blob: 02e889a06716ab22453d7911f2bd2ebdada114fa [file] [log] [blame]
* Update packages on given server nodes
* Expected parameters:
* DRIVE_TRAIN_PARAMS Yaml, DriveTrain releated params:
* SALT_MASTER_CREDENTIALS Credentials to the Salt API
* SALT_MASTER_URL Full Salt API address []
* IGNORE_SERVER_STATUS Does not validate server availability/status before update
* IGNORE_SERVER_VERSION Does not validate that all servers have been updated
* TARGET_SERVERS Salt compound target to match nodes to be updated [*, G@osfamily:debian]
// Convert parameters from yaml to env variables
params = readYaml text: env.DRIVE_TRAIN_PARAMS
for (key in params.keySet()) {
value = params[key]
env.setProperty(key, value)
def getNextNode() {
for (n in hudson.model.Hudson.instance.slaves) {
node_name = n.getNodeName()
if (node_name != env.SLAVE_NAME) {
return node_name
def update() {
def pEnv = "pepperEnv"
def salt = new
def common = new
def python = new
def pkg_name = 'glusterfs-client'
* - choose only those hosts where update is available. Exclude minion on which job is running
* - validate that all gluasterfs servers are in normal working state. Can be skipped with option
* - validate that glusterfs on all servers has been updated, otherwise stop update. Can be skipped with option
* - run update state on one client at a time
try {
stage('Setup virtualenv for Pepper') {
python.setupPepperVirtualenv(pEnv, SALT_MASTER_URL, SALT_MASTER_CREDENTIALS)
stage('List target servers') {
all_minions = salt.getMinions(pEnv, TARGET_SERVERS)
if (all_minions.isEmpty()) {
throw new Exception("No minion was targeted")
minions = []
for (minion in all_minions) {
latest_version = salt.getReturnValues(salt.runSaltProcessStep(pEnv, minion, 'pkg.latest_version', [pkg_name, 'show_installed=True'])).split('\n')[0]
current_version = salt.getReturnValues(salt.runSaltProcessStep(pEnv, minion, 'pkg.version', [pkg_name])).split('\n')[0]
slave_container_id = salt.getReturnValues(salt.cmdRun(pEnv, minion, "which docker >/dev/null && docker ps --filter name=jenkins_${env.NODE_NAME} --filter status=running -q", false)).split('\n')[0]
if (latest_version != current_version) {
if (!slave_container_id.isEmpty() && !minion.startsWith('cfg')) {
env.SLAVE_MINION = minion
} else {
} else {
common.infoMsg("${pkg_name} has been already upgraded or newer version is not available on ${minion}. Skip upgrade")
if (!minions.isEmpty()) {
if (!IGNORE_SERVER_STATUS.toBoolean()){
stage('Validate servers availability') {
salt.commandStatus(pEnv, 'I@glusterfs:server', "gluster pool list | fgrep localhost", 'Connected', true, true, null, true, 1)
common.successMsg("All glusterfs servers are available")
} else {
common.warningMsg("Check of glusterfs servers availability has been disabled")
if (!IGNORE_SERVER_VERSION.toBoolean()){
stage('Check that all glusterfs servers have been updated') {
latest_version = salt.getReturnValues(salt.runSaltProcessStep(pEnv, minions[0], 'pkg.latest_version', [pkg_name, 'show_installed=True'])).split('\n')[0].split('-')[0]
salt.commandStatus(pEnv, 'I@glusterfs:server', "glusterfsd --version | head -n1 | awk '{print \$2}' | egrep '^${latest_version}' || echo none", latest_version, true, true, null, true, 1)
common.successMsg('All glusterfs servers have been updated to desired version')
} else {
common.warningMsg("Check of glusterfs servers' version has been disabled")
// Actual update
for (tgt in minions) {
stage("Update glusterfs on ${tgt}") {
salt.runSaltProcessStep(pEnv, tgt, 'state.apply', ['glusterfs.update.client'])
} else if (env.SLAVE_MINION == null) {
common.warningMsg("No hosts to update glusterfs on")
} catch (Throwable e) {
// If there was an error or exception thrown, the build failed
currentBuild.result = "FAILURE"
currentBuild.description = currentBuild.description ? e.message + " " + currentBuild.description : e.message
salt.runSaltProcessStep(pEnv, TARGET_SERVERS, 'state.apply', ['glusterfs'])
throw e
timeout(time: 12, unit: 'HOURS') {
node() {
// Perform an update from another slave to finish update on previous slave host
if (env.SLAVE_NAME != null && !env.SLAVE_NAME.isEmpty()) {
node(getNextNode()) {