blob: 962c4edb443458660ff8004c394c47e6bf9ef999 [file] [log] [blame]
* Launch validation of the cloud with Rally
* Expected parameters:
* JOB_TIMEOUT Job timeout in hours
* SALT_MASTER_URL URL of Salt master
* SALT_MASTER_CREDENTIALS Credentials to the Salt API
* VALIDATE_PARAMS Validate job YAML params (see below)
* Rally - map with parameters for starting Rally tests
* AVAILABILITY_ZONE The name of availability zone
* FLOATING_NETWORK The name of the external(floating) network
* K8S_RALLY Use Kubernetes Rally plugin for testing K8S cluster
* STACKLIGHT_RALLY Use Stacklight Rally plugin for testing Stacklight
* RALLY_IMAGE The name of the image for Rally tests
* RALLY_FLAVOR The name of the flavor for Rally image
* RALLY_PLUGINS_REPO Git repository with Rally plugins
* RALLY_PLUGINS_BRANCH Git branch which will be used during the checkout
* RALLY_CONFIG_REPO Git repository with files for Rally
* RALLY_CONFIG_BRANCH Git branch which will be used during the checkout
* RALLY_SCENARIOS Path to file or directory with rally scenarios
* RALLY_SL_SCENARIOS Path to file or directory with stacklight rally scenarios
* RALLY_TASK_ARGS_FILE Path to file with rally tests arguments
* RALLY_DB_CONN_STRING Rally-compliant DB connection string for long-term storing
* results to external DB
* RALLY_TAGS List of tags for marking Rally tasks. Can be used when
* generating Rally trends based on particular group of tasks
* RALLY_TRENDS If enabled, generate Rally trends report. Requires external DB
* connection string to be set. If RALLY_TAGS was set, trends will
* be generated based on finished tasks with these tags, otherwise
* on all the finished tasks available in DB
* SKIP_LIST List of the Rally scenarios which should be skipped
* PARALLEL_PERFORMANCE If enabled, run Rally tests separately in parallel for each sub directory found
* GENERATE_REPORT Set this to false if you are running longevity tests on a cicd node with less than
* 21GB memory. Rally consumes lots of memory when generating reports sourcing week
* amounts of data (BUG PROD-30433)
common = new
validate = new com.mirantis.mcp.Validate()
salt = new
salt_testing = new
def VALIDATE_PARAMS = readYaml(text: env.getProperty('VALIDATE_PARAMS')) ?: [:]
throw new Exception("VALIDATE_PARAMS yaml is empty.")
def TEST_IMAGE = env.getProperty('TEST_IMAGE') ?: 'xrally-openstack:1.4.0'
def JOB_TIMEOUT = env.getProperty('JOB_TIMEOUT').toInteger() ?: 12
def SLAVE_NODE = env.getProperty('SLAVE_NODE') ?: 'docker'
def rally = VALIDATE_PARAMS.get('rally') ?: [:]
def scenariosRepo = rally.get('RALLY_CONFIG_REPO') ?: ''
def scenariosBranch = rally.get('RALLY_CONFIG_BRANCH') ?: 'master'
def pluginsRepo = rally.get('RALLY_PLUGINS_REPO') ?: ''
def pluginsBranch = rally.get('RALLY_PLUGINS_BRANCH') ?: 'master'
def tags = rally.get('RALLY_TAGS') ?: []
def generateReport = rally.get('GENERATE_REPORT', true).toBoolean()
// contrainer working dir vars
def rallyWorkdir = '/home/rally'
def rallyPluginsDir = "${rallyWorkdir}/rally-plugins"
def rallyScenariosDir = "${rallyWorkdir}/rally-scenarios"
def rallyResultsDir = "${rallyWorkdir}/test_results"
def rallySecrets = "${rallyWorkdir}/secrets"
// env vars
def env_vars = []
def platform = [
type: 'unknown',
stacklight: [enabled: false, grafanaPass: ''],
def cmp_count
// test results vars
def testResult
def tasksParallel = [:]
def parallelResults = [:]
def configRun = [:]
timeout(time: JOB_TIMEOUT, unit: 'HOURS') {
node (SLAVE_NODE) {
// local dir vars
def workDir = "${env.WORKSPACE}/rally"
def pluginsDir = "${workDir}/rally-plugins"
def scenariosDir = "${workDir}/rally-scenarios"
def secrets = "${workDir}/secrets"
def artifacts = "${workDir}/validation_artifacts"
stage('Configure env') {
def master = salt.connection(SALT_MASTER_URL, SALT_MASTER_CREDENTIALS)
// create local directories
sh "rm -rf ${workDir} || true"
sh "mkdir -p ${artifacts} ${secrets}"
writeFile file: "${workDir}/", text: '''#!/bin/bash
set -xe
exec "$@"
sh "chmod 755 ${workDir}/"
// clone repo with Rally plugins and checkout refs/branch
$class : 'GitSCM',
branches : [[name: 'FETCH_HEAD']],
extensions : [[$class: 'RelativeTargetDirectory', relativeTargetDir: pluginsDir]],
userRemoteConfigs: [[url: pluginsRepo, refspec: pluginsBranch]],
// clone scenarios repo and switch branch / fetch refspecs
$class : 'GitSCM',
branches : [[name: 'FETCH_HEAD']],
extensions : [[$class: 'RelativeTargetDirectory', relativeTargetDir: scenariosDir]],
userRemoteConfigs: [[url: scenariosRepo, refspec: scenariosBranch]],
// get number of computes in the cluster
platform['cluster_name'] = salt.getPillar(
master, 'I@salt:master', '_param:cluster_name'
def rcs_str_node = salt.getPillar(
master, 'I@salt:master', 'reclass:storage:node'
// set up Openstack env variables
if (rally.get('K8S_RALLY').toBoolean() == false) {
platform['type'] = 'openstack'
platform['cmp_count'] = rcs_str_node.openstack_compute_rack01['repeat']['count']
def rally_variables = [
env_vars = validate._get_keystone_creds_v3(master)
if (!env_vars) {
env_vars = validate._get_keystone_creds_v2(master)
env_vars = env_vars + rally_variables
} else {
// set up Kubernetes env variables get required secrets
platform['type'] = 'k8s'
platform['cmp_count'] = rcs_str_node.kubernetes_compute_rack01['repeat']['count']
def kubernetes = salt.getPillar(
master, 'I@kubernetes:master and *01*', 'kubernetes:master'
env_vars = [
"KUBERNETES_HOST=http://${kubernetes.apiserver.vip_address}" +
// get K8S certificates to manage cluster
def k8s_ca = salt.getFileContent(
master, 'I@kubernetes:master and *01*', '/etc/kubernetes/ssl/ca-kubernetes.crt'
def k8s_client_key = salt.getFileContent(
master, 'I@kubernetes:master and *01*', '/etc/kubernetes/ssl/kubelet-client.key'
def k8s_client_crt = salt.getFileContent(
master, 'I@kubernetes:master and *01*', '/etc/kubernetes/ssl/kubelet-client.crt'
writeFile file: "${secrets}/k8s-ca.crt", text: k8s_ca
writeFile file: "${secrets}/k8s-client.key", text: k8s_client_key
writeFile file: "${secrets}/k8s-client.crt", text: k8s_client_crt
// get Stacklight data
if (rally.STACKLIGHT_RALLY.toBoolean() == true) {
platform['stacklight']['enabled'] = true
def grafana = salt.getPillar(
master, 'I@grafana:client', 'grafana:client:server'
platform['stacklight']['grafanaPass'] = grafana['password']
if (! rally.PARALLEL_PERFORMANCE.toBoolean()) {
// Define map with docker commands
def commands = validate.runRallyTests(
platform, rally.RALLY_SCENARIOS,
rally.RALLY_TRENDS.toBoolean(), rally.SKIP_LIST, generateReport
def commands_list = commands.collectEntries{ [ (it.key) : { sh("${it.value}") } ] }
configRun = [
'image': TEST_IMAGE,
'baseRepoPreConfig': false,
'dockerMaxCpus': 2,
'dockerHostname': 'localhost',
'dockerExtraOpts': [
"-w ${rallyWorkdir}",
"-v ${workDir}/",
"-v ${pluginsDir}/:${rallyPluginsDir}",
"-v ${scenariosDir}/:${rallyScenariosDir}",
"-v ${artifacts}/:${rallyResultsDir}",
"-v ${secrets}/:${rallySecrets}",
'envOpts' : env_vars,
'runCommands' : commands_list,
common.infoMsg('Docker config:')
println configRun
common.infoMsg('Docker commands list:')
println commands
} else {
// Perform parallel testing of the components with Rally
def components = [
Common: [],
Stacklight: [],
// get list of directories inside scenarios path
def scenPath = "${scenariosDir}/${rally.RALLY_SCENARIOS}"
def mainComponents = sh(
script: "find ${scenPath} -maxdepth 1 -mindepth 1 -type d -exec basename {} \\;",
returnStdout: true,
if (! mainComponents) {
"No directories found inside RALLY_SCENARIOS ${rally.RALLY_SCENARIOS}\n" +
"Either set PARALLEL_PERFORMANCE=false or populate ${rally.RALLY_SCENARIOS} " +
"with component directories which include corresponding scenarios"
common.infoMsg( "Adding for parallel execution sub dirs found in " +
print mainComponents
if (rally.STACKLIGHT_RALLY.toBoolean() == true) {
def slScenPath = "${scenariosDir}/${rally.RALLY_SL_SCENARIOS}"
def slComponents = sh(
script: "find ${slScenPath} -maxdepth 1 -mindepth 1 -type d -exec basename {} \\;",
returnStdout: true,
if (! slComponents) {
"No directories found inside RALLY_SCENARIOS ${rally.RALLY_SL_SCENARIOS}\n" +
"Either set PARALLEL_PERFORMANCE=false or populate ${rally.RALLY_SL_SCENARIOS} " +
"with component directories which include corresponding scenarios"
common.infoMsg( "Adding for parallel execution sub dirs found in " +
print slComponents
// build up a map with tasks for parallel execution
def allComponents = components.values().flatten()
for (int i=0; i < allComponents.size(); i++) {
// randomize run so we don't bump each other at the startup
// also we need to let first thread create rally deployment
// so all the rest rally threads can use it after
def sleepSeconds = 15 * i
def task = allComponents[i]
def task_name = 'rally_' + task
def curComponent = components.find { task in it.value }.key
// inherit platform common data
def curPlatform = platform
// setup scenarios and stacklight switch per component
def commonScens = "${rally.RALLY_SCENARIOS}/${task}"
def stacklightScens = "${rally.RALLY_SL_SCENARIOS}/${task}"
switch (curComponent) {
case 'Common':
stacklightScens = ''
curPlatform['stacklight']['enabled'] = false
case 'Stacklight':
commonScens = ''
curPlatform['stacklight']['enabled'] = true
def curCommands = validate.runRallyTests(
curPlatform, commonScens,
stacklightScens, rally.RALLY_TASK_ARGS_FILE,
rally.RALLY_TRENDS.toBoolean(), rally.SKIP_LIST,
// copy required files for the current task
def taskWorkDir = "${env.WORKSPACE}/rally_" + task
def taskPluginsDir = "${taskWorkDir}/rally-plugins"
def taskScenariosDir = "${taskWorkDir}/rally-scenarios"
def taskArtifacts = "${taskWorkDir}/validation_artifacts"
def taskSecrets = "${taskWorkDir}/secrets"
sh "rm -rf ${taskWorkDir} || true"
sh "cp -ra ${workDir} ${taskWorkDir}"
def curCommandsList = curCommands.collectEntries{ [ (it.key) : { sh("${it.value}") } ] }
def curConfigRun = [
'image': TEST_IMAGE,
'baseRepoPreConfig': false,
'dockerMaxCpus': 2,
'dockerHostname': 'localhost',
'dockerExtraOpts': [
"-w ${rallyWorkdir}",
"-v ${taskWorkDir}/",
"-v ${taskPluginsDir}/:${rallyPluginsDir}",
"-v ${taskScenariosDir}/:${rallyScenariosDir}",
"-v ${taskArtifacts}/:${rallyResultsDir}",
"-v ${taskSecrets}/:${rallySecrets}",
'envOpts' : env_vars,
'runCommands' : curCommandsList,
tasksParallel['rally_' + task] = {
sleep sleepSeconds
common.infoMsg("Docker config for task $task")
println curConfigRun
common.infoMsg("Docker commands list for task $task")
println curCommands
parallelResults[task_name] = salt_testing.setupDockerAndTest(curConfigRun)
stage('Run Rally tests') {
def dockerStatuses = [:]
// start tests in Docker
if (! rally.PARALLEL_PERFORMANCE.toBoolean()) {
testResult = salt_testing.setupDockerAndTest(configRun)
dockerStatuses['rally'] = (testResult) ? 'OK' : 'FAILED'
} else {
common.infoMsg('Jobs to run in threads: ' + tasksParallel.keySet().join(' '))
parallel tasksParallel
parallelResults.each { task ->
dockerStatuses[task.key] = (task.value) ? 'OK' : 'FAILED'
// safely archiving all possible results
dockerStatuses.each { task ->
print "Collecting results for ${task.key} (docker status = '${task.value}')"
try {
archiveArtifacts artifacts: "${task.key}/validation_artifacts/*"
} catch (Throwable e) {
print 'failed to get artifacts'
// setting final job status
def failed = dockerStatuses.findAll { it.value == 'FAILED' }
if (failed.size() == dockerStatuses.size()) {
currentBuild.result = 'FAILURE'
} else if (dockerStatuses.find { it.value != 'OK' }) {
currentBuild.result = 'UNSTABLE'
stage('Clean env') {
// remove secrets
sh 'find ./ -type d -name secrets -exec rm -rf \\\"{}\\\" \\; || true'