| /** |
| * Verify and restore Galera cluster |
| * |
| * Expected parameters: |
| * SALT_MASTER_CREDENTIALS Credentials to the Salt API. |
| * SALT_MASTER_URL Full Salt API address []. |
| * ASK_CONFIRMATION Ask confirmation for restore |
| * VERIFICATION_RETRIES Number of restries to verify the restoration. |
| * CHECK_TIME_SYNC Set to true to check time synchronization accross selected nodes. |
| * RESTORE_TYPE Sets restoration method |
| * |
| **/ |
| |
| def common = new com.mirantis.mk.Common() |
| def salt = new com.mirantis.mk.Salt() |
| def galera = new com.mirantis.mk.Galera() |
| def python = new com.mirantis.mk.Python() |
| def pepperEnv = "pepperEnv" |
| def resultCode = 99 |
| def restoreType = env.RESTORE_TYPE |
| def runRestoreDb = false |
| def runBackupDb = false |
| |
| askConfirmation = (env.getProperty('ASK_CONFIRMATION') ?: true).toBoolean() |
| checkTimeSync = (env.getProperty('CHECK_TIME_SYNC') ?: true).toBoolean() |
| |
| if (common.validInputParam(VERIFICATION_RETRIES) && VERIFICATION_RETRIES.isInteger()) { |
| verificationRetries = VERIFICATION_RETRIES.toInteger() |
| } else { |
| verificationRetries = 5 |
| } |
| if (restoreType.equals("BACKUP_AND_RESTORE") || restoreType.equals("ONLY_RESTORE")) { |
| runRestoreDb = true |
| } |
| if (restoreType.equals("BACKUP_AND_RESTORE")) { |
| runBackupDb = true |
| } |
| |
| timeout(time: 12, unit: 'HOURS') { |
| node() { |
| stage('Setup virtualenv for Pepper') { |
| python.setupPepperVirtualenv(pepperEnv, SALT_MASTER_URL, SALT_MASTER_CREDENTIALS) |
| } |
| stage('Verify status') { |
| resultCode = galera.verifyGaleraStatus(pepperEnv, false, checkTimeSync) |
| if (resultCode == 128) { |
| common.errorMsg("Unable to connect to Galera Master. Trying slaves...") |
| resultCode = galera.verifyGaleraStatus(pepperEnv, true, checkTimeSync) |
| if (resultCode == 129) { |
| common.errorMsg("Unable to obtain Galera slave minions list". "Without fixing this issue, pipeline cannot continue in verification, backup and restoration.") |
| currentBuild.result = "FAILURE" |
| return |
| } else if (resultCode == 130) { |
| common.errorMsg("Neither master or slaves are reachable. Without fixing this issue, pipeline cannot continue in verification, backup and restoration.") |
| currentBuild.result = "FAILURE" |
| return |
| } |
| } |
| if (resultCode == 131) { |
| common.errorMsg("Time desynced - Click proceed when the issue is fixed or abort.") |
| currentBuild.result = "FAILURE" |
| } |
| if (resultCode == 1) { |
| if(askConfirmation){ |
| common.warningMsg("There was a problem with parsing the status output or with determining it. Do you want to run a restore?") |
| } else { |
| common.warningMsg("There was a problem with parsing the status output or with determining it. Try to restore.") |
| } |
| } else if (resultCode > 1) { |
| if(askConfirmation){ |
| common.warningMsg("There's something wrong with the cluster, do you want to continue with backup and/or restore?") |
| } else { |
| common.warningMsg("There's something wrong with the cluster, try to backup and/or restore.") |
| } |
| } else { |
| if(askConfirmation){ |
| common.warningMsg("There seems to be everything alright with the cluster, do you still want to continue with backup and/or restore?") |
| } else { |
| common.warningMsg("There seems to be everything alright with the cluster, no backup and no restoration will be done.") |
| currentBuild.result = "SUCCESS" |
| return |
| } |
| } |
| } |
| if (runBackupDb) { |
| stage('Backup') { |
| deployBuild = build( job: "galera-database-backup-pipeline", parameters: [ |
| [$class: 'StringParameterValue', name: 'SALT_MASTER_URL', value: SALT_MASTER_URL], |
| [$class: 'StringParameterValue', name: 'SALT_MASTER_CREDENTIALS', value: SALT_MASTER_CREDENTIALS], |
| [$class: 'StringParameterValue', name: 'OVERRIDE_BACKUP_NODE', value: "none"], |
| ] |
| ) |
| } |
| } |
| stage('Restore') { |
| if(askConfirmation){ |
| input message: "Are you sure you want to run a restore? Click to confirm" |
| } |
| try { |
| if((!askConfirmation && resultCode > 0) || askConfirmation){ |
| galera.restoreGaleraCluster(pepperEnv, runRestoreDb) |
| } |
| } catch (Exception e) { |
| common.errorMsg("Restoration process has failed.") |
| } |
| } |
| stage('Verify restoration result') { |
| common.retry(verificationRetries, 15) { |
| exitCode = galera.verifyGaleraStatus(pepperEnv, false, false) |
| if (exitCode >= 1) { |
| error("Verification attempt finished with an error. This may be caused by cluster not having enough time to come up or to sync. Next verification attempt in 5 seconds.") |
| } else { |
| common.infoMsg("Restoration procedure seems to be successful. See verification report to be sure.") |
| currentBuild.result = "SUCCESS" |
| } |
| } |
| } |
| } |
| } |