blob: edd2130d84db3201f615ee3e3afe4ea526fac1d2 [file] [log] [blame]
#!/usr/bin/env bats
load test_helpers
@test "build image" {
docker build -t $SUT_IMAGE .
@test "clean test containers" {
@test "test multiple JENKINS_OPTS" {
# running --help --version should return the version, not the help
local version=$(grep 'ENV JENKINS_VERSION' Dockerfile | sed -e 's/ENV JENKINS_VERSION //')
# need the last line of output, removing the last char
local actual_version=$(docker run --rm -ti -e JENKINS_OPTS="--help --version" --name $SUT_CONTAINER -P $SUT_IMAGE | tail -n 1)
assert "${version}" echo "${actual_version::-1}"
@test "test jenkins arguments" {
# running --help --version should return the version, not the help
local version=$(grep 'ENV JENKINS_VERSION' Dockerfile | sed -e 's/ENV JENKINS_VERSION //')
# need the last line of output, removing the last char
local actual_version=$(docker run --rm -ti --name $SUT_CONTAINER -P $SUT_IMAGE --help --version | tail -n 1)
assert "${version}" echo "${actual_version::-1}"
@test "create test container" {
docker run -d -e JAVA_OPTS="-Duser.timezone=Europe/Madrid -Dhudson.model.DirectoryBrowserSupport.CSP=\"default-src 'self'; script-src 'self' 'unsafe-inline' 'unsafe-eval'; style-src 'self' 'unsafe-inline';\"" --name $SUT_CONTAINER -P $SUT_IMAGE
@test "test container is running" {
sleep 1 # give time to eventually fail to initialize
retry 3 1 assert "true" docker inspect -f {{.State.Running}} $SUT_CONTAINER
@test "Jenkins is initialized" {
retry 30 5 test_url /api/json
@test "JAVA_OPTS are set" {
local sed_expr='s/<wbr>//g;s/<td class="pane">.*<\/td><td class.*normal">//g;s/<t.>//g;s/<\/t.>//g'
assert 'default-src &#039;self&#039;; script-src &#039;self&#039; &#039;unsafe-inline&#039; &#039;unsafe-eval&#039;; style-src &#039;self&#039; &#039;unsafe-inline&#039;;' \
bash -c "curl -fsSL $(get_jenkins_url)/systemInfo | sed 's/<\/tr>/<\/tr>\'$'\n/g' | grep '<td class=\"pane\">hudson.model.DirectoryBrowserSupport.CSP</td>' | sed -e '${sed_expr}'"
assert 'Europe/Madrid' \
bash -c "curl -fsSL $(get_jenkins_url)/systemInfo | sed 's/<\/tr>/<\/tr>\'$'\n/g' | grep '<td class=\"pane\">user.timezone</td>' | sed -e '${sed_expr}'"
@test "clean test containers" {