blob: 3a13e421904ed140fcd625a6f5b4c0e0a0d8e88e [file] [log] [blame]
* Remove Ceph node from existing cluster
* Requred parameters:
* SALT_MASTER_URL URL of Salt master
* SALT_MASTER_CREDENTIALS Credentials to the Salt API
* HOST Host (minion id) to be removed
* WAIT_FOR_HEALTHY Wait for cluster rebalance after a osd was removed
* CLUSTER_FLAGS Expected flags on the cluster during job run
* FAST_WIPE Clean only partition table insted of full wipe
* CLEAN_ORPHANS Clean ceph partition which are no longer part of the cluster
* OSD Coma separated list of OSDs to remove while keep the rest intact
* GENERATE_CRUSHMAP Generate new crush map. Excludes OSD
def common = new
def salt = new
def ceph = new
def python = new
def pepperEnv = "pepperEnv"
def osds = OSD.tokenize(',').toSet()
def flags = CLUSTER_FLAGS.tokenize(',').toSet()
def cleanOrphans = CLEAN_ORPHANS.toBoolean()
def fullWipe = !FAST_WIPE.toBoolean()
def safeRemove = WAIT_FOR_HEALTHY.toBoolean()
def osdOnly = OSD.trim() as Boolean
def generateCrushmap = osdOnly ? false : GENERATE_CRUSHMAP.toBoolean()
timeout(time: 12, unit: 'HOURS') {
node("python") {
// create connection to salt master
python.setupPepperVirtualenv(pepperEnv, SALT_MASTER_URL, SALT_MASTER_CREDENTIALS)
def target = salt.getMinions(pepperEnv, HOST)
if(target.isEmpty()) {
common.errorMsg("Host not found")
throw new InterruptedException()
else if(target.size() > 1) {
common.errorMsg("$HOST targeted more than one minion")
throw new InterruptedException()
salt.fullRefresh(pepperEnv, HOST)
stage('Set flags') {
ceph.setFlags(pepperEnv, flags)
try {
stage('Remove OSDs') {
if(salt.testTarget(pepperEnv, "$HOST and I@ceph:osd")) {
// get list of osd disks of the host
def cephGrain = ceph.getGrain(pepperEnv, HOST, 'ceph')
def cephDisks = cephGrain.get('ceph_disk',[:]).keySet()
if (cephGrain.isEmpty()) {
throw new Exception("Ceph salt grains cannot be found on $HOST")
// glob for OSD input
if(OSD == '*') {
osds = cephDisks
// discard all osds which aren't deployed on target HOST
osds = osds.intersect(cephDisks)
if(!osds.isEmpty()) {
common.infoMsg("The following osds will be removed: ${osds.join(', ')}")
if(osds != cephDisks) {
common.infoMsg("The following osds will be skiped: ${cephDisks.removeAll(osds).join(', ')}")
ceph.removeOsd(pepperEnv, HOST, osds, flags, safeRemove, fullWipe)
if(cleanOrphans) {
ceph.removeOrphans(pepperEnv, HOST, fullWipe)
else {
common.infoMsg('Stage skipped.')
stage('Remove keyring') {
// only non-osd nodes as keyrings for osds was removed already in previous step
if(salt.testTarget(pepperEnv, "$HOST and not I@ceph:osd")) {
ceph.deleteKeyrings(pepperEnv, HOST)
else {
common.infoMsg('Stage skipped.')
stage('Update monmap') {
if(salt.testTarget(pepperEnv, "$HOST and I@ceph:mon")) {
def hostname = ceph.getGrain(pepperEnv, HOST, 'host')
ceph.cmdRun(pepperEnv, 'ceph mon getmap -o monmap.backup')
ceph.cmdRun(pepperEnv, "ceph mon remove $hostname")
salt.cmdRun(pepperEnv, 'I@ceph:mon', "monmaptool /tmp/monmap --rm $hostname")
else {
common.infoMsg('Stage skipped.')
stage('Update Ceph configs/crushmap') {
//TODO: it won't remove removed mon from config
if(salt.testTarget(pepperEnv, "$HOST and I@ceph:mon")) {
salt.enforceState(pepperEnv, 'I@ceph:common', 'ceph.common', true)
else if (salt.testTarget(pepperEnv, "$HOST and I@ceph:osd") && salt.testTarget(pepperEnv, "I@ceph:setup:crush and not $HOST") && generateCrushmap) {
salt.enforceState(pepperEnv, 'I@ceph:setup:crush', 'ceph.setup.crush', true)
else {
common.infoMsg('Stage skipped.')
stage('Purge Ceph components') {
Set pkgs = ['ceph-base','ceph-common']
if(salt.testTarget(pepperEnv, "$HOST and I@ceph:osd")) {
//TODO: why removed pkgs on vm which will be remved as whole in next stage
if(salt.testTarget(pepperEnv, "$HOST and I@ceph:radosgw")) {
ceph.removeRgw(pepperEnv, HOST)
if(salt.testTarget(pepperEnv, "$HOST and I@ceph:mon")) {
if(!osdOnly) {
salt.runSaltProcessStep(pepperEnv, HOST, 'pkg.purge', pkgs)
else {
common.infoMsg('Stage skipped.')
stage('Remove salt minion and destroy VM') {
if(!osdOnly) {
if(salt.testTarget(pepperEnv, "$HOST and I@ceph:osd")) {
ceph.removeSalt(pepperEnv, HOST)
else {
ceph.removeVm(pepperEnv, HOST)
else {
common.infoMsg('Stage skipped.')
finally {
stage('Unset cluster flags') {
ceph.unsetFlags(pepperEnv, flags)