| /** |
| * Groovy syntax code testing pipeline |
| * CREDENTIALS_ID - gerrit credentials id |
| * GRADLE_IMAGE - gradle image name |
| * |
| **/ |
| |
| common = new com.mirantis.mk.Common() |
| |
| // Guess username for acessing git repo |
| String git_user = '' |
| if (env.GERRIT_USER) { |
| git_user = "${env.GERRIT_USER}@" |
| } else if (env.CREDENTIALS_ID) { |
| def mkCommon = new com.mirantis.mk.Common() |
| def cred = mkCommon.getCredentials(env.CREDENTIALS_ID, 'key') |
| git_user = "${cred.username}@" |
| } |
| |
| // Use gerrit parameters if set with fallback to job param |
| String git_repo_url = env.GERRIT_HOST ? "${env.GERRIT_SCHEME}://${git_user}${env.GERRIT_HOST}:${env.GERRIT_PORT}/${env.GERRIT_PROJECT}" : env.GIT_URL |
| String git_ref = env.GERRIT_REFSPEC ?: env.GIT_REF |
| String git_credentials_id = env.CREDENTIALS_ID |
| |
| String docker_registry = env.DOCKER_REGISTRY ?: 'docker-dev-virtual.docker.mirantis.net' |
| String docker_image_name = env.IMAGE_NAME ?: 'mirantis/openstack-ci/jenkins-job-tests:latest' |
| |
| String slave_label = env.SLAVE_LABEL ?: 'docker' |
| |
| String docker_image = (docker_registry ? "${docker_registry}/" : '') + "${docker_image_name}" |
| |
| String gradle_report_dir = 'build/reports/codenarc' |
| String gradle_report_path = gradle_report_dir + '/main.*' |
| String gradle_log_path = gradle_report_dir + '/main.log' |
| |
| String jjb_dir = 'jenkins-jobs' |
| |
| // Make codenarc happy |
| String scm_class = 'GitSCM' |
| |
| String reporting_config = ''' |
| codenarcMain { |
| reports { |
| text.enabled = true |
| html.enabled = true |
| } |
| } |
| ''' |
| |
| // Set current build description |
| if (env.GERRIT_CHANGE_URL) { |
| currentBuild.description = """ |
| <p> |
| Triggered by change: <a href="${env.GERRIT_CHANGE_URL}">${env.GERRIT_CHANGE_NUMBER},${env.GERRIT_PATCHSET_NUMBER}</a><br/> |
| Project: <b>${env.GERRIT_PROJECT}</b><br/> |
| Branch: <b>${env.GERRIT_BRANCH}</b><br/> |
| Subject: <b>${env.GERRIT_CHANGE_SUBJECT}</b><br/> |
| </p> |
| """ |
| } else { |
| currentBuild.description = """ |
| <p> |
| Triggered manually<br/> |
| Git repository URL: <b>${git_repo_url}</b><br/> |
| Git revision: <b>${git_ref}</b><br/> |
| </p> |
| """ |
| } |
| timeout(time: 1, unit: 'HOURS') { |
| node(slave_label) { |
| // Get & prepare source code |
| stage('SCM checkout') { |
| echo "Checking out git repository from ${git_repo_url} @ ${git_ref}" |
| |
| checkout([ |
| $class : scm_class, |
| branches : [ |
| [name: 'FETCH_HEAD'], |
| ], |
| userRemoteConfigs: [ |
| [url: git_repo_url, refspec: git_ref, credentialsId: git_credentials_id], |
| ], |
| extensions : [ |
| [$class: 'WipeWorkspace'], |
| ], |
| ]) |
| |
| echo 'Checking out mcp-ci/jenkins-jobs for default configs' |
| String jjb_repo_url = "${env.DEFAULT_GIT_BASE_URL ?: 'https://gerrit.mcp.mirantis.net'}/mcp-ci/jenkins-jobs" |
| checkout([ |
| $class : scm_class, |
| userRemoteConfigs: [ |
| [url: jjb_repo_url, credentialsId: env.CREDENTIALS_ID], |
| ], |
| extensions : [ |
| [$class: 'RelativeTargetDirectory', relativeTargetDir: jjb_dir] |
| ], |
| ]) |
| } |
| |
| // Run test |
| stage('CodeNarc') { |
| // Check existence of configuration files and use ones from jenkins-jobs if not exists |
| sh "test -f build.gradle || cp ${jjb_dir}/build.gradle ." |
| sh "test -f codenarcRules.groovy || cp ${jjb_dir}/codenarcRules.groovy ." |
| // Remove not needed anymore jenkins-jobs project |
| dir(jjb_dir) { |
| deleteDir() |
| } |
| |
| // Force HTML and plain text reports |
| sh "sed -ri '/^\\s*reportFormat\\s*=/ d' build.gradle" // Remove existing report config |
| sh "echo '${reporting_config}' >> build.gradle" // Append new one report configuration |
| |
| String userID = sh([script: 'id -u', returnStdout: true]).trim() |
| String docker_args = [ |
| '-u root', |
| '-t', |
| '--privileged', |
| "-e 'WORKSPACE=${env.WORKSPACE}'", |
| "-w '${env.WORKSPACE}'", |
| "-v '${env.WORKSPACE}':'${env.WORKSPACE}'", |
| "--name '${env.BUILD_TAG}'", |
| ].join(' ') |
| |
| def dockerImage = docker.image(docker_image) |
| dockerImage.pull() |
| |
| sh "mkdir -p ${gradle_report_dir}" |
| catchError { |
| dockerImage.withRun(docker_args, '/bin/cat') { |
| sh "docker exec -t -u root ${env.BUILD_TAG} usermod -u ${userID} jenkins" |
| sh "docker exec -t -u jenkins ${env.BUILD_TAG} gradle --no-daemon --info --console=plain --offline check 2>&1 | tee ${gradle_log_path}" |
| } |
| } |
| |
| String gradle_log = readFile([file: gradle_log_path]) |
| |
| // Don't fail immediately to archive artifacts |
| catchError { |
| // Using pipe without shell option `pipefail` hides errors by the exit status of the latest command |
| // Check gradle output explicitly |
| if (gradle_log ==~ /(?ms).*Build failed with an exception.*/) { |
| error 'TEST FAILED!' |
| } |
| |
| // Normally compilation failure doesn't fail the build |
| if (gradle_log ==~ /(?ms).*Compilation failed.*/) { |
| } |
| |
| // Fail if there are internal errors |
| if (gradle_log ==~ /(?ms).*Error processing filePath.*/) { |
| } |
| } |
| sh 'cat build/reports/codenarc/main.txt' |
| common.infoMsg("CodeNarc HTML report: ${env.BUILD_URL}artifact/build/reports/codenarc/main.html") |
| |
| if (currentBuild.resultIsWorseOrEqualTo('UNSTABLE')) { |
| setGerritReview customUrl: "- ${env.JOB_NAME} ${env.BUILD_URL}artifact/build/reports/codenarc/main.html" |
| } |
| } |
| |
| // Save results |
| stage('Record test results') { |
| archiveArtifacts([ |
| artifacts : gradle_report_path, |
| allowEmptyArchive: true, |
| ]) |
| } |
| } |
| } |