (STACK_REUSE.toBoolean() == true && STACK_NAME == '') {
error("If you want to reuse existing stack you need to provide it's name")
if (STACK_REUSE.toBoolean() == false) {
// Don't allow to set custom stack name
wrap([$class: 'BuildUser']) {
if (env.BUILD_USER_ID) {
} else {
// no underscore in STACK_NAME
STACK_NAME = STACK_NAME.replaceAll('_', '-')
// set description
currentBuild.description = STACK_NAME
outputs.put('stack_name', STACK_NAME)
if (STACK_REUSE.toBoolean() == false) {
// get templates
// start stack
def stack_params = [
"ParameterKey=KeyName,ParameterValue=" + AWS_SSH_KEY,
"ParameterKey=CmpNodeCount,ParameterValue=" + STACK_COMPUTE_COUNT
def template_file = 'cfn/' + STACK_TEMPLATE + '.yml'
aws.createStack(venv, aws_env_vars, template_file, STACK_NAME, stack_params)
// wait for stack to be ready
aws.waitForStatus(venv, aws_env_vars, STACK_NAME, 'CREATE_COMPLETE')
// get outputs
saltMasterHost = aws.getOutputs(venv, aws_env_vars, STACK_NAME, 'SaltMasterIP')
// check that saltMasterHost is valid
if (!saltMasterHost || !saltMasterHost.matches(ipRegex)) {
common.errorMsg("saltMasterHost is not a valid ip, value is: ${saltMasterHost}")
throw new Exception("saltMasterHost is not a valid ip")
currentBuild.description = "${STACK_NAME} ${saltMasterHost}"
SALT_MASTER_URL = "http://${saltMasterHost}:6969"
} else if (STACK_TYPE != 'physical') {
throw new Exception("STACK_TYPE ${STACK_TYPE} is not supported")
outputs.put('salt_api', SALT_MASTER_URL)
// Setup virtualenv for pepper
python.setupPepperVirtualenv(venvPepper, SALT_MASTER_URL, SALT_MASTER_CREDENTIALS)
// Set up override params
if (common.validInputParam('SALT_OVERRIDES') && common.validInputParam('STACK_INSTALL')) {
stage('Set Salt overrides') {
salt.setSaltOverrides(venvPepper, SALT_OVERRIDES, '/srv/salt/reclass', extra_tgt)
// Install
if (!batch_size) {
// if no batch size provided get current worker threads and set batch size to 2/3 of it to avoid
// 'SaltReqTimeoutError: Message timed out' issue on Salt targets for large amount of nodes
// do not use toDouble/Double as it requires additional approved method
def workerThreads = salt.getWorkerThreads(venvPepper).toInteger()
batch_size = (workerThreads * 2 / 3).toString().tokenize('.')[0]
// Check if all minions are reachable and ready
salt.checkTargetMinionsReady(['saltId': venvPepper, 'target': '*', batch: batch_size])
if (common.checkContains('STACK_INSTALL', 'core')) {
stage('Install core infrastructure') {
def staticMgmtNetwork = false
if (common.validInputParam('STATIC_MGMT_NETWORK')) {
staticMgmtNetwork = STATIC_MGMT_NETWORK.toBoolean()
orchestrate.installFoundationInfra(venvPepper, staticMgmtNetwork, extra_tgt, batch_size)
if (upgrade_salt) {
debian.upgradeSaltPackages(venvPepper, 'I@salt:master')
debian.upgradeSaltPackages(venvPepper, 'I@salt:minion and not I@salt:master')
if (common.checkContains('STACK_INSTALL', 'kvm')) {
if (upgrade_nodes) {
debian.osUpgradeNode(venvPepper, 'I@salt:control', 'dist-upgrade', 30, 20, batch_size)
salt.checkTargetMinionsReady(['saltId': venvPepper, 'target': 'I@salt:control', wait: 60, timeout: 10])
orchestrate.installInfraKvm(venvPepper, extra_tgt)
orchestrate.installFoundationInfra(venvPepper, staticMgmtNetwork, extra_tgt, batch_size)
orchestrate.validateFoundationInfra(venvPepper, extra_tgt)
if (upgrade_nodes) {
debian.osUpgradeNode(venvPepper, 'not ( I@salt:master or I@salt:control )', 'dist-upgrade', false, 30, 10, batch_size)
salt.checkTargetMinionsReady(['saltId': venvPepper, 'target': 'not ( I@salt:master or I@salt:control )', wait: 60, timeout: 10])
stage('Install infra') {
if (common.checkContains('STACK_INSTALL', 'core') ||
common.checkContains('STACK_INSTALL', 'openstack') ||
common.checkContains('STACK_INSTALL', 'cicd')) {
orchestrate.installInfra(venvPepper, extra_tgt)
if (common.validInputParam('STACK_INSTALL')) {
stage('Install Orchestrated Apps'){
orchestrate.OrchestrateApplications(venvPepper, "I@salt:master ${extra_tgt}", "orchestration.deploy.applications")
// install k8s
if (common.checkContains('STACK_INSTALL', 'k8s')) {
extra_tgt_bckp = extra_tgt
extra_tgt = 'and not kdt* and not I@salt:master ' + extra_tgt_bckp
stage('Install Kubernetes infra') {
if (STACK_TYPE == 'aws') {
// configure kubernetes_control_address - save loadbalancer
def awsOutputs = aws.getOutputs(venv, aws_env_vars, STACK_NAME)
if (awsOutputs.containsKey('ControlLoadBalancer')) {
salt.runSaltProcessStep(venvPepper, "I@salt:master ${extra_tgt}", 'reclass.cluster_meta_set', ['kubernetes_control_address', awsOutputs['ControlLoadBalancer']], null, true)
outputs.put('kubernetes_apiserver', 'https://' + awsOutputs['ControlLoadBalancer'])
// ensure certificates are generated properly
salt.runSaltProcessStep(venvPepper, "I@kubernetes:* ${extra_tgt}", 'saltutil.refresh_pillar', [], null, true)
salt.enforceState(venvPepper, "I@kubernetes:* ${extra_tgt}", ['salt.minion.cert'], true)
if (common.checkContains('STACK_INSTALL', 'contrail')) {
stage('Install Contrail control') {
orchestrate.installContrailNetwork(venvPepper, extra_tgt)
stage('Install Kubernetes control') {
orchestrate.installKubernetesControl(venvPepper, extra_tgt)
if (common.checkContains('STACK_INSTALL', 'contrail')) {
orchestrate.checkContrailApiReadiness(venvPepper, extra_tgt)
// collect artifacts (kubeconfig)
writeFile(file: 'kubeconfig', text: salt.getFileContent(venvPepper, "I@kubernetes:master and *01* ${extra_tgt}", '/etc/kubernetes/admin-kube-config'))
archiveArtifacts(artifacts: 'kubeconfig')
if (common.checkContains('STACK_INSTALL', 'contrail')) {
stage('Install Contrail compute') {
orchestrate.installContrailCompute(venvPepper, extra_tgt)
stage('Install Kubernetes computes') {
if (common.validInputParam('STACK_COMPUTE_COUNT')) {
if (STACK_TYPE == 'aws') {
// get stack info
def scaling_group = aws.getOutputs(venv, aws_env_vars, STACK_NAME, 'ComputesScalingGroup')
//update autoscaling group
aws.updateAutoscalingGroup(venv, aws_env_vars, scaling_group, ["--desired-capacity " + STACK_COMPUTE_COUNT])
// wait for computes to boot up
aws.waitForAutoscalingInstances(venv, aws_env_vars, scaling_group)
} else if (STACK_TYPE == 'heat') {
envParams.put('cluster_node_count', STACK_COMPUTE_COUNT)
openstack.createHeatStack(openstackCloud, STACK_NAME, STACK_TEMPLATE, envParams, HEAT_STACK_ENVIRONMENT, venv, "update")
orchestrate.installKubernetesCompute(venvPepper, extra_tgt)
// Setup kubernetes addons for opencontrail. More info in the definition of the func.
orchestrate.setupKubeAddonForContrail(venvPepper, extra_tgt)
orchestrate.installKubernetesClient(venvPepper, extra_tgt)
extra_tgt = extra_tgt_bckp
// install kdt (drivetrain on k8s) cluster
if (common.checkContains('STACK_INSTALL', 'kdt')){
extra_tgt_bckp = extra_tgt
extra_tgt = 'and kdt* ' + extra_tgt_bckp
stage('Install Kubernetes infra for kdt') {
// ensure certificates are generated properly
salt.runSaltProcessStep(venvPepper, "I@kubernetes:* ${extra_tgt}", 'saltutil.refresh_pillar', [], null, true)
salt.enforceState(venvPepper, "I@kubernetes:* ${extra_tgt}", ['salt.minion.cert'], true)
stage('Install Kubernetes control for kdt') {
salt.enforceStateWithTest([saltId: venvPepper, target: "I@kubernetes:master ${extra_tgt}", state: 'kubernetes.pool.images'])
orchestrate.installKubernetesControl(venvPepper, extra_tgt)
salt.enforceStateWithTest([saltId: venvPepper, target: "I@kubernetes:master ${extra_tgt}", state: 'nginx.server'])
// collect artifacts (kubeconfig)
writeFile(file: 'kubeconfig-kdt', text: salt.getFileContent(venvPepper, "I@kubernetes:master and *01* ${extra_tgt}", '/etc/kubernetes/admin-kube-config'))
archiveArtifacts(artifacts: 'kubeconfig-kdt')
orchestrate.installKubernetesClient(venvPepper, extra_tgt)
extra_tgt = extra_tgt_bckp
// install ceph
if (common.checkContains('STACK_INSTALL', 'ceph')) {
stage('Install Ceph MONs') {
orchestrate.installCephMon(venvPepper, "I@ceph:mon ${extra_tgt}", extra_tgt)
stage('Install Ceph OSDs') {
orchestrate.installCephOsd(venvPepper, "I@ceph:osd ${extra_tgt}", true, extra_tgt)
stage('Install Ceph clients') {
orchestrate.installCephClient(venvPepper, extra_tgt)
// install docker swarm
if (common.validInputParam('STACK_INSTALL')) {
orchestrate.installDockerSwarm(venvPepper, extra_tgt)
// install openstack
if (common.checkContains('STACK_INSTALL', 'openstack')) {
// install control, tests, ...
stage('Install OpenStack control') {
orchestrate.installOpenstackControl(venvPepper, extra_tgt)
// Workaround for PROD-17765 issue to prevent crashes of keystone.role_present state.
// More details:
salt.restartSaltMinion(venvPepper, "I@keystone:client ${extra_tgt}")
salt.minionsReachable(venvPepper, 'I@salt:master', "I@keystone:client ${extra_tgt}", null, 10, 6)
stage('Install OpenStack network') {
if (common.checkContains('STACK_INSTALL', 'contrail')) {
orchestrate.installContrailNetwork(venvPepper, extra_tgt)
orchestrate.checkContrailApiReadiness(venvPepper, extra_tgt)
} else if (common.checkContains('STACK_INSTALL', 'ovs')) {
orchestrate.installOpenstackNetwork(venvPepper, extra_tgt)
// Wait for network to come up, 150s should be enough
common.retry(10, 15) {
salt.cmdRun(venvPepper, "I@keystone:server ${extra_tgt}", '. /root/keystonercv3; openstack network list')
if (salt.testTarget(venvPepper, "I@ironic:conductor ${extra_tgt}")){
stage('Install OpenStack Ironic conductor') {
orchestrate.installIronicConductor(venvPepper, extra_tgt)
if (salt.testTarget(venvPepper, "I@manila:share ${extra_tgt}")){
stage('Install OpenStack Manila data and share') {
orchestrate.installManilaShare(venvPepper, extra_tgt)
stage('Install OpenStack compute') {
orchestrate.installOpenstackCompute(venvPepper, extra_tgt, batch_size)
if (common.checkContains('STACK_INSTALL', 'contrail')) {
orchestrate.installContrailCompute(venvPepper, extra_tgt)
orchestrate.installBackup(venvPepper, 'contrail', extra_tgt)
// connect ceph
if (common.checkContains('STACK_INSTALL', 'ceph')) {
stage('Connect Ceph') {
orchestrate.connectCeph(venvPepper, extra_tgt)
if (common.checkContains('STACK_INSTALL', 'cicd')) {
stage('Install Cicd') {
extra_tgt_bckp = extra_tgt
extra_tgt = 'and I@_param:drivetrain_role:cicd ' + extra_tgt_bckp
orchestrate.installCicd(venvPepper, extra_tgt)
extra_tgt = extra_tgt_bckp
if (common.checkContains('STACK_INSTALL', 'kdt')) {
stage('Install Cicd on kdt') {
extra_tgt_bckp = extra_tgt
extra_tgt = 'and kdt* ' + extra_tgt_bckp
orchestrate.installCicd(venvPepper, extra_tgt)
extra_tgt = extra_tgt_bckp
if (common.checkContains('STACK_INSTALL', 'sl-legacy')) {
stage('Install StackLight v1') {
orchestrate.installStacklightv1Control(venvPepper, extra_tgt)
orchestrate.installStacklightv1Client(venvPepper, extra_tgt)
if (common.checkContains('STACK_INSTALL', 'stacklight')) {
stage('Install StackLight') {
orchestrate.installStacklight(venvPepper, extra_tgt)
// Test
def artifacts_dir = '_artifacts/'
if (common.checkContains('STACK_TEST', 'k8s')) {
stage('Run k8s conformance e2e tests') {
def autodetect = AUTODETECT
def ctl_target = 'I@kubernetes:master'
firstTarget = salt.getFirstMinion(venvPepper, ctl_target)
def containerd_enabled = salt.getPillar(
venvPepper, firstTarget, "kubernetes:common:containerd:enabled"
if (containerd_enabled) {
def config = ['master': venvPepper,
'target': firstTarget,
'junitResults': true,
'autodetect': autodetect,
'image': image]
} else {
def output_file = image.replaceAll('/', '-') + '.output'
def target = "I@keystone:server:role:primary ${extra_tgt}"
def conformance_output_file = 'conformance_test.tar'
// run image
test.runConformanceTests(venvPepper, target, TEST_K8S_API_SERVER, image)
// collect output
sh "mkdir -p ${artifacts_dir}"
file_content = salt.getFileContent(venvPepper, target, '/tmp/' + output_file)
writeFile file: "${artifacts_dir}${output_file}", text: file_content
sh "cat ${artifacts_dir}${output_file}"
// collect artifacts
archiveArtifacts artifacts: "${artifacts_dir}${output_file}"
// Copy test results
test.CopyConformanceResults(venvPepper, target, artifacts_dir, conformance_output_file)
if (common.checkContains('STACK_TEST', 'opencontrail')) {
stage('Run opencontrail tests') {
def opencontrail_tests_dir = "/opt/opencontrail_test/fuel-plugin-contrail/plugin_test/vapor/"
def report_dir = "/opt/opencontrail-test-report/"
def cmd = ". ${opencontrail_tests_dir} && " +
"cd ${opencontrail_tests_dir} && " +
"py.test --junit-xml=${report_dir}report.xml" +
" --html=${report_dir}report.html -v vapor/tests/ -k 'not destructive' "
salt.runSaltProcessStep(venvPepper, 'I@salt:master', 'saltutil.refresh_pillar', [], null, true)
salt.enforceState(venvPepper, 'I@opencontrail:test' , 'opencontrail.test' , true)
salt.cmdRun(venvPepper, 'I@opencontrail:test', cmd, false)
writeFile(file: 'report.xml', text: salt.getFileContent(venvPepper,
'I@opencontrail:test', "${report_dir}report.xml"))
junit(keepLongStdio: true, testResults: 'report.xml')
stage('Finalize') {
if (common.checkContains('STACK_INSTALL', 'finalize')) {
def gluster_compound = "I@glusterfs:server ${extra_tgt}"
def salt_ca_compound = "I@salt:minion:ca:salt_master_ca ${extra_tgt}"
// Enforce highstate asynchronous only on the nodes which are not glusterfs servers
salt.enforceHighstate(venvPepper, '* and not ' + gluster_compound + ' and not ' + salt_ca_compound, batch_size)
// Iterate over nonempty set of gluster servers and apply highstates one by one
// TODO: switch to batch once salt 2017.7+ would be used
def saltcaMinions = salt.getMinionsSorted(venvPepper, salt_ca_compound)
if ( !saltcaMinions.isEmpty() ) {
for ( target in saltcaMinions ) {
salt.enforceHighstate(venvPepper, target)
def glusterMinions = salt.getMinionsSorted(venvPepper, gluster_compound)
if ( !glusterMinions.isEmpty() ) {
for ( target in glusterMinions ) {
salt.enforceHighstate(venvPepper, target)
outputsPretty = common.prettify(outputs)
writeFile(file: 'outputs.json', text: outputsPretty)
archiveArtifacts(artifacts: 'outputs.json')
} catch (Throwable e) {
currentBuild.result = 'FAILURE'
throw e
} finally {
// Clean
if (common.validInputParam('STACK_NAME')) {
// send notification
common.sendNotification(currentBuild.result, STACK_NAME, ["slack"])
if (common.validInputParam('STACK_DELETE') && STACK_DELETE.toBoolean() == true) {
stage('Trigger cleanup job') {
common.errorMsg('Stack cleanup job triggered')
build(job: STACK_CLEANUP_JOB, parameters: [
[$class: 'StringParameterValue', name: 'STACK_NAME', value: STACK_NAME],
[$class: 'StringParameterValue', name: 'STACK_TYPE', value: STACK_TYPE],
[$class: 'StringParameterValue', name: 'OPENSTACK_API_URL', value: OPENSTACK_API_URL],
[$class: 'StringParameterValue', name: 'OPENSTACK_API_CREDENTIALS', value: OPENSTACK_API_CREDENTIALS],
[$class: 'StringParameterValue', name: 'OPENSTACK_API_PROJECT', value: OPENSTACK_API_PROJECT],
[$class: 'StringParameterValue', name: 'OPENSTACK_API_PROJECT_DOMAIN', value: OPENSTACK_API_PROJECT_DOMAIN],
[$class: 'StringParameterValue', name: 'OPENSTACK_API_PROJECT_ID', value: OPENSTACK_API_PROJECT_ID],
[$class: 'StringParameterValue', name: 'OPENSTACK_API_USER_DOMAIN', value: OPENSTACK_API_USER_DOMAIN],
[$class: 'StringParameterValue', name: 'OPENSTACK_API_CLIENT', value: OPENSTACK_API_CLIENT],
[$class: 'StringParameterValue', name: 'OPENSTACK_API_VERSION', value: OPENSTACK_API_VERSION]
} else {
if (currentBuild.result == 'FAILURE') {
common.errorMsg("Deploy job FAILED and was not deleted. Please fix the problem and delete stack on you own.")
if (common.validInputParam('SALT_MASTER_URL')) {
common.errorMsg("Salt master URL: ${SALT_MASTER_URL}")