blob: ef6a527e7e4c8e3433c2fa9a3a4a8b2ea6ccf28e [file] [log] [blame]
* Upgrade OpenStack packages on gateway nodes.
* Update packages on given nodes
* Expected parameters:
* SALT_MASTER_CREDENTIALS Credentials to the Salt API.
* SALT_MASTER_URL Full Salt API address [].
* OS_DIST_UPGRADE Upgrade system packages including kernel (apt-get dist-upgrade)
* OS_UPGRADE Upgrade all installed applications (apt-get upgrade)
* TARGET_SERVERS Comma separated list of salt compound definitions to upgrade.
* INTERACTIVE Ask interactive questions during pipeline run (bool).
def common = new
def salt = new
def python = new
def openstack = new
def debian = new
def interactive = INTERACTIVE.toBoolean()
def LinkedHashMap upgradeStageMap = [:]
upgradeStageMap.put('Pre upgrade',
'Description': 'Only non destructive actions will be applied during this phase. Basic api, service verification will be performed.',
'Status': 'NOT_LAUNCHED',
'Expected behaviors': '''
* No service downtime
* No workload downtime''',
'Launched actions': '''
* Verify API, perform basic CRUD operations for services.
* Verify that compute/neutron agents on hosts are up.
* Run some service built in checkers like keystone-manage doctor or nova-status upgrade.''',
'State result': 'Basic checks around services API are passed.'
upgradeStageMap.put('Upgrade pre: migrate resources',
'Description': 'In order to minimize workload downtime smooth resource migration is happening during this phase. Neutron agents on node are set to admin_disabled state, to make sure they are quickly migrated to new node (1-2 ping loss). Instances might be live-migrated from host (this stage is optional) and configured from pillar.',
'Status': 'NOT_LAUNCHED',
'Expected behaviors': '''
* No service downtime
* Small workload downtime''',
'Launched actions': '''
* Set neutron agents to admin disabled sate
* Migrate instances if allowed (optional).''',
'State result': '''
* Hosts are being removed from scheduling to host new resources.
* If instance migration was performed no instances should be present.'''
upgradeStageMap.put('Upgrade OS',
'Description': 'Optional step. OS packages will be upgraded during this phase, depending on the job parameters dist-upgrade might be called. And reboot of node executed.',
'Status': 'NOT_LAUNCHED',
'Expected behaviors': '''
* OpenStack services might flap
* No workload downtime
* The nodes might be rebooted''',
'Launched actions': '''
* Install new version of system packages
* If doing dist-upgrade new kernel might be installed and node rebooted
* System packages are updated
* Node might be rebooted
upgradeStageMap.put('Upgrade OpenStack',
'Description': 'OpenStack python code will be upgraded during this stage. No workload downtime is expected.',
'Status': 'NOT_LAUNCHED',
'Expected behaviors': '''
* OpenStack services might flap
* No workload downtime''',
'Launched actions': '''
* Install new version of OpenStack packages
* Render version of configs
* Apply offline dbsync
* Start OpenStack services
* Verify agents are alive/connected
* Run basic API validation''',
'State result': '''
* OpenStack packages are upgraded
* Services are running
* Basic checks around services API are passed
* Verified that agents/services on data plane nodes are connected to new control plane
upgradeStageMap.put('Upgrade post: enable resources',
'Description': 'Verify that agents/services on node are up, add them back to scheduling.',
'Status': 'NOT_LAUNCHED',
'Expected behaviors': '''
* No service downtime
* No workload downtime''',
'Launched actions': '''
* Set neutron agents to admin sate enabled
* Enable nova-compute services''',
'State result': 'Hosts are being added to scheduling to host new resources',
upgradeStageMap.put('Post upgrade',
'Description': 'Only non destructive actions will be applied during this phase. Like cleanup old configs, cleanup temporary files. Online dbsyncs.',
'Status': 'NOT_LAUNCHED',
'Expected behaviors': '''
* No service downtime
* No workload downtime''',
'Launched actions': '''
* Cleanup os client configs''',
'State result': 'Temporary resources are being cleaned.'
def env = "env"
timeout(time: 24, unit: 'HOURS') {
node() {
stage('Setup virtualenv for Pepper') {
python.setupPepperVirtualenv(env, SALT_MASTER_URL, SALT_MASTER_CREDENTIALS)
def targetNodes = salt.getMinionsSorted(env, TARGET_SERVERS)
def migrateResources = true
if (targetNodes.isEmpty()) {
error("No servers for upgrade matched by ${TARGET_SERVERS}")
if (targetNodes.size() == 1 ){
migrateResources = false
if (interactive){
input message: common.getColorizedString(
"Above you can find detailed info this pipeline will execute.\nThe info provides brief description of each stage, actions that will be performed and service/workload impact during each stage.\nPlease read it carefully.", "yellow")
for (target in targetNodes){
common.stageWrapper(upgradeStageMap, "Pre upgrade", target, interactive) {
openstack.runOpenStackUpgradePhase(env, target, 'pre')
openstack.runOpenStackUpgradePhase(env, target, 'verify')
common.stageWrapper(upgradeStageMap, "Upgrade pre: migrate resources", target, interactive) {
if (migrateResources) {
common.infoMsg("Migrating neutron resources from ${target}")
openstack.runOpenStackUpgradePhase(env, target, 'upgrade.pre')
// Start upgrade only when resources were successfully migrated
common.stageWrapper(upgradeStageMap, "Upgrade OS", target, interactive) {
if (OS_DIST_UPGRADE.toBoolean() == true){
upgrade_mode = 'dist-upgrade'
} else if (OS_UPGRADE.toBoolean() == true){
upgrade_mode = 'upgrade'
if (OS_DIST_UPGRADE.toBoolean() == true || OS_UPGRADE.toBoolean() == true) {
debian.osUpgradeNode(env, target, upgrade_mode, false)
// Workaround for PROD-31413, install python-tornado from latest release if available and
// restart minion to apply new code.
salt.upgradePackageAndRestartSaltMinion(env, target, 'python-tornado')
common.stageWrapper(upgradeStageMap, "Upgrade OpenStack", target, interactive) {
// Stop services on node. //Do actual step by step orch here.
openstack.runOpenStackUpgradePhase(env, target, 'service_stopped')
openstack.runOpenStackUpgradePhase(env, target, 'pkgs_latest')
openstack.runOpenStackUpgradePhase(env, target, 'render_config')
openstack.runOpenStackUpgradePhase(env, target, 'service_running')
openstack.applyOpenstackAppsStates(env, target)
openstack.runOpenStackUpgradePhase(env, target, 'verify')
common.stageWrapper(upgradeStageMap, "Upgrade post: enable resources", target, interactive) {
openstack.runOpenStackUpgradePhase(env, target, '')