blob: 50c38b2dc5dcfabdcd74266272d016bb65faa371 [file] [log] [blame]
* Generate cookiecutter cluster by individual products
* Expected parameters:
* COOKIECUTTER_TEMPLATE_CONTEXT Context parameters for the template generation.
* CREDENTIALS_ID Credentials id for git
* TEST_MODEL Run syntax tests for model
import static groovy.json.JsonOutput.toJson
import static groovy.json.JsonOutput.prettyPrint
common = new
common2 = new com.mirantis.mcp.Common()
git = new
python = new
saltModelTesting = new
updateSaltFormulasDuringTest = true
slaveNode = env.getProperty('SLAVE_NODE') ?: 'virtual'
gerritCredentials = env.getProperty('CREDENTIALS_ID') ?: 'gerrit'
runTestModel = (env.getProperty('TEST_MODEL') ?: true).toBoolean()
distribRevision = 'proposed'
gitGuessedVersion = false
def GenerateModelToxDocker(Map params) {
def ccRoot = params['ccRoot']
def context = params['context']
def outDir = params['outDir']
def envOpts = params['envOpts']
def tempContextFile = new File(ccRoot, 'tempContext.yaml_' + UUID.randomUUID().toString()).toString()
writeFile file: tempContextFile, text: context
// Get Jenkins user UID and GID
def jenkinsUID = sh(script: 'id -u', returnStdout: true).trim()
def jenkinsGID = sh(script: 'id -g', returnStdout: true).trim()
by default, process in image operates via root user
Otherwise, gpg key for model and all files managed by jenkins user
To make it compatible, install rrequirementfrom user, but generate model via jenkins
for build use upstream Ubuntu Bionic image
def configRun = ['distribRevision': 'nightly',
'envOpts' : envOpts + ["CONFIG_FILE=$tempContextFile",
'image': '',
'runCommands' : [
'001_prepare_generate_auto_reqs': {
pip install tox
// user & group can be different on host and in docker
'002_set_jenkins_id': {
usermod -u ${jenkinsUID} jenkins
groupmod -g ${jenkinsUID} jenkins
'003_run_generate_auto': {
print('[Cookiecutter build] Result:\n' +
sh(returnStdout: true, script: 'cd ' + ccRoot + '; su jenkins -c "tox -ve generate_auto" '))
def globalVariatorsUpdate() {
def templateContext = readYaml text: env.COOKIECUTTER_TEMPLATE_CONTEXT
def context = templateContext['default_context']
// TODO add more check's for critical var's
// Since we can't pin to any '_branch' variable from context, to identify 'default git revision' -
// because each of them, might be 'refs/' variable, we need to add some tricky trigger of using
// 'release/XXX' logic. This is totall guess - so,if even those one failed, to definitely must pass
// correct variable finally!
[ context.get('cookiecutter_template_branch'), context.get('shared_reclass_branch'), context.get('mcp_common_scripts_branch') ].any { branch ->
if (branch.toString().startsWith('release/')) {
gitGuessedVersion = branch
return true
[ 'cookiecutter_template_branch', 'shared_reclass_branch', 'mcp_common_scripts_branch' ].each { repoName ->
if (context['mcp_version'] in [ "nightly", "testing", "stable" ]) {
context[repoName] = 'master'
} else if (! context.get(repoName)) {
context[repoName] = gitGuessedVersion ?: "release/${context['mcp_version']}".toString()
distribRevision = context['mcp_version']
if (['master'].contains(context['mcp_version'])) {
distribRevision = 'nightly'
if (distribRevision.contains('/')) {
distribRevision = distribRevision.split('/')[-1]
// Check if we are going to test bleeding-edge release, which doesn't have binary release yet
// After 2018q4 releases, need to also check 'static' repo, for example ubuntu.
def binTest = common.checkRemoteBinary(['mcp_version': distribRevision])
if (!binTest.linux_system_repo_url || !binTest.linux_system_repo_ubuntu_url) {
common.errorMsg("Binary release: ${distribRevision} not exist or not full. Fallback to 'proposed'! ")
distribRevision = 'proposed'
// (azvyagintsev) WA for PROD-25732
if (context.cookiecutter_template_url.contains('')) {
common.warningMsg('Apply WA for PROD-25732')
context.cookiecutter_template_url = 'ssh://'
// check, if we are going to test clear release version, w\o any updates and patches
if (!gitGuessedVersion && (distribRevision == context.mcp_version)) {
updateSaltFormulasDuringTest = false
if (gitGuessedVersion == 'release/proposed/2019.2.0') {
// CFG node in 2019.2.X update has to be bootstrapped with update/proposed repository for salt formulas
context['cloudinit_master_config'] = context.get('cloudinit_master_config', false) ?: [:]
context['cloudinit_master_config']['MCP_SALT_REPO_UPDATES'] = context['cloudinit_master_config'].get('MCP_SALT_REPO_UPDATES', false) ?:
'deb [arch=amd64] xenial main'
common.infoMsg("Using context:\n" + context)
print prettyPrint(toJson(context))
return context
timeout(time: 1, unit: 'HOURS') {
node(slaveNode) {
def context = globalVariatorsUpdate()
def RequesterEmail = context.get('email_address', '')
def templateEnv = "${env.WORKSPACE}/template"
// modelEnv - this is reclass root, aka /srv/salt/reclass
def modelEnv = "${env.WORKSPACE}/model"
def testEnv = "${env.WORKSPACE}/test"
def pipelineEnv = "${env.WORKSPACE}/pipelines"
try {
def cutterEnv = "${env.WORKSPACE}/cutter"
def systemEnv = "${modelEnv}/classes/system"
def testResult = false
def user
wrap([$class: 'BuildUser']) {
user = env.BUILD_USER_ID
currentBuild.description = "${context['cluster_name']} ${RequesterEmail}"
stage('Download Cookiecutter template') {
sh(script: 'find . -mindepth 1 -delete > /dev/null || true')
$class : 'GitSCM',
branches : [[name: 'FETCH_HEAD'],],
extensions : [[$class: 'RelativeTargetDirectory', relativeTargetDir: templateEnv]],
userRemoteConfigs: [[url: context['cookiecutter_template_url'], refspec: context['cookiecutter_template_branch'], credentialsId: gerritCredentials],],
stage('Create empty reclass model') {
dir(path: modelEnv) {
sh 'rm -rfv .git; git init'
sshagent(credentials: [gerritCredentials]) {
sh "git submodule add ${context['shared_reclass_url']} 'classes/system'"
$class : 'GitSCM',
branches : [[name: 'FETCH_HEAD'],],
extensions : [[$class: 'RelativeTargetDirectory', relativeTargetDir: systemEnv]],
userRemoteConfigs: [[url: context['shared_reclass_url'], refspec: context['shared_reclass_branch'], credentialsId: gerritCredentials],],
git.commitGitChanges(modelEnv, 'Added new shared reclass submodule', "${user}@localhost", "${user}")
stage('Generate model') {
// GNUPGHOME environment variable is required for all gpg commands
// and for python.generateModel execution
def envOpts = ["GNUPGHOME=${env.WORKSPACE}/gpghome"]
withEnv(envOpts) {
if (context['secrets_encryption_enabled'] == 'True') {
sh "mkdir gpghome; chmod 700 gpghome"
def secretKeyID = RequesterEmail ?: "salt@${context['cluster_domain']}".toString()
if (!context.get('secrets_encryption_private_key')) {
def batchData = """
%echo Generating a basic OpenPGP key for Salt-Master
Key-Type: 1
Key-Length: 4096
Expire-Date: 0
Name-Real: ${context['salt_master_hostname']}.${context['cluster_domain']}
Name-Email: ${secretKeyID}
%echo done
writeFile file: 'gpg-batch.txt', text: batchData
sh "gpg --gen-key --batch < gpg-batch.txt"
sh "gpg --export-secret-key -a ${secretKeyID} > gpgkey.asc"
} else {
writeFile file: 'gpgkey.asc', text: context['secrets_encryption_private_key']
sh "gpg --import gpgkey.asc"
secretKeyID = sh(returnStdout: true, script: 'gpg --list-secret-keys --with-colons | grep -E "^sec" | awk -F: \'{print \$5}\'').trim()
context['secrets_encryption_key_id'] = secretKeyID
if (context.get('cfg_failsafe_ssh_public_key')) {
writeFile file: '', text: context['cfg_failsafe_ssh_public_key']
if (!fileExists(new File(templateEnv, 'tox.ini').toString())) {
reqs = new File(templateEnv, 'requirements.txt').toString()
if (fileExists(reqs)) {
python.setupVirtualenv(cutterEnv, 'python2', [], reqs)
} else {
python.generateModel(common2.dumpYAML(['default_context': context]), 'default_context', context['salt_master_hostname'], cutterEnv, modelEnv, templateEnv, false)
} else {
// tox-based CC generated structure of reclass,from the root. Otherwise for bw compat, modelEnv
// still expect only lower lvl of project, aka model/classes/cluster/XXX/. So,lets dump result into
// temp dir, and then copy it over initial structure.
reclassTempRootDir = sh(script: "mktemp -d -p ${env.WORKSPACE}", returnStdout: true).trim()
GenerateModelToxDocker(['context': common2.dumpYAML(['default_context': context]),
'ccRoot' : templateEnv,
'outDir' : reclassTempRootDir,
'envOpts': envOpts])
dir(modelEnv) {
common.warningMsg('Forming reclass-root structure...')
sh("cp -ra ${reclassTempRootDir}/reclass/* .")
git.commitGitChanges(modelEnv, "Create model ${context['cluster_name']}", "${user}@localhost", "${user}")
stage("Test") {
if (runTestModel) {
sh("cp -r ${modelEnv} ${testEnv}")
if (fileExists('gpgkey.asc')) {
common.infoMsg('gpgkey.asc found!Copy it into reclass folder for tests..')
sh("cp -v gpgkey.asc ${testEnv}/salt_master_pillar.asc")
def DockerCName = "${env.JOB_NAME.toLowerCase()}_${env.BUILD_TAG.toLowerCase()}"
common.warningMsg("Attempt to run test against:\n" +
"DISTRIB_REVISION from ${distribRevision}\n" +
"updateSaltFormulasDuringTest = ${updateSaltFormulasDuringTest}")
try {
def config = [
'dockerHostname' : "${context['salt_master_hostname']}",
'domain' : "${context['cluster_domain']}",
'reclassEnv' : testEnv,
'distribRevision' : distribRevision,
'dockerContainerName': DockerCName,
'testContext' : 'salt-model-node',
'dockerExtraOpts' : ['--memory=3g'],
'updateSaltFormulas' : updateSaltFormulasDuringTest
testResult = saltModelTesting.testNode(config)
common.infoMsg("Test finished: SUCCESS")
} catch (Exception ex) {
common.warningMsg("Test finished: FAILED")
testResult = false
} else {
common.warningMsg("Test stage has been skipped!")
stage("Generate config drives") {
// apt package genisoimage is required for this stage
// download create-config-drive
def commonScriptsRepoUrl = context['mcp_common_scripts_repo'] ?: 'ssh://'
$class : 'GitSCM',
branches : [[name: 'FETCH_HEAD'],],
extensions : [[$class: 'RelativeTargetDirectory', relativeTargetDir: 'mcp-common-scripts']],
userRemoteConfigs: [[url: commonScriptsRepoUrl, refspec: context['mcp_common_scripts_branch'], credentialsId: gerritCredentials],],
def outdateGeneration = false
if (fileExists('mcp-common-scripts/config-drive/')) {
sh 'cp mcp-common-scripts/config-drive/'
} else {
outdateGeneration = true
sh 'cp mcp-common-scripts/config-drive/ create-config-drive && chmod +x create-config-drive'
sh '[ -f mcp-common-scripts/config-drive/ ] && cp mcp-common-scripts/config-drive/ user_data || cp mcp-common-scripts/config-drive/master_config.yaml user_data'
sh "git clone --mirror ${pipelineEnv}/mk-pipelines"
sh "git clone --mirror ${pipelineEnv}/pipeline-library"
args = [
"--user-data user_data", "--model ${modelEnv}",
"--mk-pipelines ${pipelineEnv}/mk-pipelines/", "--pipeline-library ${pipelineEnv}/pipeline-library/"
if (context['secrets_encryption_enabled'] == 'True') {
args.add('--gpg-key gpgkey.asc')
if (context.get('cfg_failsafe_ssh_public_key')) {
if (outdateGeneration) {
} else {
if (context.get('cfg_failsafe_user')) {
args.add("--cloud-user-name ${context.get('cfg_failsafe_user')}")
// load data from model
def smc = [:]
smc['SALT_MASTER_MINION_ID'] = "${context['salt_master_hostname']}.${context['cluster_domain']}"
smc['SALT_MASTER_DEPLOY_IP'] = context['salt_master_management_address']
if (context.get('cloudinit_master_config', false)) {
context['cloudinit_master_config'].each { k, v ->
smc[k] = v
if (outdateGeneration) {
smc['DEPLOY_NETWORK_GW'] = context['deploy_network_gateway']
smc['DEPLOY_NETWORK_NETMASK'] = context['deploy_network_netmask']
if (context.get('deploy_network_mtu')) {
smc['DEPLOY_NETWORK_MTU'] = context['deploy_network_mtu']
smc['DNS_SERVERS'] = context['dns_server01']
smc['MCP_VERSION'] = "${context['mcp_version']}"
if (context['local_repositories'] == 'True') {
def localRepoIP = ''
if (context['mcp_version'] in ['2018.4.0', '2018.8.0', '2018.8.0-milestone1', '2018.11.0']) {
localRepoIP = context['local_repo_url']
smc['MCP_SALT_REPO_URL'] = "http://${localRepoIP}/ubuntu-xenial"
} else {
localRepoIP = context['aptly_server_deploy_address']
smc['MCP_SALT_REPO_URL'] = "http://${localRepoIP}"
smc['MCP_SALT_REPO_KEY'] = "http://${localRepoIP}/public.gpg"
smc['PIPELINES_FROM_ISO'] = 'false'
smc['PIPELINE_REPO_URL'] = "http://${localRepoIP}:8088"
smc['LOCAL_REPOS'] = 'true'
if (context['upstream_proxy_enabled'] == 'True') {
if (context['upstream_proxy_auth_enabled'] == 'True') {
smc['http_proxy'] = 'http://' + context['upstream_proxy_user'] + ':' + context['upstream_proxy_password'] + '@' + context['upstream_proxy_address'] + ':' + context['upstream_proxy_port']
smc['https_proxy'] = 'http://' + context['upstream_proxy_user'] + ':' + context['upstream_proxy_password'] + '@' + context['upstream_proxy_address'] + ':' + context['upstream_proxy_port']
} else {
smc['http_proxy'] = 'http://' + context['upstream_proxy_address'] + ':' + context['upstream_proxy_port']
smc['https_proxy'] = 'http://' + context['upstream_proxy_address'] + ':' + context['upstream_proxy_port']
for (i in common.entries(smc)) {
sh "sed -i 's,export ${i[0]}=.*,export ${i[0]}=\"${i[1]}\",' user_data"
// calculate netmask
def deployNetworkSubnet = ''
if (context.get('deploy_network_subnet')) {
def subnet = new SubnetUtils(context['deploy_network_subnet'])
deployNetworkSubnet = subnet.getInfo().getNetmask()
} else if (context.get('deploy_network_netmask')) { // case for 2018.4.0
deployNetworkSubnet = context['deploy_network_netmask']
} else {
error('Neither context parameter deploy_network_subnet or deploy_network_netmask should be set!')
// create cfg config-drive
if (outdateGeneration) {
args += ["--hostname ${context['salt_master_hostname']}", "${context['salt_master_hostname']}.${context['cluster_domain']}-config.iso"]
sh "./create-config-drive ${args.join(' ')}"
} else {
args += [
"--name ${context['salt_master_hostname']}", "--hostname ${context['salt_master_hostname']}.${context['cluster_domain']}", "--clean-up",
"--ip ${context['salt_master_management_address']}", "--netmask ${deployNetworkSubnet}", "--gateway ${context['deploy_network_gateway']}",
"--dns-nameservers ${context['dns_server01']},${context['dns_server02']}"
sh "chmod 0755 ; ./ ${args.join(' ')}"
sh("mkdir output-${context['cluster_name']} && mv ${context['salt_master_hostname']}.${context['cluster_domain']}-config.iso output-${context['cluster_name']}/")
// save cfg iso to artifacts
archiveArtifacts artifacts: "output-${context['cluster_name']}/${context['salt_master_hostname']}.${context['cluster_domain']}-config.iso"
if (context['local_repositories'] == 'True') {
def aptlyServerHostname = context.aptly_server_hostname
sh "[ -f mcp-common-scripts/config-drive/mirror_config.yaml ] && cp mcp-common-scripts/config-drive/mirror_config.yaml mirror_config || cp mcp-common-scripts/config-drive/ mirror_config"
def smc_apt = [:]
smc_apt['SALT_MASTER_DEPLOY_IP'] = context['salt_master_management_address']
if (outdateGeneration) {
smc_apt['APTLY_DEPLOY_IP'] = context['aptly_server_deploy_address']
smc_apt['APTLY_DEPLOY_NETMASK'] = context['deploy_network_netmask']
smc_apt['APTLY_MINION_ID'] = "${aptlyServerHostname}.${context['cluster_domain']}"
for (i in common.entries(smc_apt)) {
sh "sed -i \"s,export ${i[0]}=.*,export ${i[0]}=${i[1]},\" mirror_config"
// create apt config-drive
if (outdateGeneration) {
sh "./create-config-drive --user-data mirror_config --hostname ${aptlyServerHostname} ${aptlyServerHostname}.${context['cluster_domain']}-config.iso"
} else {
args = [
"--ip ${context['aptly_server_deploy_address']}", "--netmask ${deployNetworkSubnet}", "--gateway ${context['deploy_network_gateway']}",
"--user-data mirror_config", "--hostname ${aptlyServerHostname}.${context['cluster_domain']}", "--name ${aptlyServerHostname}", "--clean-up",
"--dns-nameservers ${context['dns_server01']},${context['dns_server02']}"
sh "python ./ ${args.join(' ')}"
sh("mv ${aptlyServerHostname}.${context['cluster_domain']}-config.iso output-${context['cluster_name']}/")
// save apt iso to artifacts
archiveArtifacts artifacts: "output-${context['cluster_name']}/${aptlyServerHostname}.${context['cluster_domain']}-config.iso"
stage('Save changes reclass model') {
sh(returnStatus: true, script: "tar -czf ${context['cluster_name']}.tar.gz --exclude='*@tmp' -C ${modelEnv} .")
archiveArtifacts artifacts: "${context['cluster_name']}.tar.gz"
if (RequesterEmail != '' && !RequesterEmail.contains('example')) {
emailext(to: RequesterEmail,
attachmentsPattern: "output-${context['cluster_name']}/*",
body: "Mirantis Jenkins\n\nRequested reclass model ${context['cluster_name']} has been created and attached to this email.\nEnjoy!\n\nMirantis",
subject: "Your Salt model ${context['cluster_name']}")
dir("output-${context['cluster_name']}") {
// Fail, but leave possibility to get failed artifacts
if (!testResult && runTestModel) {
common.warningMsg('Test finished: FAILURE. Please check logs and\\or debug failed model manually!')
error('Test stage finished: FAILURE')
} catch (Throwable e) {
currentBuild.result = "FAILURE"
currentBuild.description = currentBuild.description ? e.message + " " + currentBuild.description : e.message
throw e
} finally {
stage('Clean workspace directories') {
sh(script: 'find . -mindepth 1 -delete > /dev/null || true')
// common.sendNotification(currentBuild.result,"",["slack"])
stage('Save artifacts to Artifactory') {
def artifactory = new com.mirantis.mcp.MCPArtifactory()
def buildProps = ["context=${context['cluster_name']}"]
if (RequesterEmail != '' && !RequesterEmail.contains('example')) {
def artifactoryLink = artifactory.uploadJobArtifactsToArtifactory([
'artifactory' : 'mcp-ci',
'artifactoryRepo': "drivetrain-local/${JOB_NAME}/${context['cluster_name']}-${BUILD_NUMBER}",
'buildProps' : buildProps,
currentBuild.description += "<br/>${artifactoryLink}"