Add RESTORE_TYPE to galera restore pipeline


Related: PROD-26657 (PROD:26657)
Fixes: PROD-29417

Change-Id: I64a1d36df0f75cdc0c22e85accce266d7253099b
(cherry picked from commit ddfdb61d0c3a6fe675127550c22d87876c9ed785)
(cherry picked from commit 7b1766c544ab698f25462e9e25cfa3d0bae371b7)
(partialy cherry picked from commit 0f3b85dfd2220042a961651707f97eb2d6932d3f)
diff --git a/galera-cluster-verify-restore.groovy b/galera-cluster-verify-restore.groovy
index d75e3ea..6fbe63d 100644
--- a/galera-cluster-verify-restore.groovy
+++ b/galera-cluster-verify-restore.groovy
@@ -7,6 +7,7 @@
  *   ASK_CONFIRMATION           Ask confirmation for restore
  *   VERIFICATION_RETRIES       Number of restries to verify the restoration.
  *   CHECK_TIME_SYNC            Set to true to check time synchronization accross selected nodes.
+ *   RESTORE_TYPE               Sets restoration method
@@ -16,6 +17,9 @@
 def python = new
 def pepperEnv = "pepperEnv"
 def resultCode = 99
+def restoreType = env.RESTORE_TYPE
+def runRestoreDb = false
+def runBackupDb = false
 askConfirmation = (env.getProperty('ASK_CONFIRMATION') ?: true).toBoolean()
 checkTimeSync = (env.getProperty('CHECK_TIME_SYNC') ?: true).toBoolean()
@@ -25,24 +29,29 @@
 } else {
     verificationRetries = 5
+if (restoreType.equals("BACKUP_AND_RESTORE") || restoreType.equals("ONLY_RESTORE")) {
+    runRestoreDb = true
+if (restoreType.equals("BACKUP_AND_RESTORE")) {
+    runBackupDb = true
 timeout(time: 12, unit: 'HOURS') {
     node() {
         stage('Setup virtualenv for Pepper') {
             python.setupPepperVirtualenv(pepperEnv, SALT_MASTER_URL, SALT_MASTER_CREDENTIALS)
-        stage('Verify status')
+        stage('Verify status') {
             resultCode = galera.verifyGaleraStatus(pepperEnv, false, checkTimeSync)
-        stage('Restore') {
             if (resultCode == 128) {
                 common.errorMsg("Unable to connect to Galera Master. Trying slaves...")
                 resultCode = galera.verifyGaleraStatus(pepperEnv, true, checkTimeSync)
                 if (resultCode == 129) {
-                    common.errorMsg("Unable to obtain Galera slave minions list". "Without fixing this issue, pipeline cannot continue in verification and restoration.")
+                    common.errorMsg("Unable to obtain Galera slave minions list". "Without fixing this issue, pipeline cannot continue in verification, backup and restoration.")
                     currentBuild.result = "FAILURE"
                 } else if (resultCode == 130) {
-                    common.errorMsg("Neither master or slaves are reachable. Without fixing this issue, pipeline cannot continue in verification and restoration.")
+                    common.errorMsg("Neither master or slaves are reachable. Without fixing this issue, pipeline cannot continue in verification, backup and restoration.")
                     currentBuild.result = "FAILURE"
@@ -59,23 +68,37 @@
             } else if (resultCode > 1) {
-                    common.warningMsg("There's something wrong with the cluster, do you want to run a restore?")
+                    common.warningMsg("There's something wrong with the cluster, do you want to continue with backup and/or restore?")
                 } else {
-                    common.warningMsg("There's something wrong with the cluster, try to restore.")
+                    common.warningMsg("There's something wrong with the cluster, try to backup and/or restore.")
             } else {
-                  common.warningMsg("There seems to be everything alright with the cluster, do you still want to run a restore?")
+                  common.warningMsg("There seems to be everything alright with the cluster, do you still want to continue with backup and/or restore?")
                 } else {
-                  common.warningMsg("There seems to be everything alright with the cluster, do nothing")
+                  common.warningMsg("There seems to be everything alright with the cluster, no backup and no restoration will be done.")
+                  currentBuild.result = "SUCCESS"
+                  return
+        }
+        if (runBackupDb) {
+            stage('Backup') {
+                deployBuild = build( job: "galera-database-backup-pipeline", parameters: [
+                    [$class: 'StringParameterValue', name: 'SALT_MASTER_URL', value: SALT_MASTER_URL],
+                    [$class: 'StringParameterValue', name: 'SALT_MASTER_CREDENTIALS', value: SALT_MASTER_CREDENTIALS],
+                    [$class: 'StringParameterValue', name: 'OVERRIDE_BACKUP_NODE', value: "none"],
+                    ]
+                )
+            }
+        }
+        stage('Restore') {
               input message: "Are you sure you want to run a restore? Click to confirm"
             try {
                 if((!askConfirmation && resultCode > 0) || askConfirmation){
-                  galera.restoreGaleraDb(pepperEnv)
+                  galera.restoreGaleraCluster(pepperEnv, runRestoreDb)
             } catch (Exception e) {
                 common.errorMsg("Restoration process has failed.")