| ############################################################################################# |
| # This file contains list of plugin's dependencies, installed to Docker image and pinned to # |
| # some version, to always have repeatable Jenkins Docker image. Any newly added plugin or # |
| # plugin's update should be aligned with its dependencies list here. Make sure, that plugin # |
| # has needed list of dependencies here, before image creation. Otherwise, always will be # |
| # taken latest versions of plugin's dependencies automactically. # |
| ############################################################################################# |
| ace-editor:1.1 |
| ant:1.8 |
| apache-httpcomponents-client-4-api:4.5.5-3.0 |
| authentication-tokens:1.3 |
| blueocean-autofavorite:1.2.2 |
| blueocean-bitbucket-pipeline:1.9.0 |
| blueocean-commons:1.9.0 |
| blueocean-config:1.9.0 |
| blueocean-core-js:1.9.0 |
| blueocean-dashboard:1.9.0 |
| blueocean-display-url:2.2.0 |
| blueocean-events:1.9.0 |
| blueocean-git-pipeline:1.9.0 |
| blueocean-github-pipeline:1.9.0 |
| blueocean-i18n:1.9.0 |
| blueocean-jira:1.9.0 |
| blueocean-jwt:1.9.0 |
| blueocean-personalization:1.9.0 |
| blueocean-pipeline-api-impl:1.9.0 |
| blueocean-pipeline-editor:1.9.0 |
| blueocean-pipeline-scm-api:1.9.0 |
| blueocean-rest-impl:1.9.0 |
| blueocean-rest:1.9.0 |
| blueocean-web:1.9.0 |
| bouncycastle-api:2.17 |
| branch-api:2.0.20 |
| cloudbees-bitbucket-branch-source:2.2.12 |
| cloudbees-folder:6.5.1 |
| command-launcher:1.2 |
| config-file-provider:3.7.0 |
| credentials-binding:1.16 |
| credentials:2.1.18 |
| display-url-api:2.2.0 |
| docker-commons:1.13 |
| docker-workflow:1.17 |
| durable-task:1.26 |
| envinject-api:1.5 |
| favorite:2.3.2 |
| git-client:2.7.3 |
| git-server:1.7 |
| git:3.12.1 |
| github-api:1.92 |
| github-branch-source:2.4.1 |
| github:1.29.3 |
| gradle:1.29 |
| handlebars:1.1.1 |
| handy-uri-templates-2-api:2.1.6-1.0 |
| htmlpublisher:1.17 |
| ivy:1.28 |
| jackson2-api: |
| javadoc:1.4 |
| jdk-tool:1.1 |
| jenkins-design-language:1.9.0 |
| jira:3.0.3 |
| jquery-detached:1.2.1 |
| jquery:1.12.4-0 |
| jsch: |
| junit:1.26.1 |
| mailer:1.21 |
| matrix-project:1.13 |
| maven-plugin:3.10 |
| mercurial:2.14 |
| metrics: |
| momentjs:1.1.1 |
| multiple-scms:0.6 |
| pipeline-build-step:2.7 |
| pipeline-graph-analysis:1.7 |
| pipeline-input-step:2.8 |
| pipeline-milestone-step:1.3.1 |
| pipeline-model-api:1.3.2 |
| pipeline-model-declarative-agent:1.1.1 |
| pipeline-model-definition:1.3.2 |
| pipeline-model-extensions:1.3.2 |
| pipeline-rest-api:2.10 |
| pipeline-stage-step:2.3 |
| pipeline-stage-tags-metadata:1.3.2 |
| pipeline-stage-view:2.10 |
| plain-credentials:1.4 |
| pubsub-light:1.12 |
| rebuild:1.29 |
| scm-api:2.3.0 |
| script-security:1.46 |
| sse-gateway:1.16 |
| ssh-credentials:1.14 |
| structs:1.17 |
| token-macro:2.5 |
| variant:1.1 |
| workflow-aggregator:2.5 |
| workflow-api:2.30 |
| workflow-basic-steps:2.11 |
| workflow-cps-global-lib:2.12 |
| workflow-cps:2.58 |
| workflow-durable-task-step:2.22 |
| workflow-job:2.26 |
| workflow-multibranch:2.20 |
| workflow-scm-step:2.7 |
| workflow-step-api:2.16 |
| workflow-support:2.21 |