blob: 3d8de252a6ef3a052ed5494910049b591c7c2ee2 [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright 2016 Mirantis, Inc.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
# a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
import os
from devops.helpers import decorators
from tcp_tests.managers.execute_commands import ExecuteCommandsMixin
from tcp_tests.managers.clients.prometheus import prometheus_client
from tcp_tests import logger
LOG = logger.logger
class SLManager(ExecuteCommandsMixin):
"""docstring for OpenstackManager"""
__config = None
__underlay = None
def __init__(self, config, underlay, salt):
self.__config = config
self.__underlay = underlay
self._salt = salt
self._p_client = None
super(SLManager, self).__init__(
config=config, underlay=underlay)
def install(self, commands):
label='Install SL services')
self.__config.stack_light.sl_installed = True
self.__config.stack_light.sl_vip_host = self.get_sl_vip()
def get_sl_vip(self):
sl_vip_address_pillars = self._salt.get_pillar(
sl_vip_ip = set([ip
for item in sl_vip_address_pillars
for node, ip in item.items() if ip])
assert len(sl_vip_ip) == 1, (
"SL VIP not found or found more than one SL VIP in pillars:{0}, "
"expected one!").format(sl_vip_ip)
sl_vip_ip_host = sl_vip_ip.pop()
return sl_vip_ip_host
def api(self):
if self._p_client is None:
self._p_client = prometheus_client.PrometheusClient(
return self._p_client
def get_monitoring_nodes(self):
return [node_name for node_name
in self.__underlay.node_names() if 'mon' in node_name]
def get_service_info_from_node(self, node_name):
service_stat_dict = {}
with self.__underlay.remote(node_name=node_name) as node_remote:
result = node_remote.execute(
"docker service ls --format '{{.Name}}:{{.Replicas}}'")
LOG.debug("Service ls result {0} from node {1}".format(
result['stdout'], node_name))
for line in result['stdout']:
tmp = line.split(':')
service_stat_dict.update({tmp[0]: tmp[1]})
return service_stat_dict
def run_sl_functional_tests(self, node_to_run, tests_path,
test_to_run, skip_tests):
target_node_name = [node_name for node_name
in self.__underlay.node_names()
if node_to_run in node_name]
if skip_tests:
cmd = "cd {0}; pytest -k 'not {1}' {2}".format(
tests_path, skip_tests, test_to_run)
cmd = "cd {0}; pytest -k {1}".format(tests_path, test_to_run)
with self.__underlay.remote(node_name=target_node_name[0]) \
as node_remote:
LOG.debug("Run {0} on the node {1}".format(
cmd, target_node_name[0]))
result = node_remote.execute(cmd)
LOG.debug("Test execution result is {}".format(result))
return result
def download_sl_test_report(self, stored_node, file_path):
target_node_name = [node_name for node_name
in self.__underlay.node_names()
if stored_node in node_name]
with self.__underlay.remote(node_name=target_node_name[0]) as r:
def check_docker_services(self, nodes, expected_services):
"""Check presense of the specified docker services on all the nodes
:param nodes: list of strings, names of nodes to check
:param expected_services: list of strings, names of services to find
for node in nodes:
services_status = self.get_service_info_from_node(node)
assert len(services_status) == len(expected_services), \
'Some services are missed on node {0}. ' \
'Current service list: {1}\nExpected service list: {2}' \
.format(node, services_status, expected_services)
for service in expected_services:
assert service in services_status,\
'Missing service {0} in {1}'.format(service,
assert '0' not in services_status.get(service),\
'Service {0} failed to start'.format(service)
@decorators.retry(AssertionError, count=10, delay=5)
def check_prometheus_targets(self, nodes):
"""Check the status for Prometheus targets
:param nodes: list of strings, names of nodes with keepalived VIP
prometheus_client = self.api
current_targets = prometheus_client.get_targets()
except:'Restarting keepalived service on mon nodes...')
for node in nodes:
self._salt.local(tgt=node, fun='',
args='systemctl restart keepalived')
'Ip states after force restart {0}'.format(
fun='', args='ip a')))
current_targets = prometheus_client.get_targets()
LOG.debug('Current targets after install {0}'
# Assert that targets are up
for entry in current_targets:
assert 'up' in entry['health'], \
'Next target is down {}'.format(entry)