blob: f49b801d4f69e365462778ae22bc62f71f7189a8 [file] [log] [blame]
import groovy.json.JsonOutput
def gerrit = new
def common = new
// extraVarsYaml contains GERRIT_ vars from gate job
// or will contain GERRIT_ vars from reclass-system patch
def extraVarsYaml = env.EXTRA_VARIABLES_YAML ?: ''
if (extraVarsYaml != '') {
common.mergeEnv(env, extraVarsYaml)
} else {
extraVarsYaml = JsonOutput.toJson(env.getEnvironment().findAll{ it.key.startsWith('GERRIT_') })
//def slaveNode = env.SLAVE_NODE ?: 'python&&docker'
def slaveNode = env.SLAVE_NODE ?: 'hardware'
def gerritCredentials = env.CREDENTIALS_ID ?: 'gerrit'
def gerritRef = env.GERRIT_REFSPEC ?: null
def defaultGitRef = env.DEFAULT_GIT_REF ?: null
def defaultGitUrl = env.DEFAULT_GIT_URL ?: null
def checkouted = false
def merged = false
def systemRefspec = "HEAD"
timeout(time: 12, unit: 'HOURS') {
node(slaveNode) {
try {
stage("Checkout") {
if (gerritRef) {
// job is triggered by Gerrit
// test if change aren't already merged
def gerritChange = gerrit.getGerritChange(GERRIT_NAME, GERRIT_HOST, GERRIT_CHANGE_NUMBER, gerritCredentials)
merged = gerritChange.status == "MERGED"
if (!merged) {
checkouted = gerrit.gerritPatchsetCheckout([
credentialsId: gerritCredentials
systemRefspec = GERRIT_REFSPEC
// change defaultGit variables if job triggered from Gerrit
} else if (defaultGitRef && defaultGitUrl) {
checkouted = gerrit.gerritPatchsetCheckout(defaultGitUrl, defaultGitRef, "HEAD", gerritCredentials)
stage("Test") {
if (merged) {
common.successMsg("Gerrit change is already merged, no need to test them")
} else {
if (checkouted) {
def documentationOnly = false
if (gerritRef) {
documentationOnly = sh(script: "git diff-tree --no-commit-id --name-only -r HEAD | grep -v .releasenotes", returnStatus: true) == 1
sh("git diff-tree --no-commit-id --diff-filter=d --name-only -r HEAD | grep .yml | xargs -I {} python -c \"import yaml; yaml.load(open('{}', 'r'))\" \\;")
def branches = [:]
def testModels = documentationOnly ? [] : TEST_MODELS.split(',')
if (['master'].contains(env.GERRIT_BRANCH)) {
for (int i = 0; i < testModels.size(); i++) {
def cluster = testModels[i]
def clusterGitUrl = defaultGitUrl.substring(0, defaultGitUrl.lastIndexOf("/") + 1) + cluster
branches["${cluster}"] = {
build job: "test-salt-model-${cluster}", parameters: [
[$class: 'StringParameterValue', name: 'DEFAULT_GIT_URL', value: clusterGitUrl],
[$class: 'StringParameterValue', name: 'DEFAULT_GIT_REF', value: "HEAD"],
[$class: 'StringParameterValue', name: 'SYSTEM_GIT_URL', value: defaultGitUrl],
[$class: 'StringParameterValue', name: 'SYSTEM_GIT_REF', value: systemRefspec]
} else {
common.warningMsg("Tests for ${testModels} skipped!")
branches["cookiecutter"] = {
build job: "test-mk-cookiecutter-templates", parameters: [
[$class: 'StringParameterValue', name: 'RECLASS_SYSTEM_URL', value: defaultGitUrl],
[$class: 'StringParameterValue', name: 'RECLASS_SYSTEM_GIT_REF', value: systemRefspec],
[$class: 'TextParameterValue', name: 'EXTRA_VARIABLES_YAML', value: extraVarsYaml ]
parallel branches
} else {
error("Cannot checkout gerrit patchset, GERRIT_REFSPEC and DEFAULT_GIT_REF is null")
} catch (Throwable e) {
currentBuild.result = "FAILURE"
currentBuild.description = currentBuild.description ? e.message + " " + currentBuild.description : e.message
throw e
} finally {
common.sendNotification(currentBuild.result, "", ["slack"])